Jesus’ great commission is a focal point at BVBIZ. Since many efforts are taken to equip students for the ministry, the end result is always to efficiently and effectively implement this commission. In brief, BVBIZ exists to fulfil this endeavor. Students, whom we take as Jesus’ foot soldiers continue to be moulded to become useful vessels in the kingdom. BVBIZ continued with this agenda in the month of October. Classes continued, 7 were baptized, 3 seminars took place, Donnie Estep visited the school including several other activities that are reported below.
Classes continued without any challenge in the month. Great emphasis was placed on the languages, Hebrews, Advanced Hermeneutics, Introduction to computers and Minor Prophets. Great appreciation goes to both the students and respective teachers who put in their best to ensure that the curriculum requirements are being met.
Three seminars took place in the month of October. We greatly appreciate the facilitators who worked tirelessly to get their points home. Their services to the school are highly acknowledged.
Every preacher needs to have his communication acumen up to date and to the expected standard. To this end, BVBIZ invited brother Joshua Kumunda, a journalist, to help both the students and faculty in this area. More effort were put towards report writing. This was an eye opener which has enabled those who can learn to improve on their communication and report writing skills.
The school seeks to develop well rounded products and goes at length to ensure that this fundamental is achieved. Besides its emphasis on sign language, BVBIZ has introduced another component, Theology of Disability. On the 5th of October, Method Moyo, one of our 2022 graduate came to teach the school on this. He presently works at Cure Zimbabwe-a hospital for disabled children in Bulawayo. All attendees were left at another level.
BVBIZ is guided in its operations by a strategic plan (2022-2024). One of the strategic objectives in terms of human capital development is “Capacitated, qualified, resilient, visionary, motivated and quality oriented staff who meet the core functions adequately.” To improve on our administrative processes, in consultation with the Human Resources Committee within the Board, the school has engaged the services of brother Maxwell Chitendeni, an administration expert, to help staff members and the school in general to have a robust administrative system.
One of the strategic goals of the school is a drive towards sustainability. This takes time. The strategic objective is anchored on strong strategic networks and viable project base. In terms of projects, much has been done on poultry and horticulture. These projects enable the school to get an extra dollar whilst at the same time provide hands on experience to students besides the theory they learn in class. This month we can report on the following;
During the last two weeks of October, the school planted more tomatoes in one of the gardens, a bit of maize, cabbages, lettuce and green paper. This is besides some of the crops already in the garden such as onions, bit root, cucumbers and butternuts.
Harvesting of tomatoes in the greenhouse picked up in the month. The market for tomatoes has not been a challenge. In some occasions, the school has failed to satisfy the market.
BVBIZ takes seriously the practicum component. Besides weekend evangelism, holiday preaching and field program, one week campaigns have now become a regular on the school calendar every term. From the 15th-22nd of October, BVBIZ camped at Kwekwe as we joined hands with a number of experienced preachers to spread the gospel in the area. Such preachers included James Abraham, Gedion Madyira, Ovius Kufa, Tinashe Moyana, Michael Kasimu, Moses Maulani, Partmore Simbi and Tinashe Mazhambe. Some of these have become a regular wherever the school camps. We wish to thank the Kwekwe congregation for providing accommodation and food during this evangelism week. Seven were baptized during the week. We always cherish such partnerships.
BVBIZ celebrates with one of our instructors Ishmael Mutichu upon his graduation on the 20th of October. He graduated with a Masters in Religious Studies. The school wishes him well in his future educational pursuit and career.
Donnie Estep was with the school from the 22nd to the 27st of the month teaching the book of Hebrews. His visits are always a blessing to the school. Students performed very well in his class and the teacher was satisfied as well.
On the 14th of October, the school held its first official general meeting. These meetings shall be held every year beyond 2023. The director, board chairperson, board treasurer and the legal team gave their reports. The treasurer gave the 2022 audited financial reports in the process. Though attendance was low, the school anticipates these meetings to grow in terms of participation and relevance. Great appreciation to the Board, management and all stakeholders who attended for making this a success.
We thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ in October. This would not have been possible without encouragements we keep receiving from you. Our appreciation continues to go to our sponsors for their unwavering support and to many others for their moral, financial, material and spiritual support. To God be the glory!