Posts tagged #Ekwendeni

Looking at a bright future in Malawi

Hello, everyone!

It is amazing to recall what God has done to us and how we have managed to achieve many things in the year 2024. As the year goes to an end, on behalf of BV school in Ekwendeni, Malawi would like to send seasons greetings to you all!

The year-end report has been already send to Donnie, who will send it to BV international. As Ekwendeni school, we plan many things every year without knowing the future, but one thing we know is that God is in the future and because of this understanding, we have hope for 2025 as well. We will always plan for the future!


As we are waiting for our classes to start on the 3rd February 2025, we are receiving good news from our former and recent graduates. We have some news reported to us by brothers Chitekwe, Takesure, Saliwa and Alex that through their effort in preaching this month of December the good Lord has added 17 souls to the church and 14 more souls restored. We are always proud of our graduates for the good work they are doing in the congregation they worship. Gaod bless their families.

 Trip to Lilongwe!

I was excited to be Lilongwe from the 2nd to the 6th of this month of December. Brother Dale and his family hosted me as I taught the book of James through that week. I enjoyed my time with them and also was encouraged the way the students showed cooperation with me. All went on well.

We are always thankful for the partnership between BV international and Hillcrest church for the support we received every month. This helps us greatly to achieve many things at school and also in our families. God, keep on blessing you and your families, too. We pray that this continues for the betterment of the Lord's church as many men need to be trained and souls be saved. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours sincerely 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on January 5, 2025 .

Evangelism in Malawi

What a month! What a great joy to share! What a blessing! It is always a great joy to share the good news after an excellent event. Bear Valley Bible lnstitute Ekwendeni Malawi is thrilled with joy after being visited by four great men of God, namely, brother Dr Denny Petrillo, Donnie Esteep, Tim Murray and Mike Kidwell

Our visitors arrived through Kamuzu International Airport on the 6th of October. From the 7th to the 12th of October, it was a busy week whereby Donnie was in class for the whole week teaching World Religion course while Denny, Tim, and Mike were teaching Bible classes in village congregations. We had 3 places we visited in villages; from the 8th to the 9th of October we were at Kafukure church of Christ where about 17 local congregations sent atleast 5 people to represent the church at the Bible class. _The last classe the attendance was 84,_ including Denny, Mike, Tim, and Ephron. On the 10th, we were at Chinungu church where and on the 11th, we were at katoto Church. In all these places, brothers Denny, Mike, and Tim had to teach one after another, and Ephron translated. 

Finally, on the 12th was another busy day of graduation ceremony and farewell speeches from both visiting teachers (brothers), local directors, chiefs, and students. What a day, what an event it was. In all these things, joy was the sermon of the day . After the graduation we had to drive about 6 hours to a lodge near the airport in Lilongwe. God made everything possible .

 *Graduates on Fire!* 

After graduation ceremony ended, all the students left for their homes but just after two days, we started receiving good news from the students; William Msutu baptized 2 souls just two days after the graduation, Blessings Kavuta reported 2 souls saved, after three days of graduation Webster Zgambo reported 3 souls saved. This is proving to us that the students are putting into use what they have been entrusted by both local and international teachers. This is very encouraging news to us as teachers. Very interestingly, William had to dig a well to baptize the two souls as in his home area, there's not enough water running in the rivers.

 *Extra news!* 

We also received good news from some of our way back graduates; Brother Shadreck Chitekwe reported 2 baptisms and 2 restorations; brother Mateyu Ching'oma reported 4 baptisms; brother Takesure Nkhoma reported 4 souls saved; brother Alex and Farawo reported 7 souls saved and 9 more restored. *This has brought in a total of 24 souls saved in October and 11 souls restored* . 

We are very thankful for the partnership between Bear Valley Bible lnstitute International and the church at Hillcrest. The strong bond is making things work for good at Bear Valley Bible lnstitute Ekwendeni - Malawi. We always keep you in our prayers. The world is still lost in sin and needs Christ. You on going involvement will bring in great change. _Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls_ !

Your fellow brothers in Christ, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on November 18, 2024 .

Graduation in Malawi!

Graduation time is always a special event to be remembered by the graduates, teachers, and guardians. On the 12th of October, 2024, we had a great graduation than before. This was a special graduation graced the even was the professor Dr. Denny Petrillo, our brother I'm Christ. We have known him as the president for BV 70 schools in the world before he became one of the elders at his home congregation. We were very honored to have him as the guest of honor along with the elders from Hillcrest church; Brothers Tim and Mike. The visitors also included Donnie, who is the coordinator for all the BV schools in Southern Africa. 

