International Schools - 2024 Year End Report

It is hard to believe, but 2025 is here and at Bear Valley, we have just finished an outstanding year! We want to share some of the excitement with you - our friends, partners, and supporters. 

Last year we started twelve new schools which means there are now 74 schools, in 30 countries around the world. In 2024 we were privileged to teach 1246 students! Just think of all the potential in those men and their families in the years to come, considering the vast majority of them are serving in the most fertile places in the world. This is truly exciting! 

But we know that we aren’t doing this alone. We depend on partners and supporters to help us train preachers and church leaders around the world. In addition to our all-important supporters, 259 different local teachers taught in Bear Valley international schools this year and another 32 men taught a “short course” to our students. This truly is a team effort at every level. 

In addition to teaching these men how to preach and live, we want to instill in them a passion for soul-winning. This is borne out in the many studies, campaigns, and gospel meetings that they are involved in throughout the year.. As a result of these efforts by the current students and teachers, we know of at least: 

290 graduates

4265 baptisms

118 new congregations started

363 campaigns and gospel meetings

58 restored churches

1496 Restored Souls

To God be the glory! 

This has truly been a remarkable year, but we are not resting on our laurels as we look to an exciting future. There are already many new students set to enter the program this year and more new extensions are in the works. 2025 promises to be the most exciting year yet! 

At Bear Valley, we thank all those who support us and partner with us to carry out the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:2. What you are doing is making a difference and we literally could not do it without you. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to continuing to serve together as long as the Lord allows.


