Overcoming challenges in Cambodia

Greetings From the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap - Cambodia

We continue to glorify God for all of the opportunities He has given us to serve Him.

It is a difficult situation around the world and we are also struggling with COVID-19 more than ever. The government has asked us to not gather in large groups and to wear masks. We are receiving the vaccination and most of of the staff and students have taken their second dosage, so we should all be fairly well protected at this point. We will continue to adhere to the governments rules and pray for protection against this deadly disease.

We go to the villages to help our brother and sisters who are also struggling with this disease and those others who need our help. It is another opportunity to serve others as Christ’s example was for us. This allows our students to have an opportunity to evangelize and show their nation what Christianity should look like. In the last two months, we have been able to reach out and help others - bringing light and encouragement to them.

Our brother and coordinator Wes Autrey and his wife Teri have been teaching us on zoom every week on a variety of topics. Wes teaches the men while the women break out into another zoom room and Teri teaches them. Participating in this is also the Battambang Bible School, which has about 15 more attending these Bible studies. These joint Chapel/Bible Classes have been very beneficial to us, especially since we cannot travel because of COVID. We are getting to know our brothers and sisters in Christ better because of this.

Recent full time courses completed include: Christian Morality; The Book of Daniel; and the Song of Solomon.

Less than one month ago two of our students received their Certificates of Completion. We are so proud of both sister Sarai So and sister Lekh Sarouen for not giving up and studying all the way through our 3 year program. Both ladies overcame many obstacles to finish. They are an inspiration to everyone that is continuing school and their families. At graduation we had all of the families present and staff, but had to limit the usual size to about 50 people. Many joined in on zoom for the graduation from brother Wes’ house including the President of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Denny Petrillo and his wife Kathy; the Vice President Michael Hite and his wife Lynn; One of the professors of BVBI John Moore and his wife Carla, Wayne Burger professor at BVBI and his wife Weezie. Tyler King the Director of Development at BVBI joined in on another zoom window from Oklahoma while his wife Natalie was at brother Autrey’s house. Many others joined from other zoom windows and it made for a good graduation under the circumstances.

* Coordinators Note (Wes Autrey) The last portion of the graduation ceremony was especially moving for me. Each lady was given an opportunity to speak and did they ever! Both with courage and conviction stood tall with tears in their eyes and addressed their families both Christian and non Christian glorifying God with the unity of God’s family taking precedence over their own worldly families. I was so impressed but not shocked. These two ladies have matured and grown in Christ exponentially and their courage is to be commended. The Lord certainly did not give these humble ladies a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline!

Recently our government has widened the road in front of our school and in doing so, they took out our school wall. We are in the process of building another one and are faithful that our God will provide.

At this point may we ask for your prayers in the COVID-19 situation as it is getting worse, especially in Siem Reap where our school is located. This makes it difficult to recruit new students to bring to our school.

Please pray for the leaders in the service of God, such as teachers, students, church leaders, our orphans - so that we may be strong during these times. Also pray for our new Christians who are just learning what it means to be “like Christ” as we help them through this journey.

To our brother Wes Autrey: This is for Brother Wes, we really thank you for the training, encouragement, dedication, both physical and mental, and for personal sacrifice and giving.

May the living God bless you all from the same servant on the other side of the sea.

Piseth Rin

Servant of the Lord & Co-Director IBISR

Posted on September 14, 2021 .