The ceremony started at 8Am and ended at 10Am it took about 2 hours to finish everything. 

We had about 6 men who spoke, and I will just mention the speeches made by only three people; The first to speak was the student's representative, he thanked God for their 2 years time at school where everyone enjoyed the classes and received everything at no cost. He also requested the BV international to consider Bachelors and Masters degree classes at the school since they still have hunger and thirst to learn more of God's words.

The second to speak was the chief of the area, who appreciated the coming of the school in the area as they have benefited greatly with clean water, which the school shares with them. But they noticed the many villagers who came to the school to get water and cause the environment to be conducive, and because of this, the chief asked if we could consider drilling another borehole in the area. After the chief representative, the director of the school, also spoke, then one the elders from Hillcrest church, the coordinator, and finally, our guest of honor concluded everything.

The speech of Brother Denny Petrillo emphasized using the knowledge they have been given. As follows of Christ, we always need to commit what we have been entrusted to other faithful men who could also be able to teach others - 2 Timothy 2:2. He also said, "Without using the knowledge given, it is a disaster"; "Without living a life demonstrating the knowledge given is a disaster" he encouraged the students to live a life worth the entrusted message of salvation - *the gospel !

We, as BV school staff here at Ekwendeni, are always thankful to God for the great partnership between the BV international and the eldership of the Hillcrest church. The cooperation has greatly changed the looks of many things at our school here in Ekwendeni, Malawi. We pray to God always for your families and the church thereto always consider us worthy of your support, kindness, and love. The world is still in sins, and we need to always consider the lost souls - Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your brothers in Christ, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on October 21, 2024 .

32 more conversions in Malawi

Hello everyone!

Grace and peace from God be with you all. We are always thankful to God for everything.  God has again brought excitement in our hearts as we have good news to share with you all. It is always good to hear from our students who graduated from our school. This months we were able to receive good news from Shadreck, Wakisa, Calvin and Mateyu. These men are doing great work every day, for example Shadreck had preaching campaign in Phalombe district far south of Malawi and has reported 16 baptisms,  Calvin from  Nkhataby district reported 1 baptism, Wakisa from Karonga district reported 7 baptisms and Mateyu from Kasungu district reported 8 baptisms and 6 restorations. We are thankful to God for their zeal to keep preaching .  This has totaled to 32 baptisms and 6 restorations. Praise God!


The Teaching work is almost finished,  we are remaining with three courses before the graduation in October this year. The students have grown in the understand of the scriptures.  It is always a gradual growth. We are looking forward to have Donnie teach a final class on World religion from the 7th to 11th of October, 2024.


We excited to announce the 12th day of October, 2024 as the day when our students will be awarded their diplomas for reaching to the final day of their studies with us for two years. We are humbly inviting all who would love to comes and witness this occasion.  We are already excited that brothers Tim, Mike and Donnie have already shown interest.  Please you are welcomed to this happy day, food will be available for everyone  

We are thankful for the partnership between Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the Hillcrest brethren. Without your hand,  nothing could have been achieved. As long as we still have lost souls under heaven, we have responsibility to preaching the saving message of the gospel. Eternity Is Forever,  Think Souls!

Your fellow laborers in the Lord, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on September 9, 2024 .

26 more baptisms in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

June, July 2024 Report


It is amazing to see how time goes so quickly. It is already half a year done. We are happy to see the students back at the campus. They were on one month vocation preaching in their home congregations and reports from their church leaders, and members are exciting news to the school – 26 souls saved and 8 more restored! We thank God for the progress the students are making using the knowledge they have been given to the wisely.


We are happy that we are almost about to finish our 2 years of teaching before graduation takes place in October. We resumed classes on the 1st of July with Minor Prophets 2. It was amazing to see the Church of Christ in Minor Prophets and many prophecies about Christ being told. We are looking forward to short course teachers coming; Brothers Wongani, Blessings, and Donnie.

 *June Preaching Results by Students* 

We thank God to have students from all the regions of Malawi. It is very exciting to hear news from all of these regions and how the students are helping in changing the lives of many people as they preach in their home congregations. After going through the student’s reports, we noticed the numbers of the souls saved through baptism, totaling 26 and 8 more restored. God is good!

 *Preaching Campaign* 

We planned a preaching campaign in the Kasungu area in September 2024, where Brothers Mark, the assistant of the director of BV international schools, was supposed to be with us. Unfortunately, he is not coming, but we will still go ahead with the plan. Pray for this to be successful.

