A great year in Arusha!

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope that your year is off to a great start!  Today I’d like to offer you some highlights from the past year and an update on the special request that was made last month.  

2024 By the Numbers

Bible Training

  • 21 Total Undergraduate students at ACSOP 

  • 6 Bachelor’s Degrees Earned

  • 12 Total Graduate students 

  • 4 Master’s Degrees Earned  

  • 6 Total Cy Stafford School of Leadership students 

  • 4 Graduate of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership (Alpha Class)

  • 3 Kisongo Bible School students 


  • 483 Baptisms   

  • 4 New Congregations

  • 2 Restored Churches 

  • 302 Restorations  

  • 107 Seminars

  • 1 Lectureship


  • 216 campers at Tanzania Christian Camp

  • 19 Baptisms

  • 75 Campers at Future Preachers Training Camp

So many wonderful things happened in the Lord’s service in Tanzania this year, but I have to say that one of my favorite moments was seeing the first graduating class of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership.  Our team has been working toward that goal for several years now, and it is thrilling to see it beginning to produce.  I’m proud that two of our very first graduates are the co-directors of ACSOP, Charles and Ahimidiwe.  They’ve had the opportunity to learn and model leadership at the same time, and their involvement demonstrates the confidence that we have in the new program.

Thank you for being a part of the team through your prayers, support, participation, and encouragement. May God bless you!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator

Posted on January 8, 2025 .

Students in Tamale, Ghana value their education



The year 2024 ended gracefully by the special grace and mercies of God. We must admit God has been faithful to us in Tamale and by extension the Bear Valley Family. We must all therefore give glory to God for all the privileges granted us. We agree with the Psalmist in Psalm 107: “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever!” The Lord indeed has been good to us all. May His name be praised in all the nations!


In the month of December 2024, the congregation in Kpalsi South had been joyful to receive one successful baptism. A dagomba Muslim brother who happens to be a casual plumber, the school heeded to the gospel of Christ and was converted successfully to the glory of God. We praise the Lord for this great blessing.

BENEVOLENCE: In the efforts of the local church in Kpalsi South in evangelizing and strengthening members internally, a benevolent activity was carried out successfully in the month of December. It was a great time, seeing smiles on the faces of needy people within and across our neighborhood. We pray the Lord touch the unsaved who were and have been benefiting from these physical blessings from the Lord to accept the gospel of Christ Jesus with time. It is our desire to do our best to make an impact in the city of Tamale and its neighborhood with the message of Christ. Oh God, help us.  


We have started getting some vegetables from our irrigation work done in the school garden. The results are very positive and if we in the future could make a good investment on our irrigation efforts, we have a good support coming from there for the feeding of our students.


The last course to end the two year run of the 2023/2024 batch of students was taught in the month of December, 2024. This course was taught by Brother Shadrack Oppong. Brother Oppong is one the sound and strong preachers from the southern part of Ghana. He taught Bible Geography.  


Brother James in the month of December 2024 participated in a Bible camp in Bazua in the Upper East Region. He was the main speaker of the event. The theme of the programs was centered on “Miracles in the Past, in the First Century Church, and in our Time. The program was well attended across the region. Brother James took advantage to campaign for students for the school.

We thank you Jesus for your protection for the year 2024.

Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on January 7, 2025 .

Mining souls in the Copper Belt of Zambia

December, 2024 


We send seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! It is always a pleasure to have our time of writing this report and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom. We write to highlight on the work as we ended the month of December in the year 2024.

We must mention that we have began and welcomed the new year of 2025 on a very effervescent note; very hopeful of good things to be learned. We pray for a fruitful year in His vineyard.  

Highlights of December

We as BVBI-Zambia have ended the month of December with several success which gives as a reason to say thank you heavenly Father. Here on the copper belt province we have had a good number of meeting with the seven congregations of which four are in Luanshya district and two in Mpongwe district, one in Masaiti District, our interaction with leaders and members have been a promise of the best relationship we are experiencing right now. It will improve even more

As we got deeper in the month, we took advantage of the festive season positive mood of wanting to do more for the Lord by many non Christians including Christians themselves. Women on the copper belt met in Luanshya and Ndola respectively and we as the Institute where there to coordinate their meeting, there was a spirit of excitement as they learned the word of God. It was an open meeting to the community too. They were hundred and ten in total who attended the meeting with seven (7) restorations.

In Kitwe we had the youths who assembled to evangelize in the community for one day and our former students where there to lead in doing the work for our master, Boyd Kalaba Jally Siawaza and Gershom Chansa did a wonderful work. They were two hundred and sixteen in total who gathered to hear the message and when evangelists went out for practsl work two (2) baptisms recorded and five (5) restorations.

We also had same meeting which took place in Zimba and Livingstone of southern province ,were four of our former students was in attendance and taught their fellow youths, In this meeting we had a record of eight (8) baptisms which were done by Daniel kapata working together with Tryvin and Abiton Siamachila. This was a perfect combination for our master’s work and the results were great. On the same development Vincent in Livingstone is doing a good work seven hundred youths gathered for one day in order to strengthen a work relationship of the Church in that area it was a great thing to see them preach as we begin the New Year.

 The planting season:

 When this season began we almost got the same experience as that of 2023/24 drought but, According to the National Metrological department of Zambia forecast of 2024/2025 rainfall season, the rainfall amounts are likely to be normal to below in most of parts of the country. And beside our busy schedule to preach, we are taking time also to make use of this season to plant seeds in the ground. We have planted soya beans, beans, maize and some sweet potatoes.    


We had a total of thirteen Baptisms. And we recorded twelve restorations. Please continue to pray for us and our former students as we do the work together and Zambia at large. 


We continue to believe that the school is on firm ground to training faithful men who are teaching others to remain and continue in His kingdom of light. Without Christian principles, we continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ at Woodland Oaks in Texas; you are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 7, 2025 .

Producing results in Gweru, Zimbabwe



Training and development of workers for God’s vineyard continued in the month of December. Students who went on break continued to be active in their home congregations whilst others went for a thirty-day holiday attachment. The parallel class, on the other hand, continued its classes. There were developments as well on the projects side. The gathering of materials for the classroom and office block is gathering momentum.  These and more are reported below.


All students who went on break remained active in their home congregations. Reports of their work from their local resident ministers, members and leaders have been very encouraging. Four students chose to forego the holiday and chose to go and work with congregations for 30 days on an attachment basis. Their work has been wonderful. Great appreciation goes to these congregations and resident ministers for providing accommodation, transport and food for these students. The effort saw 11 being baptized, 25 sermons preached and over 65 lessons taught to prospects.


The following statistics are a summary of the work done by students as they did their practicum in 2024. These statistics are captured from the students’ reports.

Total hours                               2925    (in evangelism)

Sermons preached (church)     350

Sermons preached (funerals)   8

Devotions conducted               320

Bible classes taught                 185

Baptisms                                  92

Restorations                             15

Prospects                                  2003

Counselling sessions               45

Hospital visitations                  18

WBS courses distributed         320

Tracts distributed                     1170

Congregations started              1


The parallel class which meets during weekends and whenever the Gweru class goes on break met during the December block. The first class with 10 students took place at Nhowe where the BVBIZ director was the teacher. The subjects taught there were Denominational Doctrines and Hermeneutics I. These subjects will continue in February. The second parallel class with 8 students came to Gweru campus and were taught Christian Ethics by Ismael Mutichu and Christian Evidences and Greek by Kudakwashe Madyira. Greek is an ongoing subject. These two classes will commence their supervised practicum from January 2025 until their graduation in 2026.


Progress toward the construction of the classroom and office block was registered in the month. The following individuals/families honoured their pledges in December; Manjeya family $95, Nyoni (W) family $20, Zungunde family $25, Mpofu (S) family $50 and Mashaire Family $100. From these amounts and those raised in October and November the school has so far bought 15 cubic pitsand and 14 000 bricks at a cost of $2155. More materials will be bought in January.


Projects remain a key component in the training and development agenda of BVBIZ. Not only do they assist the school on the income side, but students are exposed life survival skills as well. In terms of poultry, the school has broilers and layers. In terms of horticulture, notable progress made in December with the planting of a tomato crop both in outside the greenhouse. A total of 3200 plants were planted. We also planted 600 cabbages and about 1500 butternuts. Green paper and green beans will be planted in early January.

To improve on the viability of the projects, BVBIZ has engaged Gray Ndoro, one of our former students, to oversee the running of the projects. Though he is engaged elsewhere in Gweru, he will be at BVBIZ on Saturdays and Sundays whilst he operates remotely during the week. Soon after graduating at BVBIZ in 2001, Grey went to Rio Tinto Agricultural College where he graduated in September 2024 with a Diploma in Agriculture.


Finally, we thank God for the journey travelled. We appreciate everyone who stood with BVBIZ throughout the year. Your efforts made a huge impact to many people in the country. We also thank Woodland Oaks and Bear Valley Bible Institute International for their unwavering support. To the teachers, students, board and the church, thank you. Several local partners who collaborated with BVBIZ, one way or another, thank you. We keep wishing all of you a blessed, spiritually fulfilling and prosperous 2025. To God be the glory!

Posted on January 6, 2025 .

South Sudan school flourishing

Greetings to you all and happy Merry Christmas and New Year!

My prayers that God will guard and protect us to see what the new year awaits us all!.

Some of our 15 students are doing fruitful jobs delivering the knowledge they have gained from school to their varies congregations.

We conducted 8 campaigns:

* 6 in Aweil area by 2 students that resulted to 11 baptisms.

 * 2 in Juba which resulted to 1 Baptism 

* There were 2 new congregations planted; one in Aweil called MALOU-CHUAI CHURCH OF CHRIST and one in Ayuai area called MANKIIR CHURCH OF CHRIST.

We now have 3 new teachers that will be part of us in teaching which make our number as 7 teachers. The school will open in January 10th and classes will start on 13th January Monday 2025 to May 2025. Attached below are the photos of students participating at the church activities, teaching, compaign and baptisms.

We the teachers and members of Lord's church in South Sudan 🇸🇸 appreciate and give thanks to the Bear Valley donors and administration, not forgetting God who make all this possible.

May God bless us all to continue do his work!


Jacob Ajak.M


Posted on January 5, 2025 .

Looking at a bright future in Malawi

Hello, everyone!

It is amazing to recall what God has done to us and how we have managed to achieve many things in the year 2024. As the year goes to an end, on behalf of BV school in Ekwendeni, Malawi would like to send seasons greetings to you all!

The year-end report has been already send to Donnie, who will send it to BV international. As Ekwendeni school, we plan many things every year without knowing the future, but one thing we know is that God is in the future and because of this understanding, we have hope for 2025 as well. We will always plan for the future!


As we are waiting for our classes to start on the 3rd February 2025, we are receiving good news from our former and recent graduates. We have some news reported to us by brothers Chitekwe, Takesure, Saliwa and Alex that through their effort in preaching this month of December the good Lord has added 17 souls to the church and 14 more souls restored. We are always proud of our graduates for the good work they are doing in the congregation they worship. Gaod bless their families.

 Trip to Lilongwe!

I was excited to be Lilongwe from the 2nd to the 6th of this month of December. Brother Dale and his family hosted me as I taught the book of James through that week. I enjoyed my time with them and also was encouraged the way the students showed cooperation with me. All went on well.

We are always thankful for the partnership between BV international and Hillcrest church for the support we received every month. This helps us greatly to achieve many things at school and also in our families. God, keep on blessing you and your families, too. We pray that this continues for the betterment of the Lord's church as many men need to be trained and souls be saved. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours sincerely 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on January 5, 2025 .

Students in Nsawam, Ghana continue to Work




Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God for His mercies throughout the year. The following were our activities for the fourth quarter of 2024.

Classroom Activities

Three courses were offered this quarter: Hebrews, taught by Brother Wisdom Yirenkyi; Greek, taught by Brother Samuel Papa-Woode; and Church History, taught by Brother Aidoo.

Church Impact

Our students continue to impact their congregations, through the preaching and teaching of God’s word. Two of our students were part of a team of preachers who organized a lectureship in the Amasaman area to combat certain teachings that want to creep into the churches here in Ghana. Brother Aidoo was invited to speak on prayer at this lectureship. Long may this continue.

Loss of Student

Amidst all the highs, there was one notable low this quarter. On December 10, we lost William Danso, one of our older students to the icy hands of death. William worked as an auto-sprayer and had a fatal accident in his line of duty. While we grieve the loss, we won’t sorrow as hopeless people. We will continue to live and work to God’s glory and hope to see Brother Danso again in the sweet by and by.

Plans for Next Year

1.    Quarterly community radio preaching: We will continue the community radio preaching program which we began last year as a means of giving the students another avenue for practice.

