May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! It is with great pleasure in our hearts that we want to share with you some information about the activities of our center that took place in the month of October 2023. Above all, receive our sincere greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our greetings also go to the extended family of the Creekside congregation and that of the Bear Valley Bible Institute. The information we want to bring to your attention concerns student internship reports and individual student vacation activities.
These activities are as follows. The third quarter internship period ran from October 7 to 14, 2023. Our students truly supported the assemblies that welcomed them through door-to-door preaching of the Gospel and teachings in church. The overall result of their efforts was five (05) baptisms distributed as follows, one (1) in the BISSIWADOG village, one (1) in Moundou, two in Koumra and one (1) in the Gonogono 2 village. We say congratulations to the trainees. Let us pray for the growth of these saved souls.
In regard to the individual evangelization activities of the students on vacation, let us mention two seminars organized in two villages for the students. These seminars helped save a soul. May the name of God be glorified! Hopefully the remaining three weeks will also bear fruit.
Regarding the activities of the Center in the near future, in the last week of December we will have a major Alumni evangelization campaign as well as the Annual Conference of the Church of Christ in Chad which will be held in N'djamena from December 28 to 31. These two events will need the effective presence of our students who will be a force for evangelization. However, we have a lack of adequate means for student transportation. The Alumni Campaign will take place in the locality where two former students of BVBI Cameroon Mbanga work. They are approximately 200 km from the center. N'djamena is 450 km from Moundou where the center is located. Let us pray for the participation of our students in these great moments where their preaching of the gospel of salvation can help win more lost souls.
These, Mr. Coordinator, are the few useful pieces of information to give you on the activities of the BVBI Moundou Chad during the month of October as well as some activities that lie ahead of us. Thank you for your availability to read from us. May God bless you abundantly in Jesus Christ!
In Christ,
Your brother Datoudji!
Moundou November 2, 2023