We always appreciate Bear Valley International and the Hillcrest church for the support. Your prayers and kindness mean a lot to us. We always pray that God continues blessing your families. _Think Souls_ !

Yours fellow servants,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on July 15, 2024 .

More good news from Malawi

Hello everyone!

We are excited to let our students go for one moth holiday.  June is always a month we give our students to go home and harvest their crops as well as to reunite with their families.  We had good time with them, they have been doing good in class and in preaching door to door as well.  We hope as they leave for their homes,  they will come back in July with good news to share as always. 

Preaching campaign - 21 to 25 May

The Usisya congregation invited the school for a one week preaching campaign as dated in the heading above. We responded them positively,  so we went. We are excited with the campaign outcome and they are asking us to go back again next time. We are always happy to go preach, this helps our students to gain more experience in the field work. This always is our goal - 2Timothy 2:2 (We Train Preachers). This campaign we have helped 17 souls be added to the church through baptism and also 8 souls restored.  Praise God . 


We are almost to the end of our second year Teaching.  We are remaining with few courses to finish before the graduation of our students.  We will resume our classes in the first week of July, 2024. 

Construction work

Please,  we ask for your prayers as we are Constructing Teachers house which will also be accommodating our visiting teachers. The foundation is completed and will start the super structure soon.

We are always thankful for the cooperation between BV international and the Brethren at Hillcrest church for this work. Without your support we would not be where we are today.  Your prayers,  kindness and support means a lot to us. God bless your families continually. 

Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

With Regards!

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on June 5, 2024 .

43 more baptisms in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni - Malawi


We are of great joy to be back at school again after a long holiday. The students are happy to start their many assignments, memory work again and many quizzes . 

It is amazing to hear from the students how their holiday never enjoyed as a holiday. With the reports they have shared, no one seems was just resting. Everyone was busy, preaching, teaching and more to this farming making sure they have food for their families. But the good news is that they have reported 30 souls restored during holiday and 43 baptisms. We are proud of them for the good work they are doing. This makes the school to be recognized by those who hears them teach and preach.


We are in our second year, and at the end of this year this class we are having will graduate. The work of teaching is at its boiling point. This being the final year for our students we are making it possible that they are taught the remaining courses in time. In this month of February, 2 courses have already been done.


As stated in the introduction part, the students have been preaching and teaching during their holiday session which resulted into 43 souls being added to the Lord's church and 30 more restored. We had 21 students and now we are having 17. The 4 students have dropped out of school due to other issues about their families, which we couldn't get involved for them to stay at school. But we pray that one day they will think of coming back to finish their studies. The report about 30 restoration and 43 baptisms is from our 17 students home congregations and places where they have been going preaching and teaching.

Prayers needed,

We ask your prayers as our country Malawi is experiencing dry spell in many areas which gives fears of having hunger this year through next year. Our students being bread winners in their homes they are deeply worried. But we hope God will not allow His people to starving . We need to approach Him in prayers .

We are thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the Hillcrest church. We appreciate the love, support and many prayers you offer for this work! Your partnership with Hillcrest church is helping us greatly. We always need your involvement in this work of saving souls to Christ and training men become faithful preachers. As long as there are people who cannot find their way, we have the responsibility! Eternity Is Forever Think Souls!

Your fellow workers in Christ;

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on March 12, 2024 .

19 more baptisms in Malawi!


Greetings from BV school in Ekwendeni Malawi. We all the joy we want to share with you the good news that have been received in this month of November from our students. 

When you think of holiday, you mean resting but this not with our students. The holiday for them means working, "we will rest when we die" I quote from one of the students. This month of November, alot have been done in the village congregations where our students are staying during this time of their holiday - 22 souls have been saved(19 baptisms and 3 restored)!

December plans!

The teachers have agreed to have some few trips to villages, checking on how the students are doing in their home congregations. It is one way of encouraging them.

Bibles in our local language

We are so thankful to brother Dale for the contribution towards they purchase of Tumbuka Bibles. We managed to buy 89 based on the funds we had.

We always appreciate the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the Hillcrest church for the partnership that makes our school move forward. God continue to blessing you all.

"Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls

In Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

Donnie Estep visits Malawi

Hello Everyone!

We are grateful to God that we have reached this far in the year 2023. We have just ended our second semester and all the students have gone home for their practical work. We expect them back in early February. We were also excited to have Donnie with us for a short course. This month of October a lot has been achieved and good news from our former students is always encouraging. More in the details below!