2.     Church planting: Our efforts at planting a church at Akotoshie in Accra in 2024 were not successful due to certain negotiations that failed. We hope to overcome the hurdle and plant the church in 2025.

Student Profile

Brother Shadrach Ojun is our student profile for this quarter. Baptized in 2007 at Kpanda in the Oti region of Ghana, he has grown to become one of the Lord’s strongest workers in this part of the world. Brother Ojun works with the World Bible School and moves especially from school campus to school campus encouraging Ghanaian students to enroll in the program to study God's word. He worships with the Nsawam Road church of Christ in Accra and is an indispensable part of the missions committee. Concerning Bear Valley, Brother Ojun insists that the school stands in the truth and “isn’t biased” when it comes to issues. We are so happy and grateful to have him with us.


We are grateful for Bear Valley’s assistance during this quarter. We pray for God’s blessings in this regard. And brethren, please continue to pray for us.

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Success Reported from New School in Jirapa, Ghana




With hearts full of gratitude, we celebrate God's presence in our lives throughout this quarter. Here are the keys that place in our noble institution.


Our school was formally established on November 24, 2024, in Jirapa, Upper West Region, Ghana. The ceremony was graced by Brother James Legend, Administrator of the Tamale campus.

Brother Donzie Thomas was appointed as the Director, tasked with overseeing the school's growth and development.


During this quarter, we successfully conducted a single course. First Corinthians was taught by Bro. Joseph Anaba, with 12 students in attendance.


Our heartfelt thanks go to Bear Valley Leadership and the Brotherhood for founding our school and providing vital financial support. We pray that God richly rewards their kindness and generosity.

Reported by Bro. Thomas.

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Students in Ashtown, Ghana work with Nearby Churches




We express our heartfelt appreciation to God for His unwavering support throughout the year. Here is an overview of the notable happenings at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ash town during the fourth quarter of 2024.


This quarter, our students had the opportunity to take five courses. During the December holidays, students seized the chance to catch up on additional courses. Forty (40) courses have been completed so far. We were grateful for the instruction provided by our dedicated teachers:

- Bro Emmanuel Gyasi Quansah taught Church History. 

- Bro Samuel Papa Wood led the Greek 1 course. 

- Bro Emmanuel Larbi instructed the classes on Congregational Development and Major and Minor Prophets. 

Notably, four students from the Papaase campus had already completed the Major and Minor Prophets courses, so the remaining students took this opportunity to catch up. In total, eighteen students participated in these courses, demonstrating their commitment to their studies.


From November 7th to 9th, the school embarked on a mission to strengthen the church Adom Estate planted the previous year, as plans to establish a new congregation were put on hold. During this period, students engaged in:

- House-to-house evangelism, sharing the Gospel with local residents

- Preaching at the information center, spreading the message to a wider audience

This outreach effort aimed to revitalize and support the existing church, fostering spiritual growth and community engagement.


We rejoice in the Lord’s blessings! This quarter, our students have played a pivotal role in leading seven individuals to baptism. Their dedication to sharing the Gospel has borne fruit, and we praise God for these new additions to His kingdom.


Born on May 11, 1984, Bro Alex Gyasi is a 40-year-old devoted Christian from Akim Pramkese in the Eastern Region of Ghana. He is happily married to Patricia Awuah, and they are blessed with three children.

By profession, Bro Alex is a tiller. He has been a faithful member of the Lord’s church for 23 years, currently worshiping with the Krispol City congregation in Kasoa, where he serves as a preacher. The congregation comprises approximately 40 members, excluding children.

Bro Alex expresses his gratitude for being part of Bear Valley, stating that he has gained in-depth knowledge of the Word of God, which has been a valuable blessing in his life.


The Mankomeda Church of Christ, planted by Bear Valley Bible School (now merged with Ashtown School as of August 2023), continues to grow. Under the leadership of Bro Daniel Kwadwo Nkrumah, a graduate of Bear Valley Bible Institute, the congregation has made notable progress.

The church currently consists of 23 baptized members, with women making up the majority and 17 children. 

As we enter the new year, we will prioritize the needs of the Mankomeda Church of Christ in our planning, ensuring the continued growth and development of this vibrant congregation.


Although I was unable to visit the Adom Estate Church of Christ this quarter due to my commitments at Pakro Road Church of Christ in Nsawam, I received encouraging reports from the church secretary, who Is also a student at our school.

Key Developments:

- Church attendance remained strong throughout the quarter.

- Bro Kingsley Paul Oti, a Bear Valley alumnus, has been appointed as the congregation’s preacher. We pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as he undertakes this new role.

- The church has successfully acquired its own electricity meter, enhancing its lighting system.

- Starting January 2025, God willing, the congregation plans to hold evening meetings.

We continue to pray for the growth and prosperity of the Adom Estate Church of Christ.


1. Congregational Outreach and Recruitment

We intend to visit congregations in Kasoa to:

- Advertise for new students

- Engage church leaderships on the importance of planting more churches in Kasoa

2. Church Strengthening

Our focus will be on strengthening two key congregations:

- Adom Estate Church

- Mankomeda Church 

3. Leadership Development and Unity

To foster growth and unity, we plan to organize a Leadership Seminar for church leaders in Kasoa. This event aims to:

- Equip leaders with valuable insights and skills

- Promote the school’s mission and values within the Kasoa church community. 


We extend our deepest gratitude to Bear Valley Leadership and the Brotherhood for their unwavering guidance and support throughout the year. May God richly bless and restore them any sacrifice made.

Reported by Larbi. 

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Studies continue in Lima, Peru

Greetings dear brothers and sisters

Once again I come to you with some report notes regarding the courses that have been given in the last two months and the next two that are about to be given.

Last two months we taught “The Life of Jesus IV” and the “Epistles to the Hebrews”, these courses have been taught by Brother Abraham Alata and by myself (Juan Abanto). Once again it has been a gratifying experience and one of much learning for both the students and the instructors.

We have had a total of 17 students in this last two months, many more brothers have awakened their interest and desire to take classes at the institute. We hope in the Lord that these numbers continue to grow. We continue to do what is necessary to ensure that this is so.

This Saturday, January 4, we will begin two new courses, I am referring to “The Pastoral Epistles” and “Foundations for the Missions” with Abraham Alata and Andres Nuñez as instructors.

On the other hand, the teachers of the institute were invited to participate as speakers in the last annual intercongregational conference, which was attended by around 120 people. It was a pleasant experience of instruction and communion and an opportunity to talk a little more about the institute.

