October, 2023 Report
When Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also says “that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” and Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 after saying that all scriptures is inspired, give a reason for its purpose “that the saints of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We always give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. And we will forever be appreciative to God and to all our partners who have made this to be possible.
Extra work in D.R.C
We have continued to work with Tshibamba – Muyeye Tresor and the month of October continued to be very fruitful in D.R.C Congo as far as evangelism is concerned. We have recorded nine (9) Souls being added to the Kingdom and the Church continues to grow in Katanga province of Congo. Now there is a great demand that we travel to meet these brothers as you see them in the pictures attached below. Keep us in your prayers
We have also reached as far as the region of south Kivu Kinshasa in the village known as Tubondo along to Lake Tanganyika as indicated on the map attached below.
I. Other Activities
A. Our evangelism in Luanshya District
1. We have continued to make every effort to reach out to the lost soul with Brother Cephas Mwamba is spearheading the work; the students are motivated as they do personal evangelistic activities. It is very encouraging to see them involved in reaching out to those who desperately need to be saved. They have continued with the target they have given themselves as far as reaching people is concerned. As indicated in our previous communiqué, each student is supposed to speak to at least two (02) people on a daily basis. The thirteen (12) students speak to at least twenty-six (24) people each day. It is indeed worthy noting that at the end of the week these students would have spoken to almost one hundred and fifty-six (154) people. With tenacity and consistency the desired results will be realized.
B. Bible Studies
They have also increased the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies from. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies twice a week. On Fridays, they have all attend the Bible studies at Brother Zechariah Magawa. Brother Magawa is a former Police command of Luanshya district who was converted through our student’s preaching and now he is such an encouragement to our student preachers.
C. Baptisms/Restorations
We are very happy to report that the month of October, 2023 has so far recorded a total of seven (7) baptisms in Luanshya District.
We also recorded three (3) restorations
D. Copper belt Provincial Youth Conference
We held a youth conference which started on 27th October, 2023 and ended on 29th October, 2023.
Youths from eight districts of the Copper belt Province convened at Church of Christ Wusakile in Kitwe district.
The theme of the conference was “Overcoming the modern challenges of the youths”. Our former students were also invited and did a good job when they presented their lessons. They interacted well with our current student body. We can successfully say we had a good time in the Lord and good experience with the youths on the copper belt Province.
Austin Musonda, Gershom Chansa and Boyd Kalaba all did an excellent work as they worked together in teaching at the conference. We had a very fantastic experience! And at the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded:
Ø Total attendance: 284
Ø Baptisms: 6
Ø Restorations: 13
Ø Two of the youths who were present a boy and a girl came and confessed that they were sent to initiate at least ten youths into Satanism, it was very scary experience.
E. Reports from our alumni
Reuben Museka: of 2022 graduate has continued to be sound in Mbala district of Northern Province and has given as a good report on his work there and the church. The congregation which started with only three families has now grown to seventeen (17) members. They have continued to meet at a government primary school and they have started to look for a plot where they can begin to build in a traditional land. We keep praying for him to be successful.
Simon khazi: also of 2022 graduate has continued in Lusaka province at Mtendere Congregation where he began a youth class and has so far recorded eleven (11) baptisms within two months. His dedication to work is highly recommended. Simon is also in the school of medicine and we wish him well.
Visiting by Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator (Southern Africa)
It is always a great pleasure to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia. We realize the sacrifices and indeed the commitments he makes to come to us. And for this reason we will forever be grateful to God and to Donnie!
Brother Donnie taught the book of Galatians and our students were very excited to gain the knowledge from the experienced.
We continue to speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together. We also continue to Giving special thanks to our supportive family and friends at Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to all of you for financial support that you render to the school. We are also grateful to all our other partners in this noble work! May God richly bless you all!!
Because of the Christ,
Cephas and Fred