So far so good a job has been done. We have done more than half of our curriculum and next year will be the final for this class and then graduation. Before the close of the second semester we hosted brother Donnie who was teaching the book of "Hebrews". Donnie was excited to see how quickly our students are growing in knowledge. The first year class is always challenging especially in the first semester but as they go along they improve and their understanding becomes Joy to every teacher.


We have received news from some of our former students like brother Saliwa, Takesure, Shadreck, Mateyo and some men who are working with the school; brothers Abishai and Kennedy. They have reported of souls being saved totaling to 46 in the months of October and 14 more souls restored. This always puts the school on the map when we hear from our graduates. We pray that God bless their families physically and Spiritually as they continue doing this noble work.


Our students are now gone for a 3 months holiday. It is a long holiday for them to have enough time to preach, teach and encourage congregations. And also, we in Africa depend on farming as a source of finding something to put on our tables and the rains starts in November whereby everyone is needed to be working on his field of crops. The school will open in the first week of February, 2024.

We are always thankful to God for the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the partnership with the Hillcrest church in Missouri for the every month support. Our currency has been devalued 2, if not 3 times this year putting everything rocketing up high in prices. Life is not the same. But your support and prayers make us move forward. Keep helping us and you have your reward hereafter. Many men have no biblical education and many souls are not saved. Let's join hands to fulfill the ministry. Your involvement is still needed.

"Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls"!

Yours in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on November 1, 2023 .

Guest teacher in Malawi

Hello everyone!

It is amazing to see how days are ending so quickly. We have almost 3 months before the year ends. Many good things have happened this year and we wish they could continue and the year shouldn't end so soon. However, we respect the seasons given by our good God and Lord Jesus Christ to us.

During the past 2 months lots have happened and we sometimes fail where to start because we are so excited about good news we are receiving from our former students who are doing good work in their respective homes. Within these two months 35 souls have been added to Christ and 18 more restored! We always thank God who works in us all for this course of winning souls to Christ. We also had a short course teacher from our sister school in Gweru - Zimbabwe. It was a blessing to have him teach and he too was excited to receive a warm welcome in Malawi which is rightly nicknamed as "The warmheart of Africa"!


As we all are aware that the purpose of our school is to train men become faithful preachers of the sound and health doctrine, we have covered a lot of course since we started our second semester in July, this year. Brother Ishmael Mutichu from Gweru taught the "Synoptic gospels" from the 18th through 22nd of September. This is a good thing as it does strengthen the relationship between the sister schools within central Africa and beyond.


We have had lot of preaching campaigns in August and September. The results of these campaigns is that 35 souls saved and 18 souls restored. We have brothers who are our graduates and are doing a good job of winning souls to Christ. Brothers Saliwa, Takesure, Mateyo, Shadreck just to mention but a few. The other campaign will be from the the 28th through 1st of October, 2023. This campaign will be in the district of chitipa near the boarder of Zambia and Tanzania. Our students are looking forward to going. We ask for your prayers . 

We are so thankful for the support we receive from the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and also from the Hillcrest Christian family. The bold between us is beyond our imagination. We pray that God continues blessings your families as we still need your involvement in this work of training men and winning souls to Christ. As far as we have souls still not saved, we have the responsibility of reaching out to them - 2 Timothy 2:2!

"Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls

In Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on October 2, 2023 .

32 Baptisms in Malawi

Hello everyone!

It is our hope that everyone of you is doing well. July has been a good month for us. We have had busy time preaching and teaching the gospel of Christ. As it is; some were good recipients and some were slower than others. But the good news is that we have a report of 32 souls saved and 47 more restored. We are thankful to our Alumni for working tirelessly preaching and teaching the sound doctrine!

Teaching and Preaching

As a preaching school of training faithful men become preachers, we are so excited to train as many men as we can. The Ability and Opportunity will always give us Responsibility to action as we preach and train men - 2 Timothy 2:2!

We are in our second month since we resumed the classes after holiday. Much have already been achieved so far. It is always a move from the low lever to a high lever of understanding and getting used to memorizing, research writing, essays. Students are growing to understanding things every day which is encouraging. 


It has been a good month of preaching door to door. Brother William Tembo invited the school for a 3 days preaching campaign where the church has been established. The place is called "Kajivi" in Mtwalo area of Mzimba. It was all joy as the church has started with 31 members. We ask you to remember them in your prayers. Again, we received good reports from our allumins who have been busy preaching and winning souls to Christ.

Brothers Saliwa, Takesure, Abishai, Shadreck and Mateyo have reported a total of 32 baptisms and 47 restorations. We thank God for these men and the big difference they are making in the Kingdom of Christ. We are always proud of them. This shows the work of training men to become preachers is fruitful.

