Praying for peace in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,

I'd like to share with you some news from the Bear Valley Bible Institute and some  changes in my family life.

About a week ago the students returned to the online studies after the evangelical practice and vacation. Currently they are studying the gospels of Matthew and Mark. I'm the Instructor, and the course will last a week and a half. The students had an opportunity to help the local congregations with delivering the humanitarian aid and establishing the contacts with the people who were receiving it. It was a good experience for them  as well as learning to preach and demonstrate patience in ministry. Vyacheslav and Alexander worked in Dnipro while Maksim and Vadim helped the congregation in Bela Tserkva. Victoria was in Kiyv and Chernihiv where she helped her husband in ministry.

About 3 weeks ago my family left Ukraine, spent some time in Warsaw and now we are in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. This city has the congregation of the Church of Christ where we worship alongside our brothers and sisters. We decided to make this difficult and responsible decision to secure the safety of our three children. We were physically and emotionally exhausted to constantly live in a state of stress. While in Warsaw I had an opportunity to preach and teach a lesson in the middle of the week. We noticed that there were many Ukrainian speaking preachers there and we decided to move to a different location where our presence will be more beneficial in our opinion. The congregation in Leipzig is multicultural, brethren speak Ukrainian, English, German and Spanish. There are some families from Ukraine here, people who we've known for a long time.

It looks like there are not too many news but the last three weeks were very tiring. We can't wait for the return of peace so we can safely go back to Ukraine.

We are grateful to all who continues supporting the  Bible Institute, the Instructors and my ministry.

May God keep you safe.

Your brother,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on December 11, 2023 .