Reporting Letter for the month of August-2022
Respected International director of Biblical studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India, we pray that this letter may serve us to find you well. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and all your efforts for the smooth function of BVBI extension centre at Tirupati-India. We are happy to share the report for the month of August-2022.
BVBI-Class room work:- In the month of August we have completed these books-Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, ,1 st Chronicle , 3rd John and few special topics from N.T which our students have requested .
Seminar for the blind people:- We have conducted a seminar for the visually challenged people and encouraged them spiritually . There were 40 blind people who were able to attend for the meeting. After the meeting they have given good feed back regarding the benefit they have enjoyed by the seminar.
Audio Bibles distribution for the visually challenged people:- we have distributed 28 audio bibles for the visually challenged people who are studying degree at in our city.
Leper Colonies Children Ministry:- There are two leper colonies in our city, every day in the evening we collect the children and teach them good stories, songs, give them some memory work and feed them before they leave the centre. These After school children care centers are much useful for the children at leper colonies.
Thanks giving meeting:- one of the person from Leper colony has conducted thanks giving meeting in the month of August 11th Thursday . Myself and one of our staff members could able to attend and encourage them. There were 200 people could able to attend for the meeting.
Guest teacher for October-2022:- We are thankful to our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds for recommending to send Mr. Steve Snider for teaching the book of John gospel and epistle James in the first week of October-2022.
Funeral service :- one of the local preacher Mr. Joel Wad died on August 28th, due to heart problem, we could able to attend for the funeral service on August 29th Monday.
Personality development class at Girls school:- We have conducted personality development class for KGBV-Girls school (10th class students) on August 2nd and taught them values of the women in the society.
Prayer request:- In India in the month of October all the colleges and schools will be closed for ten days due to festivals, it is our plan to conduct two days youth seminar for the benefit of college students who are studying in the secular colleges. We request your prayers for the youth seminar.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay & Swarupa, from BVBI-Extension Centre-Tirupati-India