We are thankful again and again to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and Hillcrest church of Christ for the good work you are doing. You always think good of us and without your support things could could not be as it is right now. God keep on blessing your families.

Your fellow workers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on August 8, 2023 .

Souls are being won in Malawi!


It is always good to hear people being saved from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of Christ. Preaching is always a difficult work when it comes to making someone leave his or her wrong belief, and come to Christ. But since we do the work and the good Lord change the hearts of people, it becomes joy to us when many lost souls are being saved. We praise God

We are looking forward to the end of the holiday in 2 weeks time when students will be coming back. Students are on holiday, but the reports coming shows they are not resting. They are preaching and teaching the gospel, and the results of the work they are doing is outstanding.


We have received good news from our students in Karonga, Ntchisi, Mzimba and Kasungu that the Lord has added souls to Christ. The number of baptisms which has reached us is karonga wovwe 4, kasungu 8, ntchisi 3 and Mzimba 5 giving us a total of 20 baptisms. Apart of this good news we have another awesome news! New congregation established at Chazgovu village in Euthini Mzimba district.

New congregation established!

On of our former graduate, who is also helping us distribute world bible school lessons in villages, went to euthini where we have more than 100 WBS students registered through our school BV Ekwendeni. He was called to help some get into Christ last month and he found that the distance from where people are to a meeting place is far, a suggestion for the new congregation to be established was given. I helped Saliwa organize the campaign and we called preachers to go and preach. The campaign stated on the 22 to the 25 of June. The Lord did wonders in a period of 3 days that 15 souls were saved! The new congregation is established! Keep them in your prayers . The chief has said will give land to the church to build a church building, but has also given the church a nursery room for kids that  temporarily should be used as a meeting place for the church. He has asked us to go again and preach since the area is big and many have not been reached. We plan to go with the students this second semester!

Word of thanks!

We always thank Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the working hand in hand with the Hillcrest to help us teach and reach out to the lost souls. Without your support and prayers nothing we could be able to do on our own. There's still a wide door open for us to reach out to the lost souls - Matthew 28:18-20! We are ready to go!

Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls.

Your brothers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on July 8, 2023 .

Guest teacher in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

May, 2023 Report


Holiday is here again as we end up the first semester with good news! It has been a very productive semester with good news and visiting teachers than ever before. We always say it is holiday time but in reality it is not as the students work tirelessly in their home congregations. The students will be out of school for one month 2 weeks and will be doing lots of door to door preaching and teaching.Some of our former graduates are reporting good news too from the good work they are doing. This month we were also blessed by the visiting short course teachers from the USA. The former graduates have reported 21 baptisms and 67 restored. Out of the 21 baptized, 4 of them are those they are studying with us through world bible school. We have 301 students registered and some who have already finished the 7 series of courses have received an ESV Bible. To God be the glory!


This semester has come to an end and students have gone for holiday after spending 4 months of classes work. The semester ended with the course on Romans taught by Daniel from the USA. Daniel was accompanied by one of the deacons from where Brother Daniel is preaching. Both of the two are good Brothers with the great zeal to help Malawi grow in the knowledge of the word. We hope they will come again to help us teach.


Some of our former graduates have reported good news to us and we are also glad to share with all who read our monthly reports. Brother Shadreck from Pharombe reported that 5 souls were added last 2 weeks as a result of his preaching door to door; Brother Takesure reported 9 souls saved and 67 more restored; brother Saliwa reported 4 souls being added to the church and also Brother Mateyo reported 3 souls baptized. We are very thankful to hear that our graduates are doing what has been planted in them. This is always encouraging news to every teacher locally and internationally. We are also praying daily for the WBS students who are registered through BVBI- Ekwendeni. We have witnessed many souls being baptized out of 301 total registered. Only this month 4 have been baptized. Praise God!

We are so thankful for the BVBI-International for the strong bond with the Hillcrest church in Missouri, this has brought a change in the school here in Malawi. We pray that the fellowship will continue for the betterment of the school progress here in Malawi. We pray for your families to prosper as this work still needs your help and support. Working as a team will easily destroy Satan’s kingdom. Matthew 28:18-20!

Yours brothers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on June 9, 2023 .

Doing good in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

March Report – 2023


March has ended with both good and sad news! But if we summarize all, the name of the Lord is always PRAISED! March took us to the end of the second month since we started our classes this year of 2023. Many things have been accomplished such that 6 courses have been finished. We have received news from some of our former students that 13 souls have been added to the church and also 13 more souls restored.

