Dear fellow servants of God.
Grace, peace and mercy of the Lord be multiplied unto you all from God, the Father and from Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Below are the report of some of our activities for the month of August 2021
1- 2021/22 Academic year begin
2- One month TP (Teaching Practice) report
3- 19th Annual Bible Lectureship and Graduation ceremony
4- VOTI volume 110 distributed
First Semester Classes for 2021/22 academic session begins on August 16 with 17 Students for Diploma program and 12 Students for Advanced Diploma program. The first semester classes will come to an end Lord's willing on October 15 follow by a month vocational training for the willing Students.
The one month Students teaching practice of July 24 through August 22 resulted into the conversion of 42 souls and restoration of 17 erring brethren.
Brethren started arriving from different part of the country for our 19th Annual Bible Lectureship and Graduation ceremony on Tuesday afternoon due to the football competition and Acapella songs that was attached to the program.
The 19th annual Bible Lectureship and Graduation of 30 Successful Students (18 Diploma & 12 Advanced Diploma)was held as usual in Doug Wheeler Events Center, Butubutu village , Ibadan from August 25-27,2021. This year program was witnessed by over 400 brethren and friends of the Lord's church from 14 States of Nigeria.
The graduation exercise came up in the noon of August 27(Friday) for 30 Successful soldiers of Christ. Bro. Moses Oluwalogbon, one of the board members of WNCC & SBS, Abeokuta ,Ogun State served as our guest speaker.
Bibles and several materials, such as Bible Dictionaries, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, Atlas, Sermons Outlines and cartons of books from Mission Printing International were part of working tools distributed to the graduates while all the participants went home with packages of VOTI materials (Volumes 105-110) BVBIN & SWSE 2022 almanac, 5000 WBS correspondence Courses, gospel tracts and gospel literatures locally printed.
Five thousand nine hundred and fifty (5,950)copies of VOTI 110 was shared/posted between August 20 and 27 to VOTI recipients across the country Nigeria. We deeply appreciate Bro. Jerry Bates and associate for this wonderful gospel material designed for the salvation of mankind and edification of the Lord's church.
The meeting was chaired by Bro.Isaac Olaniyan(BVBIN-Ibadan) and Bro. Emmanuel Godwin(BVBIN-Ondo State) served as the secretary while Bro. Makinde Ebens (BVBIN, Asst. Director) served as the time keeper.
Several things were discussed as pertaining to the growth of the Lord's church in our country through the BVBIN Schools.
Bro. Iyesele Ifeanyi Divine was born in 1985 at Obiaruku town in Delta State. He became a member of the Lord's church in 2013. In year 2019 he joined the SWSE IBADAN and graduated with Diploma in Theology in August 2021 as one of the best Students. He is now one of our year-2 Students. His mission after his training is to be one of the evangelists in the middle belt of Nigeria.
We thank you all for your kind-gesture which you have demonstrated by supporting the training of faithful men as soldiers of Christ in this part of the world.
May the Lord continue to bless all you do for His name is our fervent prayers.
I remain yours in His Grace as a servant,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE IBADAN and WBSFUW)