We send Calvary greetings to you in the precious and ever-assuring name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, hoping that this finds you flourishing in the grace of God. We are glad again to share with you our operation report for the month of July. The month of July was truly a successful month for us and we remain grateful to God, our supporters and all who are praying for the success of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone. As it is our format, the school activities for the past July shall be summarily discussed under the below headings:
As stated in our June report, the previous academic session (2019-2021) came to a close at the end of June, 2021. The school went on break for three weeks and resumed the new session academic (2021-2023) activities on the 27th July, 2021. The school resumed with 20 students all in act and are doing fine as we write.
On Friday, July 30, 2021, an evangelism orientation was held at the school campus. This was done in an effort to lay the foundation and to spell out categorically what is expected of the students. The theme for the orientation was, “Laying the Foundation”, and topics such as Bear Valley Students and their Evangelistic Approaches, the Students and the Use of Language during Evangelism, the Students and Security Challenges, were all covered under the theme in question. Six staff were present for the orientation. We give God the glory for everything.
In an effort to promote the smooth running of the Bear Valley program in Sierra Leone, a general staff meeting was held at the School’s Guesthouse on the 15th July, 2021. Ten (10) staff were in attendance and many things that will aid the growth of the school were discussed.
In our previous reports, we have always informed you that the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute has been operating with two permanent teaching staff/instructors (Peter Sahr Makundu-Director and Peter Barnett-Students’ Dean), and four non-teaching staff (Two cooks and two securities), together with other teaching staff who come to take their courses upon invitation.
However, the Dean of Students, Peter Barnett who is almost 60 years old resigned. To the glory of God, we are been blessed with two additional young and committed (both are less than 29 years) teaching staff who are permanent: Michael Sahr Triyoh, who just graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Ministerial Studies from one of the prestigious Churches of Christ Bible schools, the School of Biblical Studies: An Affiliate of the University of Jos, Nigeria, who now serves as the Dean of Academic Affairs and Joseph Missailie Jr., one of the best students from the first set of students that the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute produced.
You would recall that in our March report, we informed you about the local congregation that was established at Gondama as the result of our campaign. Gondama is around 50-62 miles away from Kenema where the school is located. Our students have been going there every Saturday to do some evangelistic works and to worship and teach the brethren on Sundays before returning to Kenema. The congregation is doing well, though there are challenges. The place of worship has been one of those challenges. Moreover, at the beginning of July, we lost one of our committed members. We plead that you help us to commit the brethren in God’s hands to grow in the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, our campus Church which had died down but was restored upon the return of the Director, is also growing every day. Our attendance is increasing week after week and we give God the glory for that.
We want to get you informed that we have relocated the school from Dama Road to 18A Harding Street of Kenema, Sierra Sierra Leone. This relocation was needful because we wanted a place that could accommodate all our 20 students and to have staff offices. The new place is actually convenient for the learning process and we are grateful to God.
We want to firstly appreciate God who has always been the provider and the sustainer of His children. We want to secondly, specially, appreciate the brethren who financially helped us with our special needs: additional computers, renting of the new school building, additional chairs, beds, tables for students, etc. We remain indebted to you and we pray that the Lord God, who rewards all according to His wisdom blesses you and favors you in all you do in Christ’s name.
We are gratefully inviting you to our 2nd graduation ceremony and our 1st Bible Lectureship that will take place on 29th-30th October, 2021 Lord willing. We would really be grateful if you grace that occasion. May God bless you as you honor our invitation!
Michael is one of our newly added permanent staff who was born in Fasedu Village, Kailahun District in 1993. He was baptized into the Lord’s body in 2012. Michael is the only Christian in his family, though has been making a conscious effort to bring some of the members to Christ. Prior to his going to Nigeria to seek for the right knowledge to preach the Word of God, he had been actively involved in the church activities. He is a very diligent brother who is not ashamed of the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. Michael is the Dean of Academic Affairs of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute.
On the whole, we continue to be grateful to God, our sponsors and all of you who are praying for us. Please continue to remember the work of God in Sierra Leone in your prayers. We look forward to sharing with you again our anticipated August report.