The sad news is about deaths; we have had heavy rains in different districts of the southern part of Malawi where 10 districts were affected with the floods. Two of our students are from the south and one has lost his biological brother and the other one lost his father. It is sad news! Below is the detailed report.


As we are in the middle of our classes, a lot of work has already been done. We have had short course teachers who come to help us and with our full time teachers six courses have been accomplished in just a period of 2 month.  Now the Pentateuch II is in progress. We are thankful for the zeal of the teachers who are committed to doing this noble work of training men to be faithful preachers of the true gospel of Christ – 2 Timothy 2:2.


We have had heavy rains in some of the 10 districts of Malawi in the southern region of our country. These rains were due to the so-called “Cyclone Freddy”. This caused rivers to flood, houses destroyed, people and animals killed and crops being taken away leaving people with no hope for food and shelter. The very sad news is the loss of lives! Lot of brothers and sisters in Christ are also homeless and grieving for their loved ones who died and some still missing up to date. We have our 2 students who lost their relatives. One lost his brother and another lost his father. But looking to who sends the rains, we always say PRAISE GOD! We cannot blame God for the rains. We have a saying "Whatever comes from heaven has no case to answer”! We thank God in everything.

Good News!

As it is always good to share the good news, we have had reports from some of our former students who like to share with us the reports of the work they are doing. This time we had reports from 4 of them. Brother Shadreck from Pharombe reported that 1 souls saved and 2 more souls restored; Brother Mateyo from Kasungu reported that 2 souls saved and 7 more restored; Brother Takesure reported that 8 souls saved and 4 more restored and also Brother Saliwa reported 2 souls saved! Which means 13 souls in total have been baptized and 13 souls restored! Keep the newborn babies in Christ in your daily prayers that they grow.

We are thankful to BVBI International and the Hillcrest brethren for their continued support! God bless you all!


Your fellow workers for Christ;

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on April 8, 2023 .

A new class of students in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

February, 2023 Report


Greetings from Malawi, the warm heart of Africa! It is a gain with great joy to share the good news accomplished in the month of February, 2023. Visitors after visitors. Last month we had our President visiting us, and this month of February, visitors again from America. We thank God for blessing us with such brothers in the brotherhood from outside Malawi.

We are excited to see students back to school again. We enrolled 30 students but because of some challenges during this time of the year only 21 managed to report for school. The exciting news is that the new congregation has been established at the school campus! Already many are willing to be baptized. Praise God!

Short course Teacher

After being visited by Dr Denny Petrillo in January, we received 2 more American brothers Charles G Ching and Chad Scott. The two brothers arrived on the 4th of February and went back on the 11th of February, 2023. Charles G Ching used to be my WBS helper/Teacher in the late 1990s. Chad is a brother in Christ as well as a nurse. Their visit was great as we were helped in both ways in our community. Chad was at Kaweche Health Centre while Charles was teaching our students “Bible Geography”. We thank God for them and wish them to come again. So far we have taught Writing skills, Bible Geography, Homiletics and now the book of Acts in session.

Church Established – School Campus

The school is at a distance of about 7km to the next meeting place and between us there is Thukutu River which is a big thing this time of the rains. Because of this we allowed students to start preaching within the villages around the school and many have promised to be baptized soon. This has made us start worshiping at the campus and last Sunday the attendance was 24. We hope the number keep adding  soon.

We are always thankful for the partnership between BV international and the Hillcrest church of Christ, this partnership has made a lot to be accomplished within a short period of time. Working together as a team always brings in positive results. Together we can! Many souls are lost out there and let us join hands to conquer Satan. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours fellow servants of the Lord,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on March 13, 2023 .

The President visits Malawi


It is always a blessing to have a home that is visited by many! Here in Malawi, we have been blessed and felt honored to be visited by our President Dr Denny Petrillo.

We are all aware how busy Denny is, and if we think of 60 schools under heaven that need him to visit, such visitor coming at your house, WOW! What an honor! The holiday is over and time to start another semester is here. We are starting on the 6th of February, 2023. Keep us in your prayers as we now have 30 students enrolled. 


As you have noted in the introduction, Brother Dr Denny Petrillo is the president of Bear Valley Bible schools all over the world. We have 60 schools and for him to visit all of these schools is not easy. Especially when we think of how much it does cost to travel from USA to places like Malawi the central Africa. We felt honored and blessed to have him. Though it was holiday time, but we managed to gain from his knowledge as he taught "How we got the Bible", and also "1 Timothy chapters 1 to 4" those who attended were about 42 preachers including some of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Ekwendeni former graduates.

