March 2022 Report
We are very thankful to God for having this opportunity once again to report concerning the work of BVBI-Zambia during the month of March, 2022.
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken……….” (Hebrews 12:28)
The month of March, 2022 continued to be very fruitful as far as extending the Kingdom of God is concerned.
I. Major Activities
A. Copperbelt churches of Christ women’s meeting at BVBI- Zambia:
We had a privilege to invite women in the Copperbelt church and the meeting went on very well. The meeting is meant to strengthen the working relationship of women in the church. The program has been designed to equip our sisters for effective services and stand up for the truth to fight this kind of insidious nonsense propagated by so many denominations, the detriment of our society and values. Let’s stand together, fight together against this latest attempt of Satan to destroy the Church, It was a one day meeting and calls to continue such meetings have not stopped coming to our Institute.
B. Restorations:
We have recorded twenty two restorations in six congregations on the Copperbelt province where the institute has reached to preach the gospel, indeed without Christian principles, morals and ethics we have discovered that the church is still at risk and our country is doomed.
C. Added to the Lord’s body:
It was with much happiness that we saw Sybol Mulenga, Jenipher Mwape and nine others put on Christ in baptism by Gershom Chansa. It is always such a joy to see souls added to His Church. Our prayers are with these young ladies.
Our students have continued to set up more Bible studies in the homes of the Christians around the school. They have also continued with their personal evangelism.
II. Visitors
We were very happy and encouraged to see Brother Mark Reynolds and Brother Norman Light visit BVBI- Zambia. They arrived in Zambia on 10th March, 2022. They spent two days in the Zambian capital city, Lusaka, conducting a seminar at Lusaka Central Church. They proceeded to Luanshya via Ndola on 13th March, 2022. It was a special treat to the students, as they were taught by these great men of God. They taught a short course on the Book of Romans. Having great knowledge and wisdom they taught this book with clarity such that even when they left, students were still talking about the book. They are excellent teachers indeed! This was their very first time traveling to Zambia. We really enjoyed their visit and we are very grateful to them and to God!
On a sad note:
Jonah Sianga a director at BVBI- Lusaka has lost his wife on 04/04/22. We continue to pray that may God grant them the comfort that the family need and we continue to express our sincere love and sympathy to Jonah and the family.
On the other development;
Dr. Ebenezer Udofia flew in Zambia on 27th March, 2022 from his base in Kenya. He is working with Healing Hands International as the Director of African Agriculture. He held a workshop at school on “Food Security” with primary emphasis on Poultry and Livestock Management. He is indeed an expert in Agriculture. Ebenezer flew back to Kenya on 01/04/22 Friday
We are looking forward to more of his coming back for the same work.
III. Reports from our alumni
Our alumni have continued to work very hard in bringing people back to the Lord. Hornbye Mupengu is one of the workers involved with World Bible School. He reports that he has done close to 30 follow-ups per month. And he has since set up many Bible studies from these follow-ups.
As we mentioned in our previous communiqué Clive Kabika is another alumnus of the school who is stationed in Kabwe District of Central Province of Zambia. He reports that he continues working with a local congregation and he features every week on a local radio station. He presents some lessons about the Church and other related topics.
Joseph Musonda is also alumnus of the school who continues to put into practice what he learned from BVBI-Zambia. The church where he preaches is small and they are not able to support him. In spite of what is going through, he continues to do what he supposed to do. And that is preaching the word!
Austin Musonda has continued to be active in the Kingdom and has so far converted three souls and has continued to teach in Kitwe district, Austin’s work is highly recommended and needs our support.
IV. Statement on Covid-19 in Zambia
There have been some successes and some failures, as far as dealing with Covid 19 pandemic is concerned. But the most successful response to Covid 19 has so far been vaccination. Although some in this part of the world have their own misguided myths on Covid 19, the vaccination intervention has proven to be working. Fewer and fewer people in Zambia are being infected with Covid as a result of such an intervention. We only pray that this development continues even through the coming cold season.
We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with all of you in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.
May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors!
Cephas and Fred