We appreciate the spiritual and material support to make it possible for this ministry to continue. Please continue praying for us.

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Bearing fruit in Accra, Ghana

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ghana, Accra

Monthly report- December 2024

As we conclude the year 2024, we reflect on our initiatives and activities at the Bear Valley Bible Institute (BVBI). December has been a month of growth, outreach, and preparation as we look forward to the new year.

Classroom Activities  

The month of December began with two short courses with Bro. Shadrack Oppong on personal evangelism 2 and Bro. Kojo Acquah-Beenyi on New Testament Church II (The New Testament Worship)

Radio Program 

Our radio program continues to be a vital outreach tool for us, allowing us to connect with the community and share the Gospel. Weekly Broadcasts: our topic for the month is still on the church of the Bible, specifically on the New Testament Worship. Audience Engagement: We saw an increase in listener interactions, with many reaching out via phone calls and social media and to share how the program has impacted their lives.

Evangelism at Bedeku

Our evangelism efforts at Bedeku have been a significant focus this month, with several successful initiatives:

Community Outreach Events: We organized two evangelistic events, which attracted over 500 participants. These events included one week evening public preaching and house-house outreach activities aimed at establishing a new congregation and strengthening a near-by church.

Training Sessions: Our faculty conducted training sessions for local leaders and volunteers, equipping them with effective evangelism strategies and resources to continue the work in their communities.

Follow-Up Efforts: We initiated follow-up visits to those who attended our events, resulting in several new contacts who expressed interest in learning more about Christ and the church.

Campaign for New Students: 

In preparation for the upcoming academic year, December was dedicated to our campaign for new students:

Promotional Materials: We created and distributed brochures and digital content highlighting our programs, faculty, and the unique opportunities available at Bear Valley Bible Institute.

Open House Event: We hosted an Open House, attracting prospective students and their families. The event included congregational and campus tours with faculty to attract potential students.

Scholarship Opportunities: We promoted scholarship programs available for incoming students, incentivizing applications and providing financial support for those in need.

Planned Visitation

Looking ahead, we have several planned visitation initiatives to strengthen our community ties and outreach efforts:

Scheduled Visits:  we have visited the Batanyaa and Amissakrom Ekroful congregations in the central Region of Ghana, our presence motivated them and as a result we had one brother Christopher Arhin baptized. This is being done to bring local congregations established by the school to come together and assist in evangelism, church strengthening and encourage partnership and support.

Alumni Engagement: We are planning a reunion for alumni in January which will include workshops, networking opportunities, and a chance to share how BVBI has influenced their ministry work.


December 2024 has been a fruitful month for the Bear Valley Bible Institute, with successful outreach initiatives and preparations for the new year. We are excited about the impact of our radio program, the progress made in evangelism at Bedeku, the response to our campaign for new students, and the upcoming planned visitations. As we move into 2025, we remain committed to our mission of equipping leaders for service in the Kingdom of God.

We remain grateful to our partners, alumni, and friends’ prayers, encouragement and financial contributions

May the Lord bless our endeavors as we strive to fulfil our mission.

By E. O. Larbi (Director)

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Cape Coast school continues to grow




The Bear Valley School in Cape Coast has finally completed three years of academic work as at the end of the year. By hard work and perseverance the school has managed to grow from its initial setbacks of limited resources and enrollment and is now brooding and flourishing with much attraction.  We praise and thank God for helping and guiding us to achieving such a wonderful feat. We are also grateful to our benefactors who are constantly and expeditiously responding to our needs. God bless them indeed.      


The Cape Coast Study Center is arguably the fastest growing of the Bear Valley schools in Ghana. Starting with just a little over ten students in February of the year 2022, the school keeps on attracting students from across the region. Our numbers now stand at 35 after two drop outs and the death of one of our students. 

Two prospective students have picked up forms to commence studies with us in January of next year as this report is being prepared. It is our hope that more students will be joining our ranks for deliberate and effective biblical studies.

We also hope to graduate the first batch of about 12 students by the end of the second quarter of next year. These students have completed almost all of their course work and are currently trying to complete a few ones they have not taken yet.  

Lecturers from other church of Christ Bible schools have also expressed various interest in our school and their documentations are currently under review for onward approval from our coordinators. The improvement in our students’ work rate, participation and output in their various congregations is a testimony to the good works we are putting in here as we keep attracting interest and attention of the people of the central region. Brethren from all around the region keep calling to make inquiries about our programs and activities. 

As stated in earlier reports, the school is fast gaining notoriety with very sound Christian doctrine at the heart of everything we do here.


As at the end of the December 2024, we have successfully completed 34 courses from our course outline and syllabus. We have also entered 33 of those courses successfully in our data system which forms part of the students’ academic records. We are currently waiting on one of the records from our external lecturers. Hopefully it should be ready in our report for the first quarter of next year.  

In this fourth quarter, we were able to complete these courses: WORLD RELIGION, ELEMENTARY GREEK AND CHURCH HISTORY. We hope to continue with studies in: INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD, CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AND DENOMINATIONAL DOCTRINES in the first quarter of next year.   


As a school we have strategized and agreed on some evangelistic missions in the next quarter. We have had some practical training for the students, and we will be kicking off in MARCH. We hope to invite and collaborate with preachers and church leaders who are closer to this place to help augment our activities during our evangelism drive next year. 


The school went on recess in the third week of December. This was because our host church was preparing to attend the annual gospel meeting in another district. Students were thus encouraged to attend this program to familiarize with activities at this program and also to meet seasoned gospel preachers. 

It was a great joy as students were able to attend this program to the amazement of our Ghanaian Coordinator, Brother Kojo Acquah who is one of the Chief Patrons at this program. We hope to keep using such opportunities to learn anytime the chance comes. 



BROTHER YAW ANDERSON was born to Madam Elizabeth a Ghanaian mother and Peter, an Ivorian father in the central region of Ghana. He has lived most of his life within the Cape Coast metropolis of Ghana.  He had his elementary education in Ankaful, but later completed at Apewokisa. 

He continued with his secondary education at the Efutu secondary school, a rural settlement just after the main Cape Coast township in the central region Ghana. 

Yaw has always been athlete and played football for all his school teams. He continued with his footballing even after completing his secondary education with the hope that he could turn a professional one day. 

He believes Isaiah 55:8 had a good influence in his life when he was not making the breakthrough in the football world. He currently works as a house manager in a hostel facility in the University of Cape Coast. 