We really enjoyed the lessons and also were given the materials to use as we continue studying. Materials given were like; DVD on How we got the Bible course, (hard drives with lots of courses, sermons, commentaries and audio lessons, etc), hard copy of the notes on How we got the Bible and also empty hard drives which can be used to save in lessons and other Bible materials were given to those who attended.


We are opening the school on 6th February, 2023. Again,  another blessed month with 3 visitors; Donnie, Charles and Chad. Donnie will be teaching at our sister school in Lilongwe the Malawi Capital while Charles and his son-in-law Chad will come to Ekwendeni. Charles will be teaching short course on "Bible Geography" while Chad is a nurse and will be working with a local clinic at Ekwendeni area. We are really thankful for these godly men. Their visit will boost the good reputation of the school. It is always a blessing to receive visitors!


In our previous report we talked about the students hostel building finished, now we are happy to report that solar power is installed in the hostel building. And also we have built shower rooms, toilets and the school kitchen.

We are thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International working hand in hand with the Hillcrest Church Missouri for the monthly support. A lot has been achieved since you partnered. Without you we could not get where we are today. The work is still on, souls are still lost today, as long as we are able to see this we have duty to evangelize! 

Eternity is forever Think souls!

As it is rightly said "Until all have Heard"

Ephron and Clergynton 

Posted on January 30, 2023 .

44 more baptisms in Malawi

Hello everyone!

Hope this news finds you well! It is always good to hear when people are being saved. It makes us all feel happy as one soul obeys the gospel, knowing full well the tragedy of sin. As you are aware, our students are on holiday but they are not resting. This month of August, we have received reports from same of them reporting that 44 souls have been saved through baptism and 13 more restored! The Lord is working through them and His name is glorified. It is very encouraging hearing from their good work of winning souls to Christ.


We are also thankful to Brothers at the congregation where Tim and John worship in Missouri. They have greatly helped us get established. Now we are saying we have the students hostel block finished and now we are about to finish the shower rooms and toilets before September ends. After this work we will start the kitchen, we are hoping that before January/February we may have the kitchen completed too. We really thank brothers Tim and John for their kindness, love and many prayers for us.


We are looking forward to the 15th of October 2022, when our graduation number 3 will be conducted since the school was established in Malawi. But before the 15th we will have a short course and then graduation. It is good to see men graduate and get the courage to keep on saving souls to Christ as well as teaching the health Doctrine to those who are faithful - 2 Timothy 2:2!

We are also thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the operational support you send us every month. We don't take it for granted. You have really changed lives of many including our families. We always remember you in our daily prayers . Without your support, we would have not reached this far. The opportunity to reach out to more souls and train more faithful preachers is still available! As it is wisely said "Ability+Opportunity = Responsibility"

Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

In His vineyard,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on September 6, 2022 .

Making progress in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

2022 Begins with Good news!

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you all doing well, thanks! As we all are aware that the first week of February, 2022 was our time to restart our classes after a 3 month holiday, but we have extended the holiday. We will open on the 7th of March, 2022. This is because we have had no rains in Malawi until the 3rd week of January. Therefore, knowing that our daily food comes from our subsistence farming, we thought it good to give extra time for our students to plant. However, the students are able to divide their holiday time that they spare time to preaching as well.

Recently our students went to a funeral ceremony of one of our brothers in Christ in Ntchisi District. After the burial, the car they were in ended up involved in an accident but we praise God they all were protected. Some of the passengers recognized the students in the car that they were the once who were preaching and singing at the funeral and they asked them to share the good news about Christ. Mateyu Ching’oma preached and ended up with a voice that made people to cry and some obeyed the Gospel the same time. His words were “We have been saved in this car accident that we should lead some of you here if not ALL to Christ” – 3 souls obeyed Christ! Praise God. This is amazing story. God truly has his ways of helping people hear the gospel, no matter they situation involved.
My Fellow teacher Brother Clergynton also went to Chankhombo church of Christ last week to worship, he meet his son in-law who was preaching to 2 ladies and after the preaching the 2 ladies obeyed the gospel!

Construction work!
The construction work for the student’s hostel is still in progress, we are now plastering, window frames and door frames have been fixed in and also tubing has been done waiting for the electric wiring soon. It is good that before the year ends we will shift to our own land. We thank Bear valley Bible institute International for making this possible with the partnership with brethren in Neosho Missouri! God bless you!

