The joy of the house of God is being manifested through what God is taking us through. We are called his children because we belong to the house of faith. I bring you greetings from my house.
We started the 5th quarter, we thank God we asked for protection to all the students during their time in the holidays with their families, God is so good , they all came back to school and are studying very well.
Although some are getting weak but this is physical illnesses. Their strength in studying gave me more joy. I don’t know if its because they are seeing the second years to bring their success, but all in all put us in prayers because its not always easy at the genesis of each and everything.
Pray for our country especially the hike in prices of commodities. Everything this is now high. With prayers, we are very sure for a good answer from God. We pray for you always and the hands that give to make the school run smoothly.
Be blessed
Until all have heard