Yaw is happily married to Matilda with three children. He hopes to become a very resourceful gospel preacher travelling throughout Ghana to spread the message. He currently preaches on a local radio station.

He is a very serious student, especially with his research works. His relationship with other students is excellent and communicates very well with all. He is always participating and contributing in class discussing. Yaw promises to be one of the finest gospel ambassadors when he completes his studies here with us. 




Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Students committed to church growth in Ghana

Fourth Quarter Report - 2024

Courses Covered

The fourth quarter of the 2024 academic year began on Friday, October 4, 2024, and concluded on Saturday, December 28, 2024. During this period, the school successfully completed three key courses, each designed to deepen students' understanding of important biblical topics:

Christian Leadership:

How We Got the Bible:

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage:

Report on Students

In the final quarter of the 2024 academic year, student attendance remained consistent with the previous quarter. The average attendance for each class was eight (8) students, reflecting a steady commitment to their studies. Despite a few occasional absences, the dedication shown by the students throughout this period was commendable. They consistently demonstrated punctuality and a strong sense of responsibility toward their coursework.

Many students showed great determination to keep up with their academic requirements, even when faced with personal challenges such as work schedules or travel constraints. Their continued participation in class discussions and assignments contributed to a vibrant learning atmosphere. Overall, the commitment of the students was very encouraging.

House-to-House Evangelism

House-to-house evangelism continued in the communities of Gomoa Asebu, Awutu Breku Twiime, and North Atomic. However, in this quarter, students were less engaged in their rotation duties at the churches compared to the first, second, and third quarters. This decrease in participation was primarily due to students being assigned more responsibilities within their own congregations, which made it difficult for them to attend the school's evangelism activities. As a result, only a few students were able to participate in evangelistic efforts during the last quarter.

Despite these challenges, the students who did participate were committed, and even with their busy congregational schedules, they made time for the school’s outreach programs.

I have spoken with the students, and a new duty roster has been prepared for the coming year. Students will be required to inform their congregations of their responsibilities and schedules in advance to ensure smoother participation moving forward. Two baptisms were recorded in this quarter.

Church Planting Program for 2025

Several communities have been identified as potential areas for church planting, and plans are underway to conduct feasibility studies. These communities include Sesemie, Patangan, Dodowaa-Rammah Town (all in the Greater Accra Region), and Achanisa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region. Three students, as part of their desire to have a congregation to minister to, have informed me of these locations.

If the feasibility studies confirm that these areas are suitable for church planting in 2025, I will consult with the Director and Coordinator of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ghana, to determine the best course of action. It is possible that we could plant churches in two or even all of these locations.

I recognize that the majority of the students will graduate in 2026, and many are eager to establish their own congregations before graduation, rather than waiting until afterward. This urgency reflects their desire to begin their ministry as soon as possible.

House-to-house evangelism continued in key communities throughout the year, contributing to a total of 18 baptisms recorded in this year 2024.

First Quarter Report Summary-2024

The first quarter of 2024 saw steady progress, with the completion of three courses: 1, 2 & 3 John, James, and the Book of Galatians, as well as consistent attendance. The evangelism campaign in Gomoa Asebu and Awutu Breku Twimee helped the school fulfill one of its mandates to conduct an evangelism campaign. At Awutu Breku Twimee church we recorded three baptisms. The school also faced setbacks in its plan to plant a church at Achanisa-Abobiri in April 2024. Additionally, we received new resources, including a laptop and internet router, which are already making a significant impact on our work. 

Second Quarter Report Summary-2024

The second quarter of 2024 was marked by strong academic performance, active student participation, and continued evangelistic efforts in key communities. Despite challenges, including reduced student attendance and the postponement of the church planting campaign, significant progress was made in spiritual outreach and church development in rural communities such as Gomoa Asebu and Awutu Breku Twimee. The school remains committed to fostering both academic and spiritual growth among students, with ongoing dedication to community evangelism. Five baptisms recorded in the second quarter.

Third Quarter Report Summary- 2024

The third quarter of 2024 saw progress despite challenges from the first and second quarters of the year. While some students struggled with attendance during the Greek language course, overall participation remained strong. The successful establishment of the Bohye-North Atomic congregation marked a key achievement in our evangelistic efforts, compensating for earlier delays in church planting. Eight (8) baptisms were recorded in the third quarter

Fourth Quarter Report Summary - 2024

The fourth quarter of 2024 marked a productive end to the academic year, with the successful completion of key courses such as Christian Leadership, How We Got the Bible, and Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. Despite challenges in student participation due to increased responsibilities within their own congregations, the students remained committed to their academic and evangelistic efforts. A new duty roster for the coming year has been created to improve student involvement in outreach activities by better aligning their schedules and responsibilities with the school’s evangelistic goals.  Looking ahead, plans for church planting in several communities are underway, with the goal of expanding ministry opportunities for the students before their graduation in 2026.

Note on Pictures:

Due to an issue with my phone breaking down during one of the evangelism events, I unfortunately lost all the photos taken during the quarter. At this time, only one picture is available to share.

Posted on January 4, 2025 .

Students in Korforidua, Ghana work to Evangelize


Fourth Quarter 2024


We need to be grateful to our creator for seeing another period of service in His Kingdom.


As usual we have three courses taught. Bro Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah taught Christian Evidences, Bro. Wisdom Kwasi Yirenkyi handled Life of Christ 1 and Bro. Paul Larbi Young is teaching Homiletics 1 which is ongoing.


Thanks be to God for seeing us through another quarter of service to God our Creator. We continue to be grateful to the Local congregation who has given their old meeting place for classes.


We just had our public preaching from December 17 – 21. All the preaching activities were done by the students. Still our students both past and present continue to take part in the various congregations they worship.

Thanks to the Lord with us for we have had another past student who has been engaged in one of the congregations we have started. This adds up to three of our past students who are serving as preachers in three congregations. The name of the latest one is Bro. Alex Obu. He and his family now worship with the Okorase congregation. Please pray with us for this family.


We pray the good Lord will continue to bless our supporters so that together with our efforts, many will be brought into the knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Reported by Gyan-Mante.

Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Updates from Program in Abuja, Nigeria

Report covering the months of Oct to Dec 2024 and by extension bringing the year to an end.

In the months under review, we had four baptisms and many prospects were contacted for further studies.

We also had interesting classes for the students with various lecturers putting in their best. In spite of the several challenges before now. We made sure that the students were carried along with their studies.


Within each sessions with the students, Exams were promptly set and conducted. So far we are still moving on. 

New preacher at Tasha 1 :

The church at Tasha 1, now have a graduate of BVBIN as their preacher. He was welcomed in on Dec 8th 2024. Picture attached.

New preacher at Aku:

The church at Aku, now have a graduate of BVBIN as her preacher still in the year 2024.

Several congregations that were hitherto, without preachers, now have BVBIN graduates as preachers, this attests to the good work done by BVBI.


Several outreaches and collaboration were conducted with the African missions, the gospel chariot, Abuja and environs preacher's forum and congregations which resulted to many baptisms and strengthening of some weak brethren. In the period under review, we had about seven baptisms. But I will only account for four, the ones directly carried out by students of BVBIN.


BVBIN in partnership with the Abuja ministers forum have had four sessions of her quarterly evangelism, and the African mission always have her programs too. Within the months under review, several evangelism programs were conducted, congregations were visited by both students and instructors. 

As at 21 Dec, 2024, the faculty entered officially into partnership with the African mission for the purpose of using an effective method of evangelism to strengthen the capacity of the student preachers in training.


BVBIN Abuja, like every other spheres of life, had her fair share of challenges such as movements of lecturers to their various study centers and that hampered a lot negatively in the year 2024.

But thanks be to God that, that will no longer stand as a challenge since it is now in the past as we have the commitment to do God's bidding with a renewed vigor.

1. Number of students for both centers: we had some fluctuations within the year 2024, (a) Nyanya 11, (b) Kado 14 total= 25. 

New intake for 2025 will be considered as adverts are ongoing.

2. Number of graduates. Non in 2024. Those who did not do well during the last graduation of 2023, making a total of 7 will be graduating with the continuing set between March and April 2025.

3. Number of campaigns: (5) The school partnered with the African mission to carry out one campaign and four other campaigns with the Abuja and environs ministers forum quarterly evangelism campaigns totalling five campaigns.

4. Number of baptisms: the number rose to 9 by the faculty but several congregational baptisms that I don't have their record. There's room for improvement as 2025 promises to be great.

5. Number of of any new church planted: (2). Aku and one-man village, all in neighbouring Nasarawa state, an eniron of the FCT under the supervision of BVBIN.

6. Number of church restored: Nil.

7. Number of teachers: for now, we have seven (7).

8. Number of restorations: (1) just one soul who even threatened the church with court summons.

Yours sinceely:

Imoh Enang Atakpa (Dir. Abuja center)

Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Many Successes in Kenema, Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


As the year comes to an end, one becomes so engaged in the evaluation and the computation of the statistics of the activities that were carried from the beginning of the year. Moreover, the end of year spiritual activities that are planned to be executed also add to the busy life. Not only that, the family and the local congregational responsibilities are also there keeping one very busy. Yet, in all, God has been helping us as a young administration. In the months of October and November, the school established one local congregation (this was established by our extended students) and restored one congregation (this was done by our full time students) that was almost dead, the students in the both programs progressed in their academic and spiritual activities, our graduates continued to be busy for the Lord on the field, the evangelistic teams across the country excelled in saving souls, and the Ashcrafts visited, held a motivating meeting with the administration and conducted a seminar for Children Sunday Teachers at Koindu. We know that all these wouldn’t be realized without your prayers and your partnership; hence we remain appreciative to all of you, dear brethren. As I continue with this report, I entreat you to patiently keep on reading for more details on the highlighted activities as presented below:


You were informed that the third quarter for the full time students which started in July continued and was expected to end by the end of September 2024. Indeed, it came to an end and our students went on a short break and resumed classes on October 7, 2024.  On the other hand, the extended students completed their first 2 years out of the 4 years that they have to holistically complete their studies.  


In line with the mode of operation of the school, aside from daily lectures, routine evangelism campaigns are conducted twice in a quarter with the aim of either strengthening, restoring or planting a new congregation. It was in light of this fact that the school conducted the evangelism campaigns at Lungi to restore and strengthen the congregation and Dauda Town to establish a new congregation. The campaign at Lungi took place between October 22 – 27, 2024, while the Dauda Town campaign was conducted from November 22 – 26, 2024. Lungi, on one hand, is one of the big towns in the Southwestern Sierra Leone where the country’s International Airport is located. It is surrounded by water and is closer to Freetown, the capital city. It covers over 200 miles from Kenema where the school is located. The Lungi congregation was established in 2015 by one of the then elders of Tengbeh Town Church of Christ in Freetown, Alusine Kamara. Alusine who is late was a police officer by then and was transferred to Lungi from Freetown. While he was serving there, he noticed that there was no congregation in Lungi, hence decided to embark on evangelism. He could request for brethren from his congregation at Tengbeh Town to come to help in the work of evangelism. The congregation thrived for some time and the number of congregants rose to about 25.

However, Brother Alusine, who was serving as the preacher for the congregation, was an old man (in his late 70’s) who did not have much energy again to be evangelistic and who could not mentor anyone from the congregation to take from him and the brethren in Freetown stopped coming to help nurture the congregation. When his time at Lungi elapsed, he returned to Freetown where he later died and the Lungi congregation also died. By April 2022, the preachers in Freetown attempted to restore back the Lungi congregation but there was nobody among them who could sacrifice to come over to Lungi to stay and restore back the congregation.  Until during one of our school’s holidays, one of our students, Justine Chokpelleh Jr., who would later graduate as the best student went to Freetown and was approached by the leadership of the Freetown congregations to upon his graduation, consider moving to Lungi to help restore back the congregation. Justine agreed to the offer and eventually requested that the school direct a campaign there to help revive the Lungi congregation. Before the campaign, Brother Justine worked so hard to locate the then members and began to restore them. The school is so happy with Justine’s commitment to the Lord; he is a young boy of 23 years, yet loves the Lord so dearly. It was upon his request that the campaign was directed at Lungi. During the course of the campaign, 2 souls were converted and 10 brethren were restored. On Sunday, October 27, we were 42 that worshipped, including the 18 of us that left Kenema to go for the campaign.  Interestingly, the Lungi congregation has a building (though unfinished) that was erected through the support of Brother Alusine and Brother Samuel Kondo (late) from Koindu, Kailahun District. The Islamic dominance is one of the greatest challenges the Lungi congregation is facing. Again, it is very difficult for Justine to get food to eat as a preacher of the Lungi congregation, because he lacks financial help. Sometimes some brethren in the local congregations help a little, but not always. However, the Lungi congregation has so much prospect and potential to grow. We truly want the Lungi congregation to be strong so that some brethren who visit Sierra Leone could fellowship with the saints anytime they are there and a Sunday meets them.

