We are very thankful to God for having this opportunity once again to report on the work of BVBI- Liberia during the month of March 2022. Under the divine power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, everything is going well here in Liberia with everyone involved with the school playing his or her part very well
All our classes for the month of March were very good and well attended by all the 18 students and the instructors assigned to those classes. Because of the rain that has already started here in Liberia, we are having a little challenge with some of our teachers coming to classes a little late because of their distances, but they make sure to cover the day’s materials and class hours before leaving.
The continued day-to-day visitation of our students in the communities in Ganta and their every Sunday visitation at local congregations have resulted in 13 baptisms in the month of March. It is getting challenging for them getting to some of the places they used to easily reach because of the rain. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Brother Peter Makundu, the director from Sierra Leone was our guest teacher in March. Peter spent 12 days presenting lessons on World Religion. We were truly privileged to have him teach at the school in Liberia because our students here spoke highly of his presentation and patience with them.
The economic situation in Liberia is getting very bad with the rise of goods and basic commodities on the market making it difficult to effectively run the school. In this light and as part of our plans to buttress your selfless efforts in providing for the needs of the school and the students, we have resulted to farm this year. To be able to do this very effectively without tempering the hours allocated for Bear Valley courses, our farming will be over the weekend. This decision has met the consent of the staff and students and we all agreed that the farm will help us greatly and the future of the school.
Meanwhile, as we speak, seven (7) plots or lots of land have since been cleared and burned. As part of our students agriculture training and practical demonstration, The students have embarked on laying out the land for planting. We are very sure this will ease the burden on you and will also help us take in more students during our next intake to train more men for the work of our maker. Please keep this effort in your prayers.
As part of our academic requirement at Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia, we have planned to carry out another evangelism next month in two towns to restore the Lord’s churches that are dying there. Congregations have been in these areas but one of them is no more because of the passing of the preacher that was there and the other one in another town is facing some doctrinal problems that need serious help. Most of the members of the congregation with these doctrinal issues have left the church and the news we are getting from there is not good at all. The school has been called by some members of the church to come and help restore the church and teach some lessons on the problems. For this, we ask for your prayers for God's will to be done there and for the safety of our team members.
Brother Robert G. Toweh, another former denominational preacher who through the radio teaching program became a Christian through water baptism in September 2020 at the Ganta church. He is now the oldest student at Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia. Brother Toweh was born on Febrary28, 1952 in Tarppita city, Nimba county. Robert is married with 7 children.
Robert G. Toweh attended the Living Waters Bible School (A Denominational Bible School) in Kakata and had worked as a Pastor for The Grace Mission Church and for the Christian World Mission church. Brother Toweh worked with the World Health Organization in Nimba county, Liberia from 1976 to 1978. He has also worked with the Fire Stone Harbel Rubber Plantation in Margibi County from 1986 to 1996. When asked how he became a Christian, Brother Robert said, he came to Ganta to visit his relative when he heard the church of Christ preaching on the radio. That lead him to visit the church that faithful Sunday when the invitation was extended to the public. Since his visit, he said he was convinced and wanted to learn more about the truth. After discussing this with his wife and children, he got enrolled at the Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia where he is now studying the undiluted words of God. Please keep him in your prayer. He is willing to learn and hopefully like the Apostle Paul will do great work in teaching the denominational church he came from.
We remain eternally grateful for the partnership, cooperation, and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI- Ganta Liberia. We express our gratitude and thanks to the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their great love and compassion toward the work of our savior. We are also thankful to our coordinator Brother Steven Ashcraft for his great encouragement for this educational project to train up young people in Liberia who can teach others also. We are in need of your continued prayers and encouragement.
In Him,
Robert P. Dahn, Jr.
Director- BVBI-L