Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from the beautiful country of Cameroon, the land of our birth. God is good, and has allowed us another opportunity to share more good news about the work here in Cameroon that has been entrusted in our hands. We do hope you and your family are doing great and that God is at work in whatever you are doing in your corner, the space God has provided for you.
Our students are back on campus after spending time in 20 locations preaching, teaching, and nurturing congregations of the Lord’s church. They were involved in house to house. The house to house was more effective in some new areas as we were looking forward to establishing a new congregation in Mbanga mile 40 which is along the Kumba-Buea road. God blessed that work with 6 souls. There is now a new congregation there.
Another congregation was down to less than 5 members because of the crisis here in the English region. We went to that community and revived the congregation by preaching peace and being neutral during the struggle. We told those we met who carry guns that we are soldiers of Christ and God has sent us to preach the gospel free of charge to all who are willing to hear. Most of the time, security officers will ask us for authorization from the government. We just explain God’s government and commission from his word from Mattthew 28:18-20.
The Bear Valley Bible Institute in Wotutu has been looked upon by many and nicknamed “A BIBLE SCHOOL WITHOUT BORDERS.” The appellation is coming from “DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS,” who gets into the interior to save lives. Our students too are moving to save lives from eternal condemnation. The gospel is for all. It is for the old, the young, and anyone in between. These young girls happily listened to the gospel from our students and made a lifetime decision to follow Jesus. Keep them in your prayers.
The annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon, comes up from the 28th of November until the 3rd of December this year. I am one of the speakers there, and I will be teaching on “Future Leadership of the Church in Cameroon.” Please keep me in your prayers as I go there to do His work.
Thank you very much for all you do for the work that is going on here. Your prayers and support are the wheels that keep this work moving. God sees and He will reward. Do your best to share our report with others.
Make a great day in His presence.
Elangwe and family, by His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu