Reporting Letter for the Month of October-2023
Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all our prayer partners , greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you well. We are highly delighted to submit this brief report for the month of October-2023.
1.Bear Valley Bible Institute:- This is very good platform for the young people to attend and study the word of God. By the grace of God two batches were completed and went out for the spiritual battle to win the lost souls. We focus on 2 Timothy 2:2 “ And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses ,commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. We request your prayers for this third batch and their success.
2. Field work of the previous students:- We are happy to share about the wonderful work that our BVBI’s previous students field work. Mr.M.Jesudoss is working hard and planted 2 local churches, Mr.Praveen has planted local church at Bathlapuram-village, Mr.Yovel is working at 2 places, Mr.Ramanapadal is working in tribal area, Mr.T.A.Madhukishore is working at Gajulamanya, Mr.Barnabas is working at two places, Mr.Parusaram is working at two places , Mr.Joseph is working at two places and also other students working at different places. We request your prayers for their church planting ministry.
Preachers meeting:- We have conducted October ‘s preachers meeting at Kondapuram-Village on October 21st.. The local preacher Mr.Peter has organized the meeting and provided food .
Youth camp:- BVBI-Tirupati has observed the young people among the local congregations who are not able to share the gospel to their friends in colleges and school where they study . Therefore, we made the decision and conducted two days training camp for the youth camp on October 16 and 17th. We have invited young people from several local churches from urban and rural areas . We had more than 100 young people for the two days training camp . We taught them good lessons and motivated them to proclaim the gospel to their friend who are away from the God . We are happy for share with you that the local preachers and parents also could able to attend for the two days camp.
Bibles distribution:- BVBI-Tirupati-India has indentified young people using mobile phone for the bible reading, we are not against the technology but we encourage young people to read bibles (hard copy). We have purchased 100 bibles and distributed freely to 100 young people who ever attended for the youth camp.
Campaigning:- In the month of October we conducted campaigns in Renigunta town and Ambedkar labour colony. This is wonderful platform for reaching the lost souls as well of students participation.
Blind meeting-Audio Bibles distribution :- We have conducted one blind meeting and distributed audio bibles . They are happy to hear the word of God and grow in their faith.
Universities Campus ministry:- We are happy to report you that there are seven universities have been located in our city, our staff members and some of the students have dedicated to visit universities , colleges, and students hostels and sharing them gospel.
Home Bible studies:- We actively involve in the home bible studies. Families are available at their homes after 6pm. We take appointments an advance and conducting home bible studies in the evening times at several families. We have divided into teams and conducting at several areas in and around the city. We request your prayers for the home bible studies.
Leadership class at Krishnasamudram-Village:- My friend Mr.Jayaraju is working as English teacher at Govt high school , he is local preacher with this village congregation at Krishansamudram village . They have conducted leadership class in last week and invited preachers from Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu . Myself and other 4 brothers from BVBI –Tirupati –India have attended for the meeting. I have taken lesson from 2 Kings 7th chapter 9th verse . The four leprosy people said that what they were doing was not right , I taught from this portion of the bible and connected the gospel . it is not right to be silent without preaching the gospel. We have encouraged all the leaders to be active in sharing the gospel.
HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop:- In the month of October we have conducted 3days HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop on 23 ,24 and 25. We have involved village people in this workshop. We are thankful to HHI for the encouragement and partnership for the establishment of this garden to connect with local community for Christ.
Hearing aids supply:- We have identified one brother who was suffering from low hearing ability. We have consulted one of the social work Organization and provided hearing Machines for this young boy Mr.Poorna Chandra Prasad. Now he is comfortable in hearing the word of God when they attend for the worship service and other bible classes . He also the machine for listening his lessons in the college.
Providing rental for the blind family:- We could able to assist one blind family for paying their rental.
Widow help:- We encourage our local church to assist widows in the local church, more than 30 widow sisters in the congregation have received small help from the church’s contribution in the month of October-2023.
Sunday after noon lunch:- some of our members travel from far away villages and attend for the church for Sunday worship service. In the month of October five Sundays we have provided afternoon lunch . Each Sunday more thank 80 people receive lunch . We appreciate members who dedicated to service the meals.
Leprosy colony children ministry:- We continually visiting two leprosy colonies and working for the welfare of the helpless children . We appointed volunteers who are able to assist them in teaching and feeding them.
Prayer Request:- We pray and plan for organizing the Christian Growth Bible Seminar to be conducted in the month of January-2024. We request your prayers for the safe travel of our guest teacher Mr.Damon Vincent.
We are thankful to BVBI for your dedication and assistance and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We treat you as blessing for our country and our people. We need your continual prayers and encouragement. We are ever grateful to you and your partnership in educating young people for eternal life sake.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ.
Vijay&Staff from BVBI-India