Full Time and the Extended Programs
Just like July, in fact more than July, the month of August was so successful for us. Indeed there is no joy in this whole world other than that of saving souls, and it is this joy that the month of August left with us. In the month of August, many activities took place here at the KBVBI; these activities include: evangelistic campaign and conversion of souls, ending of first semester for the extended students, and the continuation of academic activities. As we give more details, may you patiently keep on reading!
It is always rewarding to confront unbelievers with the Gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. For the month of August, our campaign efforts were directed to Koidu city, the headquarters of Kono city. Koidu is 80 miles away from Kenema, and it is one of the main cities of the eastern province of Sierra Leone. The Church of Christ was taken to Kono District by Brother Tamba Kabba, a native of Koidu who got converted in The Gambia during the 1991-2001 war that erupted in the territory of Sierra Leone. Upon his return from The Gambia in 2002, he established a congregation at Koidu, Ndoimena Street. Brother Tamba’s effort has led to the establishment of two more congregations- Kuoyor and Sukudu. However, many brethren in those congregations had backslided and required restoration. Moreover, the Koidu territory is populated by Muslims. It was against this background that our students (we have five students in a full time program from Kono) expressed their desire for an evangelistic campaign to be taken to Kono. Koidu, a diamond rich city, attracts a lot of interest from people and there are many inhabiting that city that are lost. Therefore, our decision to go to Kono was not by any mistake.
The campaign was embarked on at Koidu from August 2 to 8. During our one week preaching at Kono, we came in contact with a denomination that bears the name “Church of Christ”, and the leadership of that denomination invited us to study with them. We spent hours and some two days studying with them. During our interactions with them, as we got to the point of baptism, they informed us that they had come in contact with 21st Century Global Mission through brother Jacob Sesay who came to Koidu there last year and baptized almost all of them (for they are over 150) and gave them baptismal certificates with the WBS inscription on them. They continued that since then, they have not seen Brother Jacob and his team, and they also continued with their denominational practices in worship (use of instruments, clapping of hands, occasional taking of Lord’s Supper- once in a month, sometimes they do not take at all, etc).
Upon hearing this, we continued to teach them, and the following Sunday, they never used instruments, but were still clapping and doing some other wrong things. However, teaching is a process, therefore, we pray that as we are still in touch with them, the Lord may open up their hearts so that they can embrace the true teachings of the New Testament Church. However, since it is a rainy season now in Sierra Leone, the rain affected most of our outings, so that during the one week campaign, 6 souls were converted and 14 brethren were restored back to the congregations in Koidu. We have included Koidu in our external missions so that we could continue to teach that denominational church and encourage the brethren there to be more committed to the work of the Lord.
You will recall that in our January report, we informed you about the commencement of our extended program with 16 students, 11 males and 5 females (preachers’ wives and wives to-be). Therefore, on August 13, their first semester year one came to an end. In that semester, they handled 8 courses including English and Computer. They were expected to resume on September 3, 2022 for the continuation of their studies. We are grateful for all our students, especially in relation to their commitment to their studies and the work of the Lord.
Brother James Fayia, who was one of our students in the extended period, died on August 16, after a brief battle with Tuberculosis. He was one of our committed brothers and students, and his death has brought us so much sorrow. Brother James was the assistant preacher and the evangelism coordinator at IDA Church of Christ in Kenema here, where one of our staff, Brother Gabriel Abu preaches. He was 40 years old. He recently got married before his demise, and the young sister is here with us. Please may we be remembering her in our prayers.
A. Evangelistic Campaign (September 24-30)
B. Leadership Seminar (September 16)
C. Youths and Leadership Seminar (October 7,8)
It is indeed exciting and fulfilling to be found useful in God’s vineyard. And to you brethren, the lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.