Posts tagged #Trinidad

Six new students start classes in Trinidad

Greetings to all. Happy New Year!

Classes began January 6, 2025, with our six first-year students. They pursued Sign Language, the gospel of John, Ezekiel, and the Christian Home. These six students from Trinidad (3), St. Lucia (1), and Grenada (2) have meshed into one of our most cohesive classes in recent years. One of the Grenadians is originally from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, giving a nice cross-section of the Caribbean.

After completing about three months working in a neighboring congregation, they worked in the Panco Lane congregation, where they conducted the song services for the month of January.

January also saw the beginning of another Master's Class. Six students, which rapidly expanded to eight, took the beginning classes. Denton Landon conducted the classes here in Trinidad. They are now working on all the assignments.

Kathryn Purdom

Posted on February 8, 2025 .

Progress despite challenges in Trinidad

This year proved to be a tough one as well but by the grace of God we made it through. Our intake was small and made up of two students as we could not shake the bushes as one loving brother put it. These remained faithful through to graduation. They were joined by others doing the degree. The two graduates Crystal Dasrath and Judy Francis are at the centre while from left are Justin Neptune, Ricky Rogers, Maudlin Chase, Reuben Pitman and Rodian Bancroft. Cuthbert Cumberbatch from the island of Nevis could not be here and we missed him dearly. The Arima congregation had fifteen to also participate in our outreach program and they graduated with certificates for course completion. Larry Waymire, the regional coordinator for Bear Valley Bible Institute, who was also our Featured Speaker and to the right, Dominic Dos Santos, Director TSOP. Larry is well loved in the church and school here. Truly a Christian gentleman.

Every year our school takes a moment to recognize the sterling contributions of brethren especially in service of evangelism. This year the honourees were Shirley Pascall, who took care of all the foreign Directors since inception of the school. She continues to march for the Master especially among small congregations and prison. Her passion for evangelism and teaching children contributed to her receiving a special award from the school. Michael Harris, an elder from the church in San Fernando, makes an emotional statement about sister Shirley that moved the entire congregation to stand in honouring her.

Other honorees included Stephen and Patsy Barrow, Anthony and Bernice Payne, Gilbert and Marina Neptune and Carol Samlalsingh. These brethren continue to work the vineyard daily impacting lives and making a difference for the Lord. Rodian Bancroft from Surinam spoke on behalf of the degree students and urged them to stand strong as they go forward                                                

In terms of baptisms, we continue to march to the gospel call and as a result we had seven others added to the Lord. We recognized that Covid 19 may have increased people’s search for righteousness as even now some 20 have been added and at least20 Bible studies are in progress.

We continue to also reach out to congregations and the church at Point Fortin just concluded training for elders. They are expected to be heading toward appointing soon. This is awesome for the entire twin island state as more congregations benefit from the schools involvement.

Our new website was also launched and is open for new applicants for September 2022. Visit us  at https://

Continue to pray for us.                              

 In His service, Dominic Dos Santos

Posted on July 8, 2022 .

Temporarily on hold in Trinidad


Grace and Peace to all ! School is now officially closed for the 2019-2020 period and will reopen as scheduled in September along with all schools.  Our students have all done quite well given the covid19 situation and we anticipate graduation in December hoping all goes well.  Our doors are opened for the new intake and we are looking forward to a great set of fresh men to continue the legacy.

In terms of involvement, both Trovel  Immanuel and I were asked by the church in San Fernando to assist in getting men ready for Eldership. This was completed and with God’s help, San Fernando should appoint elders soon. We are all excited that we could have been involved this way. Let us be praying for this congregation that has housed the TSOP from inception.

We continue to pray for returning students as borders are still closed. However, in the event that they remain closed, classes will continue online, even with the new intake. Also, in terms of mission trips, we await guidelines from all authorities so keep praying for us. Even our Masters students are impacted so much so that Bear Valley has suspended classes until October. Pray for this please.

Allow me to say a hearty thank you to all those who help make TSOP what she is today. Thanks for your prayers, support, encouragement, funds and general well wishes. We remain humbled by your kindness to us. We also extend an open invitation to prospective students for our next class in September. We will not hesitate to say as well that classes may be fully available online by September so you may still join the class and come to school when all of this is done!! Stay tuned for further details . May God bless you richly!!



Posted on July 7, 2020 .