Posted on February 14, 2022 .

19 souls saved in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

August, 2021 Report


When we study in the Epistles of Paul to Timothy, we learn about the charges that Timothy received from Paul. These charges are of great importance to every evangelist today! We, the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Malawi are committed to teaching men to be faithful preachers of the “Health Doctrine” – Sound teaching. Therefore, it is our work too to follow the same pattern of Paul’s charges to Timothy – 2 Timothy 2:2; 2 Timothy 4:2. We are always ready when people are ready to hear even when they are not ready to hear, but the gospel shall always be preached. We have recently come from a preaching campaign to the area called “Thandeka”. Interestingly Thandeka is a name of a person and this same person was ordained as a senior chief and called the area by his name Thandeka (Thandeka area)He has about 11 chiefs who report to him. This man and his wife (now the deceased) have been members of the Church of Christ since the 1970s. They have been walking at a distance of about 7km to worship. Now when the wife of Brother Thandeka died, Christians went in large numbers to bury our faithful sister in Christ.

Now when the eleven junior chiefs saw the love the Christians showed to Brother Thandeka, they asked if they could organize the preaching campaign to plant a congregation in the area. So, they wrote us (BV) a letter asking us to help them organize it and allow our school to go with the students. God is able and has shown kindness to this area. As we speak, after the campaign for four days, 19 souls have been saved and a new baby is born – Church established!

Teaching and Preaching!

Teaching is the work we are doing, since this semester started in August after a break, 3 courses have been done. Now the students are having a long course in Major Prophets. As indicated in the introduction, 19 souls were baptized in the last week of August, but also we had 2 more souls restored. This means the new congregation has started with 21 people. Praise God! We still got lots of promises from many people who are willing to be added to the Lord’s church, but they want to see the progress of the church since it's new, they said. But if the Lord may come today they don’t have an excuse we told them.


We are very excited that the construction work has started well, the foundation has been put down. This is phase one. Phase 2 is the super structure which will begin soon the Lord willing.

Water Brings Joy!

There is great joy at the school construction site as the villagers express their joy after seeing water being drilled by the Healing Hands International! A lady in her late 70s said she came to the area in 1983, since then the water she knew was for drinking and domestic purposes was from the river and wells where even animals drank from. She said the waterborne diseases will be history because they suffered a lot with lots of sickness after using the dirty water. She sang a song praising God for the water in the area. At school, the gardening work which will produce food for the students in the near future is simplified. And also the work of construction will be faster than how we thought it would be because they were drawing water from quite a distance.

We are thankful to Bear Valley Bible Institute International and all who help in supporting this great work with a great reward hereafter! God bless your families as we still need your help and involvement. Many souls are still not saved! Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours fellow soldiers for Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on September 14, 2021 .

Souls saved in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni, Malawi


Holiday ended! We are glad to announce that the holiday has ended and we will be in class next week! We are thankful to God that our holiday was fruitful. Instead of resting, the students and teachers have been busy preaching and conducting lectureships and preaching campaigns in small groups as the guided by the Covid rules! Teachers travelled to Mkhota area near Mchinji District bordering Zambia. While in Mkhota we were chanced to meet some of our former students. We were happy to hear good reports about them and their work in the Lord. This is always encouraging to hear the students doing the work they have been trained and called for. During the holiday we also had reports from some of our students about the work they have been doing which will be recorded in our next report. However! in this report we have have some baptism news from some of our students . God is saving His people no matter the Covid threats! We have 14 souls reported saved, in this Month of July so far!

Preaching and Teaching

Recently we the teachers travelled to Mkhota and were able to teach the following lessons; "Why are there so many churches"; "Biblical Repentance" and also about "Heaven our Spiritual home". The attendance was excellent. We also managed to us the Projector and the lessons from the hard drives from WVBS.


We received good news for the souls saved in 4 areas. Brother Isaac one of our student from Nkhataby reported 2 Baptisms, Brother Mateyo ching'oma another student from Santhe Kasungu reported 6 baptisms (he and other 2 men organized a 2 days campaign); Brother Saliwa our former student reported 4 baptisms and also Brother Kennedy reported 2 baptisms. Which means we have about 14 baptisms recorded in the month of July, but we expect this number to rise in then next report since we have not heard from all the students. We thank God for using our students as His vessels to bring souls to Christ and His church. Praise God!

Thanks be to God who Has helped us reach this far. We are also grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the support and many prayers for this work. We are also thankful to many people individually who always remember this work in their prayers. God bless all of you and your families!

Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on August 23, 2021 .