To God be the glory great things he has done for ushering us to another beautiful year. Kumasi campus were privileged to get a wonderful support from the Bear Valley Bible Institute country office in the first quarter for which we are grateful to God for the honor.
The campus activities is progressing both numerically and in structure, thus instructors, trainees, administrative and academically.
The campus is blessed with a new instructor, three new trainees and an administrator.
There is a rigorous academic activity of face-to-face lectures, very interactive, per instructor and student impartation standard.
Two (2) courses have been completed, thus, the book of Hebrews and Marriage and Family Life. Mid semester examination and quizzes has been conducted.
Two (2) new courses have started, thus the book of Revelation and 1Corinthians.
There are plans to schedule a make-up class of research and writing for the three (3) new students.
Attendance sheet has been introduced to check punctuality and enablement of credit hours accumulation.
Brother Isaac Agyen a student who helped established Effiduase Sekyere church still continues to visit the young Church and also assist a radio broadcast evangelism by the Accra Road Church.
The Kumasi campus is envisaged to plant a new church at Kentinkrono a suburb of Kumasi in between Saint Louis Senior High School and Ejisu in the upcoming Bear Valley Bible students campaign program.
In our previous report this piece of information below was captured to the head office and we want to affirm that the above office holders are in their various positions working as expected.
The school has been able to engage the services of an administrator to help manage student results, draw suitable academic calendar, prepare budgets and a whole lot of stuffs. The Preacher of KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) Campus Church has been appointed as an instructor. This will go a long way to help the Bible School admit most of the University Students who love to combine Preaching with their course of study at the University. Finally, the introduction of the Research and Writing Course has helped improve the exploration skills in the students.
Another achievement is the acquisition of four (4) standard classroom chairs for the BVBI Kumasi campus with the help of country office.
Our recommendation will rather start with an immense appreciation from Kumasi campus to Bear Valley Bible Institute for the timely support. We are most grateful for the acknowledgement.
It’s our earnest plea that the Kumasi Campus will be considered in every decision of the Institute in order to motivate Instructors and Students as well.