Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope this report meets you in good health. We are doing our best here in health and with the work entrusted in our hands. God is still on the throne! Even though we are being faced with many challenges, we have come to understand that life is not free from challenges. We know that Christians need to use the challenges in their path to be stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.
Last weeks in the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Wotutu, and in other parts of the work here, things are progressing well. August is always a busy month in Cameroon, because it is the last month for children who have been on vacation to start making preparations to get back to school. It is also time for the youth in the churches of Christ to attend a retreat which is very spiritual. It is to help them empower them before they go back to their different classrooms.
Before exams for this quarter, the Bible students had a special day to learn how to use a computer and how they can do research online. They also learned how to prepare a PowerPoint. We are training 21st century preachers so we are trying our best to prepare them to fit into the society in which they find themselves.
We are left with 4 months until the graduation ceremony of the Zeta batch. Some have really grown to a good stage while others are still climbing to get to a higher level. It is normal! As we say here in Africa, “ALL FINGERS ARE NOT THE SAME,” but it is clear that all fingers have some sort of function in the body. Keep praying for the preaching students as many congregations are longing to see them graduate and start full time work in the vineyard of God in different locations.
We continue to send gospel tracts to different parts of Cameroon. Preachers who cannot afford to come to Wotutu, to come and select mission printing tracts that can aid their evangelistic work in their areas, can simply call me and I will ship them to their village using those big buses you see behind me. We are always happy to be able to serve others.
Weekend evangelism is a great tool in the work here because through weekend evangelism, which is expensive now, souls are being won. Any soul won into the kingdom is greater in comparison than any amount of money spent to bring that precious soul into Christ! Our weekend evangelism is doing a lot of nurturing, revival, and focusing as many congregations are receiving fresh exhortation from these young, but vibrant preachers in the Bear Valley Bible Institute. Most of our graduates are extremely willing and very happy to welcome our students to help in the work. Students went to assist in the village of Bolo Moboka, where our graduate minister Waka is serving the Lord.
This year’s Summer Youth Retreat was historic. As the crisis has calmed down just a little in the two English speaking regions in Cameroon, more parents are willing to allow their children to travel across the country to attend various programs. This year’s edition of the retreat had close to 400 youth in attendance. I was there, and spoke on the topic, “VIGILANCE.” This topic will go a long way to help our youth learn to take their time and concentrate in any endeavor in life.
Thank you! Thank you very much for all the blessings of God’s grace that you are helping to make us be able to enjoy. Your prayers and your support are really helping this work. Please keep it up! God is watching and will reward you in due season.
God bless you as you make a great day!
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu