A New Approach in Mission Work
Training Men Where They Live
For decades we have sent families into the mission field to reach foreign cultures with the Gospel. These efforts have had mixed results at best. Many works thrive as long as the missionaries stay in the field, but as soon as they return home the work they leave behind crumbles.
As a brotherhood, we have also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring men to the States to be trained expecting them to return to their countries and evangelize. This has also had mixed results as once these men spend two or three years in the United States, they don't want to return to their home countries. If they do return, they often want to live much like they did while they were in the States. Obviously, this poses many problems.
At Bear Valley, We take a different approach to these problems - we train preachers in their native country. Working with congregations throughout the brotherhood, preaching schools have been established in many foreign countries with more on the way. We train men to be preachers and evangelists while they live within their own communities and culture. They become the preachers and missionaries to their own people. No culture shock, no dependence on American missionaries.
School Reports (most recently posted):
- Arusha 562
- Tanzania 132
- Ghana 297
- Tamale 149
- Luanshya 38
- Gweru 54
- South Sudan 2
- Ekwendeni 34
- Malawi 75
- Ghana Extended Programs 148
- Lima 21
- Peru 33
- Accra 58
- Nigeria Extended Programs 139
- Sierra Leone 65
- Guinea 65
- India 91
- Ibadan 72
- Nigeria 323
- Takoradi 93
- Liberia 69
- Tirupati 57
- Kenya 84
- Mombasa 10
- Kisumu 19
- Cambodia 134
- Brazil 3
- Cebu 5
- Philippines 12
- Togo 120
- Myanmar 11
- Harare 11
- Lesotho 14
- South Africa 1
- Chad 12
- Cameroon 447
- Fiji 50
- Enugu 5
- Port Harcourt 5
- Haiti 26
- Bikkavolu 2
- Dar es Salaam 5
- Nsawam 1
- Mbanga 88
- Trinidad 9
- Nepal 82
- New Zealand 25
- Guatemala 44
- Chimala 94
- Paraguay 50
School Reports (alphabetically):
- Accra 58
- Arusha 562
- Bikkavolu 2
- Brazil 3
- Cambodia 134
- Cameroon 447
- Cebu 5
- Chad 12
- Chimala 94
- Dar es Salaam 5
- Ekwendeni 34
- Enugu 5
- Fiji 50
- Ghana 297
- Ghana Extended Programs 148
- Guatemala 44
- Guinea 65
- Gweru 54
- Haiti 26
- Harare 11
- Ibadan 72
- India 91
- Kenya 84
- Kisumu 19
- Lesotho 14
- Liberia 69
- Lima 21
- Luanshya 38
- Malawi 75
- Mbanga 88
- Mombasa 10
- Myanmar 11
- Nepal 82
- New Zealand 25
- Nigeria 323
- Nigeria Extended Programs 139
- Nsawam 1
- Paraguay 50
- Peru 33
- Philippines 12
- Port Harcourt 5
- Sierra Leone 65
- South Africa 1
- South Sudan 2
- Takoradi 93
- Tamale 149
- Tanzania 132
- Tirupati 57
- Togo 120
- Trinidad 9