August 2022 Report
I thank God that he preserved us from any serious ailment, despite some minor ailments that some students went through in this month of August. Student AMOSSOU Kokou suffered from toothache, one of which was pulled out and the treatment is still going on in the hospital. This is the last term of this promotion.
There are many things to do such as two evangelization campaigns in KONDA and ATOME (180 km), for a new church which has started with 9 baptized already. A three (3) day conference in TEMEDJA for new churches and students of Saturday courses. For this conference the members are to be on October 28,29 and 30, 2022.
Last quarter's courses:
1. 1,2 Timothy and Titus: Akovi Hope
2. Ezekiel: Cephas
3. Comparative religion: Rodrigue
4. Job and Psalms : ATTAH
5. Biblical History and Geography : AKALO
6. Exodus: AKLI
7. Marriage and Family: Cephas
The course will end in December 2022.
In spite of the rains that continue to fall sometimes all day long, the souls are thirsty for the word of God (the gospel). The evangelization in BEME this month resulted in two baptisms.
Visits to churches:
Each student takes the courage to visit a church every Sunday. Students close to Kpalime start by asking to work with some churches in the locality.
Saturday classes:
Currently there are 6 Saturday schools with 70 students: Temedja, Kpalime, Kpele-Beme, and Blita, AMOUZOUKOPE and LOME.
Enrollment of new students (class of 2023-2025):
Two candidates from the churches of Christ the Republic of Congo, wish to attend the training at IBBV in Togo. Already, the evangelist to send the names. On both sides of Saturday schools with students who want to continue with BVBI, names continue to arrive at Direction. The deadline for registration is November 2022.