Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who, according to His vision, has called us to his work. May the peace and mercy of Christ be in you abundantly! Beloved, we hope this report finds you in good health. Receive our cordial, fraternal greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
Indeed, we are delighted to bring to your attention some useful information concerning the life of our school. This information includes, among other things, the return of students to the Center and the effective resumption of classes.
We glorify God for His assured protection of our beloved students during their vacation. After taking advantage of the holidays to present the Gospel to the lost, they returned to the Center November 26. Classes resumed today, November 27, 2023 for the fourth quarter. We should note that our students provided very good reports from their internships. Regarding the current quarter, evangelism and vacation time will be from December 22, 2023 to January 6, 2024.
We will be having the great evangelization campaign of Alumni-Chad from December 25 to 27 in Fianga. Fianga is a locality approximately 200 km from the Center, where two former students of Bear Valley work. We want all our students to take part in this great meeting, but our challenge is transportation. Please put us in your prayers. From December 28 to 31, we have the Annual National Conference of the Assemblies of the Church of Christ in N'djamena. Let us pray for the Alumni-Chad evangelization campaign and for the national conference, which are great opportunities for brothers and sisters in Christ to meet.
May God help us, for the sole glory of his name! May God bless you also, in equipping you for his work!