An update from Trinidad


MARCH 2020

March came and so did the much talked about virus. TSOP is now on an extended shut down as we follow the instructions from the government to close all schools. That however does not stop us from actually having classes. As we speak, our teachers are online and giving classes via skype, zoom, whattsapp, and regular emails. Of course our students are really enjoying this! Sure!! Some are even getting to class late while at home! No, that is not entirely true. We all miss our classes and the social closeness that each day brings with chapel, sharing lunches, sweet fellowship and the opportunity to laugh together, or cry at times!

St Lucia Mission trip has been cancelled however we hope to arrange with Caribbean Airlines to have the tickets rescheduled for some time when this virus takes a rest. I spoke to some brethren in St Lucia and the excitement that was brewing is just out of this world! We want to say thanks to brother Solomon and the church there for making arrangements for us to come and help in this wonderful work!! See you as soon as  God permits!!!

Nearly all our foreign students are back home. The only one here is Alexandra from Romania. We are not certain if travel will permit by the time she is ready to travel but we are praying for the best. Our two from Grenada, Sheldon and Leshon, as well as our Guyanese Paul, were able to get flights out just when things were heating up. We are glad they were able to go home and be comfortable. While I was concerned about them traveling at the time, I am glad they were able to make it safely. They are all well!!

Graduation 2020 may need to be shifted a bit so we will stand by and await guidelines from the health department to determine if we can still host. However for now, graduation more than likely will not happen as we planned. Maybe, both classes could graduate in 2021. Lets prayerfully wait on the Lord for this one.

Allow me to say a hearty thank you to all those who help make TSOP what she is today. Thanks for your prayers, support, encouragement, funds and general well wishes. We remain humbled by your kindness to us. We also extend an open invitation to prospective students for our next class hopefully in September. We will not hesitate to say as well that classes may be fully available online by September so you may still join the class and come to school when all of this is done!! Stay tuned for further details as the virus is not here to stay!! May God bless you richly!!

Posted on April 6, 2020 .

An update from Trinidad



May God bless you plenty plenty for twenty twenty!!! God continues to bless TSOP and as such we want to share those with all of you! Firstly, the new “Betsy” ( how Parker Henderson called the bus years ago) is on the road! Brother Robin Achaibar worked day and night to make it possible. Her maiden voyage with all the students will be February 7th 2020 when TSOP  will visit and participate in an evening of songs at Morvant congregation. Pray for a safe journey.

Secondly, as a result of having the bus, we will plan to visit several congregations. Please do not mind if we just turn up but we will try to call first so that arrangements could be made to partake in the Lord’s Supper. We want to sing, preach,  teach, read, be ushers or just be there to encourage the brotherhood and to share the joy we have found in the Lord. Do not hesitate to contact the office if you would like to invite us over.


Thirdly, we have been blessed with a group of awesome students who would like to visit and teach or preach during the year. The practice will allow them to experience the preparation and delivery of lessons they did in class. They are all willing and able so please open your doors for this opportunity. All we ask is that you help them with transport to and from your building and an honorarium. Please contact the office for arrangements.


Our Barbados visitors Yonnick  August and Justin Parsons have returned home safely and we anticipate great things from them as they serve there!! These young men were allowed to attend classes here while they are doing the online program. We are excited about the possibilities for the church in Barbados


Fourthly, due to our increased efforts to upgrade the teaching staff with the aid of Bear Valley Bible Institute,  if you have books and you are willing to donate to our library or you know of someone willing to donate books, please consider us. While we understand and accept the web sites that are available, we want to open our library to congregations and those who do not have access to internet. This blessing has already started as we received donations from brothers abroad and we are preparing to set our library in order.


Our school continues to play its part in congregational development and as such we invite congregations to utilize the faculty and students in whatever way possible to help build up the cause for Christ. On this note alongside teachers in San Fernando we hosted a Teachers workshop designed to help teachers prepare better lesson plans and assessment strategies for use in the children’s Bible classes. Sisters Denise Dimsoy and Karen Achaibar did tremendous jobs delivering. Both are teachers  and we extend a hearty thank you to both.


The San Fernando congregation has launched training towards eldership. Both the Director and Trovel Emmanuel are assisting in teaching. We commend the efforts of this congregation towards eldership. Pray for them that this goal be reached soon.


Posted on March 17, 2020 .

Student body growth in Trinidad

The school has renewed its determination to return to the path of evangelism. This emphasis has created a stir with the introduction of “TS ops” earlier this year. To date, the school has been involved in at least five gospel meetings and several revivals. Several souls were won and some restoration is happening. The passion of the students and teachers is outstanding as it is quite normal to hear about contacts made and interesting encounters in the field. 

We now have an amazing nine students in first year and six in second year! This makes our population fifteen!! We are so excited about this growth as we aim to have a complete set of twenty regular in the classroom. 

Our future student list is also growing as young boys and girls are expressing their desire to come in the next few years.

Interestingly, we launched our TSOP Online program through links with World Video Bible School. We now have Fifteen registered students. This includes one from Florida and another from Romania! 

Our Saturday school hosted a two part series on church financial accounting. This was taught by brother Shammeen Mohammed. Those who attended truly appreciated the initiative as some congregations lack the skill set that is so necessary.

We launched our new logo. This will be printed on shirts for when we make formal visits. We are hoping that lapel pins will be donated to help promote our school.

Visiting brethren from Canada were invited to participate in chapel. They were visiting to attend the funeral of sister Patsy Babooram who passed away on Monday 3rd September. She was the dormitory supervisor for several years. Her grand daughter’s fiancé spoke in chapel encouraging students to hold on.


Dominic dos Santos

Director, TSOP

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

Graduation in Trinidad

Last year the Trinidad School of Preaching (in existence for over 40 years) and Bear Valley joined hands to raise the bar in that good school. The current faculty has now earned the Bear Valley degree. We are grateful for this partnership and look forward to what it will do for the Kingdom. See the report and pictures HERE

Posted on June 18, 2018 .

Campaign success in Trinidad

The TSOP had a blast on the island of Grenada!!! Both faculty and students were engaged from as soon as we landed till the hour we left! The Marian congregation hosted a revival with the theme “Exhausted but in pursuit” reflecting Gideon’s battles. 

During the revival, Annie and I were able to conduct personal Bible studies with a young lady, Trudy, whose husband came in later on. They are both searching in a time when they lost a close friend who passed recently. They are still in personal contact and looking promising. 

The revival was well attended and resulted in one restoration. We left several Bible study contacts with the preacher there, Levaughn Lewis. We continue to send study material for Trudy and Leron and also directed them to World Video Bible School material especially Fundamentals of the Faith. Please join us in prayer for them.

The students were exceptional in their efforts to win souls and braved the hot sun (hotter than Trinidad) and hills to reach as many as possible. I’m personally emotional about this as this is what it used to be in the early days of our school and to see it happening again brings joy, even to tears.

We then left Marian for Archibald Avenue congregation in St Georges Grenada.  Students and faculty hit the streets in a small village called Belmont. Studies were arranged in advance as for the last three weeks, members were visiting the area to make contacts. This way, at least twelve personal Bible studies were conducted each day. The seed was sown and the church there continues to water, we wait God’s granting of the increase

The studies done by TSOP in the area resulted in three souls being won for Jesus. Three precious souls ages 15, 30 and 56 were added. Nathaniel Hall, a first year student performed his first baptism and to date he is still rejoicing that he did well. The ocean was rough though and the area dark but we completed the task any way and sang on the beach for about half an hour after!

We are noticing through these gospel meetings that people are searching for truth and we know that the Word is truth so our job is easy – present truth. Continue to pray for TSOP as we march for the Master. Our search is also on for new students for September. We already have four registered and seeking another six to make a full class of 10 for 2018-2020. May God continue to bless you richly in all you do for us and know that we are eternally grateful for your love and support.

Dominic Dos Santos

Posted on May 11, 2018 .

Outstanding lectureship in Trinidad-Tobago


It was my pleasure to have been able to be a part of the annual World Evangelism Workshop in San Fernando, Trinidad-Tobago, home of the Trinidad School of Preaching. I was blessed to work beside Coordinator Larry Waymire and TSOP Director, Dominic dos Santos.

The sessions were well-attended, the spirit was joyful, and all were uplifted by being there. Additionally, funds were raised for evangelism in parts of the Caribbean such as Trinidad-Tobago, Dominica, and Jamaica. 

We are extremely happy to be partnering with TSOP to train preachers for that region of the world. May God bless this partnership!


Keith Kasarjian

Posted on November 7, 2017 .

A new partnership in Trinidad!

The Trinidad School of Preaching, located in San Fernando, Trinidad, has been training preachers for over 40 years. In an effort to make the program even better, TSOP and Bear Valley are joining hands in a partnership that will benefit all. We are excited about this! You can see the most recent report from Director, Dominic dos Santos by clicking HERE

Posted on September 27, 2017 .