Dear brethren in Christ,
Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. Our mission of training men to be evangelists have been successful with all your prayers and encouragement.
Brethren, We are blessed to be able to continue our mission of Education, Evangelism and Edification. This year has been very productive. We have been able to reach out several places with the Lord’s message. Thousands of people have heard the good news, hundreds have been added to the Church. One week Gospel Campaign program given a great opportunity to restore several souls and stand by the newly established congregations. As part of it, we have successfully completed this one-week gospel campaign. We held this program in three villages, first two days in the village Gonada, in East Godavari District and later in West Godavari in three villages. Even though we held 40 Bible studies on an average, we had a wonderful opportunity to distribute gospel tracts in all the four villages we visited. Gospel tracts with titles such as, About Salvation, The True Church, Truth about the Bible, Biblical Truth, etc., so, great opportunity to distribute gospel tracts and introduce the local preacher and inviting them for the gospel meeting. Truly, God has blessed our efforts, these villages have gotten the good news received, hoping that more fruit will be yielded by the later efforts of the local preacher. We are proud of our preaching students who are very enthusiastic in the mission work. Distribution of gospel tracts, conducting personal/group studies and public gospel meetings were successfully conducted during this one week time.
We thank you brethren for your prayers. The Lord has blessed us in a mighty way to train these men to be effective evangelists of Christ. Providing on hand experience has been our chief objective in this preacher training program. We are very confident that these preachers are going to be very active evangelists because of this practical education and training. Indeed, present religious situation and opposition certainly requires not only an educated preacher but also one who can approach the strangers with the word of God, react positively to the opposition, being successful holding a personal/group study. We are very thankful that our Lord is leading us and guiding through this Gospel Campaign fulfilling our objective of providing practical education to the preachers.
We are grateful for your kindness, appreciation, for your trust and confidence. We would continue our mission of training men and making them affective evangelists and send them for real world ministry. We appreciate the elders of Lake Houston and Strickland church of Christ and also Farmersville Church of Christ for their kind support. We do appreciate Jerry and Paula Bates for their love too. Kindly convey our gratitude with all the brethren you worship with. We pray that the economic situation in our country would get better soon, inflation has affected our economy here by affecting our daily, monthly expenses. Fuel, Electricity, cooking oil and cost of rice are just terrible, life has become expensive. Kindly pray for the economic situation, thank you.
God bless you all.
in Christ,
John Dean M