Reaching the lost in Mombasa

Dear brethren,

Greetings! We hope this quarterly report finds you fine in the Lord. We are also fine in Mombasa, doing well in the Lord. Receive much greetings from the Bear Valley, Mombasa. The Students are doing well in the Lord as they continue with their studies on Saturdays. We are glad that the students are sacrificing their time to come each Saturday.

Francis concluded his lessons on the Book of Revelation successfully, and Paul is currently taking the class through the Book of Acts. it is our hope that the students will enjoy this class as well.

We've encouraged the students to take part in personal evangelism whenever they get time since we only meet during weekends. some students are trying to reach out to the community with the gospel and we're praying for them to get breakthrough as they meet opposition from Muslims and denominations. we believe that God is going to reach others through the commitment of these students.

So far we have taught fourteen lessons and Paul is currently taking the 15th class. our desire and hope is to continually and thoroughly equipping the saints with Gospel of truth. Being in an area where most Churches are liberal, we trust God that he would use the school to bring forth change - everlasting change that would equip God's people with the right Gospel and in the right Church.

We do encourage the students to create time for personal evangelism, though we're acknowledging their tight work schedule (in terms of reporting and departure). some students who have done good work in personal evangelism: Ismael Ajaja has reached two prospects who are Beryl Akinyi and Mary Ndoto. Moreover, Beatrice Atieno has also reached a Muslim prospect called Monday, whom we'll contact to have a secret discipleship.

Much prayer is needed from all brethren to keep God's work here a success, both for the school and Jomvu Church of Christ where the school is currently located. We trust God that all will be well with the students and teachers. May you remember the work here in prayers always!

God bless you all. Shalom.

Yours in Christ,

Francis and Paul

Posted on September 12, 2022 .