The Dauda Town congregation on the other hand is one of the newest congregations in Sierra Leone as at the time of compiling these reports. At Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute/Sierra Leone School of Biblical Studies, we train our students to be evangelistic, even after their graduation. The extended students, though only take classes during weekends, are not exempted. They have a goal that before their graduation in two years’ time, Lord willing, they want to plant and sustain two congregations. One was just planted in November as you are reading the report. Some of these students have been teaming up with the full time students for our evangelistic activities. They have regularly been going for mission work. Therefore, the congregation established at Dauda Town by these students is in continuation of the already evangelistic efforts that they are applying. Dauda Town is a big section in Kenema city that has a large population that consists of mostly Muslim inhabitants. The administration cooperated with the extended students and engaged the community in an intensive door-to-door evangelism and tract distribution, with open air preaching in the evenings, prayer session and Christian film show especially on the life of Christ and his second coming. As a result of the campaign, 6 souls were converted and the congregation was established. The school will be committed to nurturing this new congregation as well as seeking for more conversions. Apart from the conversions resulting from the campaigns, our regular weekend evangelism resulted to 1 baptism.


Some of our graduates are fully involved in the ministry while some have some other work that they are doing yet are making some good impacts in their respective localities. As a result, they converted 5 souls and restored 1 dead congregation. So in October and November, altogether, the school had 14 conversions and 11 restorations. On the other hand, the evangelistic teams across the country pressed on with their activities and consequently, 18 souls were converted, 3 congregations were established, 2 congregations were restored, 16 brethren were as well restored and the nurturing process continued.


In November, our coordinator, beloved brother and mentor, Brother Steve Ashcraft paid us a visit, together with his God-loving wife, Sister Karen Ashcraft. They stayed with us for 2 weeks and returned back home. Their purpose of coming was to honor the graduation of the Bear Valley School in Guinea (The ceremony that was well attended by 6 of our staff) as well as to help build the Church by training their Children Sunday School Teachers like they did in Sierra Leone in August 2023.  While the Guinean brethren were so much impacted by the Ashcrafts, we were as well. Brother Steve held an inspiring and a motivating meeting with us as the staff. During the meeting, he encouraged us greatly and explored other possibilities of starting Bear Valley schools in other locations. He also held a very interesting meeting with other staff and Church leaders at Gueckedou. His kindhearted wife also encouraged us by her presence.  We want to say that we are very grateful to the Bear Valley Family all over the world and to the Ashcrafts for their relentless efforts in building up the Churches of Christ in West Africa. Sierra Leone.


We are hoping that the Lord will grant us another opportunity to be alive to read the December report again. Till then, may the Lord keep us and be with us all!

Thank you.

Your brother,

Peter Sahr Makundu,

Director Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Success in Gueckedou, Guinea: Graduation, Evangelistic work, and Women's Seminar

The good Lord has done many good things for us besides the gift of life and health. He has again accompanied us through out the month of November. We succeeded to accomplish those few, but important activities planned for the month of which we are glad to report and share with you. Such accomplishments include evangelism, graduation, and other training activities.

Here are the details under the below sub-headings.


We are just about the beginning of the second quarter since this batch started in late June and we had a month off class due to the heavy rains in September. However, all has been well and the month of November was the start of our second quarter with the course entitled "Christian Evidence part 3". This was handled by bro Antoine who also gave further instructions and guidelines on the "French Language". 

Then, just before the close of the month brother François Tengiano took them on the course "The Preacher and his Work". All these lessons went well with all the 15 students in class.


Even though we had no major evangelistic activity, there were nevertheless personal works done during follow ups to various congregations by the school - staff and students and by our evangelistic team leaders.

The School evangelistic works baptized in total 7 persons.

The Evangelistic team follow up works by the Yaradou Kongonani team baptized 5 souls.

So then the total convertions of all evangelistic works in November is 12.

Graduation: We had a graduation exercise which drew participants from the US, Liberia, Sierra Leone and many other parts within the country including Conakry, Kissidougou and Nzerekore.

There were many members of various congregations around the prefecture headquarters of Gueckedou where the lnstitute is located.

It was also attended by representatives of Government, whose remarks contributed to the uniqueness of the occasion.

This was the 3rd batch of students who started in 2022 when the Institute was undergoing very difficult trial times nearly on every aspect. There were 17 students who initially enrolled, but with the challenges highlighted above and other necessary disciplinary actions applied, we ended with 9 graduates. Some of these of which we are proud had already actively engaged in evangelistic activities before graduation. Quantity is important, but quality must be a part to balance the equation.

One of the 9, brother Alain Mano is an active member of one of the evangelistic teams in the country. Brothers Boundo started a congregation in his village long when he was yet in training while brother Jean Paul Oliano took over the evangelist activities of his congregation some 5 months before graduation. The host preacher is a team leader of one of the evangelistic teams in the country and he is often out to attend other new establishments.

The exercise which started with a matching song as the graduates paraded a 50 meters distance from the school hall to the near by football field where a shelter of tents had been prepared to include an introduction of special guests, garge to the graduating class, certification and special awards to special ones for exceptional services.

immediately after the graduation, our West Africa coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, whose primary objective is for evangelism, called for a meeting of church leaders of the 3 neighboring states of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. It was for him an opportune time to involve all 3 states for evangelistic missions to hear, share and give an update of the work and discuss challenges and possibilities to promote evangelism within each country and to further encourage cross-border cooperation.

The participants separated the following day in high spirits of work despite the heavy challenges pointed out.

Women's Seminar for Children's Bible Class:

Four days after the graduation another gathering was called which was on schedule, but for yet another important activity, the training of women for Children's Bible Classes. The seminar was held in the town of Koindu, Sierra Leone with mostly women and a few men of 40 congregations. These were persons in teams of 2 drawn from Conakry, Dabola, Kissidougou, Macenta, Nzerekore and many others around Gueckedou to represent their congregations. It was a 2 day seminar with sister Karen Ashcraft as the main facilitator who provided abundant and easy to use resource materials.

What is also impressive is the fact that the participants were not only willing to travel some hundreds of kilometers, but to cross the Moa River using local made boats.

We are so grateful to sister Ashcraft and to all those who blended their efforts to provide the transport, feeding cost and such important, fantastique study materials. The training seminar was successful to the glory of God.


We are grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute Administration through bro Steven Ashcraft, the West Africa Coordinator, and to all of you whose prayers and material support had contributed to the success of the graduation program, the training seminar, and the evangelistic exercise in November.

We thank you and may God be glorified in all!


Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Bear Valley School in Cape Coast Celebrates Three Years




The Bear Valley School in Cape Coast has finally completed three years of academic work as of the end of the year. By doing hard work and perseverance the school has managed to grow through from its initial setbacks of limited resources and enrolment and is now brooding and flourishing with much attraction.  We praise and thank God for helping and guiding us to achieving such a wonderful feat. We are also grateful to our benefactors who are constantly and expeditiously responding to our needs. God bless them indeed.      


The Cape Coast Study Center is arguably the fastest growing of the Bear Valley schools in Ghana. Starting with just a little over ten students in February of the year 2022, the school keeps on attracting students from across the region. Our numbers now stand at 35 after two drop outs and the demise of one of our students. 

Two prospective students have picked up forms to commence studies with us from the January of next year as this report is being prepared. It is our hope that more students will be joining our ranks for deliberate and effective biblical studies.

We also hope to graduate the first batch of about 12 students by the end of the second quarter of next year. These students have finish up with almost all of their course work and are currently trying to complete a few ones they have not taken yet.  

Lecturers from other church of Christ bible schools have also expressed various interest in our school and their documentations are currently under review for onward approval from our coordinators. The improvement in our students’ work rate, participation and output in their various congregations is a testimony to the good works we are putting in here as we keep attracting interest and attention of the people of the central region. Brethren from all around the region keep calling to make inquiries about our programs and activities. 

As stated in earlier reports, the school is fast gaining notoriety with very sound Christian doctrine at the heart of everything we do here.


As of the end of the December 2024, we have successfully completed 34 courses from our course outline and syllabus. We have also entered 33 of those courses successfully in our data system which forms part of the students’ academic records. We are currently waiting on one of the records from our external lecturers. Hopefully it should be ready in our report for the first quarter of next year.  

In this fourth quarter, we were able to complete these courses: WORLD RELIGION, ELEMENTARY GREEK AND CHURCH HISTORY. We hope to continue with studies in: INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD, CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AND DENOMINATIONAL DOCTRINES in the first quarter of next year.   


As a school we have strategized and agreed on some evangelistic missions in the next quarter. We have had some practical training for the students, and we will be kicking off in MARCH. We hope to invite and collaborate with Preachers and church leaders who are closer to this place to help augment our activities during our evangelism drive next year. 


The school went on recess in the third week of December. This was because our host church was preparing to attend the annual gospel meeting in another district. Students were thus encouraged to attend this program to familiarize with activities at this program and also to meet seasoned gospel preachers. 

It was a great joy as students were able to attend this program to the amazement of our Ghanaian Coordinator, Brother Kojo Acquah who is one of the Chief Patrons at this program. We hope to keep using such opportunities to learn anytime the chance comes. 




Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Updates from Program in Ukraine

Report of Bear Valley Bible Institute – November and Early December

Dear Brothers,

This year, we have been blessed with the opportunity to conduct all our classes online using the Skype platform. In November and early December, students attended several important courses.

Academic Progress

1. Second-Year Students:

• They studied 1 and 2 Thessalonians, which I had the privilege of teaching.

• 1 and 2 Corinthians was taught by a preacher and brother from Chernivtsi - Dmytriy Galyk.

• Currently, they are studying “Denominations” under the guidance of Brother Vladimir Paziy.

These courses mark significant progress as we approach the final stages of this academic year.

2. Graduation Plans:

In 2025, we anticipate the graduation of two students. The upcoming semester will be their last. One of them, Brother Vadim, is already preaching in Poltava and showing excellent results in his ministry.

3. Master’s Program:

• Four students are currently enrolled in our master’s program.

• Gary Fallis taught impactful and enriching sessions.

• Konstantin Kyselenko provided translation during these sessions.

Institutional Development

1. New Faculty Members:

This year, we welcomed two new instructors to our Ukrainian faculty team. They have adapted well and are excelling in their responsibilities.

2. Online Seminars:

• We initiated online seminars to raise awareness about the institute and attract potential students in Ukraine.

• These events, coupled with online advertising and email campaigns, have generated interest and helped spread the word about our ongoing work.

3. Next Semester Preparation:

• The schedule for the upcoming semester is finalized, providing clarity and direction for students as they continue their studies.

Challenges and Prayers

• The war in Ukraine remains a grave concern, with Russian forces advancing deeper into the country, particularly in Donetsk. The situation has created significant challenges, but we remain steadfast in our mission.

Looking Ahead

• We have a few prospective students interested in joining next year’s program. We are praying for their success in becoming part of the institute.

Despite the difficult circumstances, we press on with faith and dedication. We deeply appreciate your prayers and support as we continue to equip students for ministry.

In His Service,

Dennis Sopelnik

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on January 3, 2025 .

Strong beginning in Vidyanagar, India

Bear Valley Bible Institute-Vidyanagar

Reporting Letter for the month of December-2024

Date :-December 31st, 2024.

Respected director Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds. Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you well. We thank you very much for your prayers, encouragement and all the arrangements for the smooth function of BVBI-extension centre at Vidyanagar, Andhra Pradesh-State , India. We would like to submit the report for the month of December-2024.

Class room work:- In the month of December we had wonderful classes. These are subjects we have taught in our class room work.

1.      The outlines of the Book of Isaiah

2.      The outlines of the Book of Matthew

3.      The outlines of the Book of Psalms

4.      The outlines of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

5.      The greatness of Messiah .

Campaigning :- In the month of December we have conducted two campaigns at Prakasam Colony and Jangalapalli.

Rural ministry:- Most of the students of our BVBI-Extension Centre are already in the field, but had not been formally trained before coming to Bear Valley. Our Bear Valley classes and syllabus are very much useful for the students. They are effectively working ever since the Bible School has been inaugurated at Vidyanagar. All the students are sending their love and regards to BVBI for your love and concern for the spiritual education for their spiritual growth.

Village Children :- our students are able to visit children in the villages to teach them Bible stories, songs and memory verses and working effectively among the rural children.

Baptisms:- After the establishment of the Bible School 6 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. 

Brother, we thank you for your prayers and continual support for the  BVBI-extensional centre at Vidyanagar. We love and appreciate your love.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar &Staff from Vidyanagar, Andhra Pradesh-state, India.

Posted on January 2, 2025 .