More courses taught in Peru

A cordial greeting dear brothers,

With great joy we write these lines to you, hoping that everything is going very well in your respective homes as well as in your ministries, peace and the love of God be with each of you.
We have completed two more courses of our study plan, I am referring to Marriage and Family and I of Corinthians, the first course taught by Brother Andres Nuñez and the second by Brother Luis Camacho. Both have done an excellent job and I will share their respective appreciations with you shortly.

I especially want to highlight and thank the support of Brother Luis Camacho for supporting us with the instruction of I Corinthians and for that availability to help that stands out. Thank God for his intervention, I am sure it has resulted in a great blessing for the students.
Here I briefly share the words of each of the instructors:

Luis Camacho on I Corinthians:
“Thank you for the opportunity to teach the I Corinthians course. I know that we had excellent participation during the course with the majority of the students…”.
The following have participated in his class: José Chiuyare, Ethel lapa, Sandra Chalco, Martha Nolasco, Maryuri Alarcon, Jhonely. Six people have benefited from the classes taught.

Andrés Nuñez about the Marriage and Family course:
“It has been very special to make known what the Church believes regarding Marriage, since it is a very important doctrine for the students to know and learn. They assimilated, they learned what the Bible teaches, from Genesis, which is the beginning where every preacher and teacher must go, since our Lord answered the different questions regarding marriage and remarriage. The students asked many questions, which were each answered with the word of God, we saw many biblical examples about marriage, pacts, divorces, failed commitments, disobedience and as such the true marriage that the church teaches as part of a doctrine, that we must be very zealous and not allow false teachings to stain the sacred marriage established by God.”

The following have participated in his class: Alejandro Manrique, José Chiuyare, Betty Melo, Elias Jorge, Frank Flores, Carolyn Chavez, Víctor Quijandria, Jhonely. Eight people have benefited from this course and the classes taught.

We are about to share two new courses, I am referring to Church History and Leadership. The teachers assigned for these courses are Abraham Alata and myself (Juan Abanto). We are making every preparation to make these next two months as productive and beneficial for students and teachers as the previous months have been.

With these two new courses we are starting a new semester, six months closer to the end of this second round of classes, in which we hope to continue counting on your prayers and support, with God's favor, trusting that He will help us to come to fruition.

May the Lord continue to bless you!!!
Juan Abanto

Posted on November 7, 2023 .