We begin by sending to you warm greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! We take this opportunity to give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully articulated in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His Vineyard.
Once again this report has been written in an effort to provide some insight into the accomplishments that BVBI-Zambia has continued to experience. It is always a great pleasure to write and reflect on the happenings here at BVBI-Zambia during the month of August, 2022.
We had another exciting month of August busiest months in our school calendar here at BVBI-Zambia. We have been moving around on Copperbelt for practicum of our students, meeting youths and older men for the gospel during this month. It is also a period that we start concluding our school calendar of the year. It becomes busier especially when we are organizing a graduation
More elders
Once again on the Copperbelt in Ndola district, BVBI-Zambia was tasked to help to teach on selecting elders and also in ordaining those elders. We had to do this work for the past three months at Church of Christ in Lubuto and finally on 14th August we had an ordination. Once again all our students were part of these sessions. The church at Lubuto also invited other sister churches on the Copperbelt at least two leaders from one congregation were in attendance.
Brother Allan Mundia in his early 50s is added to the eldership in Ndola at Lubuto and it was a colorful ceremony. Other serving elders came with their families and were made to stand too in support of the new elder. We continue to thank God and pray that such activities continues to happen for the betterment of His kingdom
Leadership workshop
We had a very successful meeting at BVBI-Zambia for leaders in Luanshya district. These quarterly meetings which are meant to strengthen a working relationship in the Church as a district. It was a one day meeting and was very successful, in the picture below showing leaders having a light moment of meal fellowship at the end of meeting.
MEN’S CONFERENCE-2022(Solwezi-Northwestern Province)
We had a very successful evangelistic trip to Solwezi, Northwestern Province of Zambia. Men from all over Zambia came together again during this year’s conference hosted by the brethren from Northwestern Province. The conference started on 25th August 2022 and ended on 28th August, 2022. We travelled with other members of different congregations of Luanshya district of the Copper belt province. The total number of 23 represented all the 5 congregations from the Luanshya district. We took all our 11 students and they all participated immensely in the activities of the conference. They help to beef-up the personnel in catering and security. Brother Cephas Mwamba who is the dean of students at BVBI-Zambia was one the speakers of the conference. He was the last speaker to present his lesson. He spoke on the theme: The strategy for victory” and did an excellent job! The Bear Valley family is well represented.
We had a representation of fifty-eight (58) congregation national wide including four brothers coming from Mozambique except northern and western province. We were two hundred and seven (207) in total attendance both young and old men representing the above congregations. We also had some students from our sister institute in Lusaka in attendance.
All the alumni of the school are very active and influential in their respective congregations. Interesting news and updates have continued reaching us about the work these men are doing. We would like share some of these updates.
1. Andrew Mwila graduated in 2017 and he relocated from Mansa, Luapula Province to Lusaka, Lusaka Province. In our previous communiqué, we reported that Andrew almost quit preaching and attending church services. He cited financial hardships and unemployment as some of the reasons he wanted to go that route. But we are thankful to God that these things did detour him from the noble work he has been called to do. He has now found something to do and he is very active in the church business. He conducts Bible studies in his home and he is regular preacher at his congregation.
2. Borniface Sianjina graduated in 2017. Upon graduating he opted to continue working as a brick layer while preaching in Luanshya. He has done much of this work in Kitwe town and while there, he regularly preached in a community of the police. He presented topics on the church, baptism and many others. This attracted lot of questions and Bible studies were set up as a result. Many people came to know the true church because of these efforts conducted by him. This month the Church has bought him a brand new bicycle to appreciate him and encourage him as he preaches.
3. Austin Musonda graduated in 2021. Austin is currently on attachment for the course he is doing in forestry in Ndola district. He has been a faithful soldier of Christ; he is doing a recommendable work. He is a member of Chibwe church of Christ in Baluba, Luanshya district. He is one of the regular preachers there and he conducts regular Bibles studies at the church building.
We are looking forward in anticipation of having a graduation ceremony on 22nd October, 2022. This will be our third graduation ceremony since the beginning of this school here in Zambia. At the end of their studies at BVBI-Z, God willing eleven men will be graduating. They are very excited to graduate and go back and work with their respective congregations. We are very confident that these students have been diligent in their work and conduct during the tenure of their studies at BVBI-Z. Please continue praying for these men that they remain faithful even after they graduate from this school.
We are grateful to all our partners! Our hearts are always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement they give to us in this noble work. We pray that God will bless the works that you are all involved in.
Cephas and Fred