To God Almighty be all the glory for the successful completion of the activities of the third quarter of July to September 2021. We are very indebted to the Almighty God, and very thankful to you in the United States of America for your prayers, financial and moral support that had brought about the success recorded by the Agege Weekend School during the quarter under review. May God Almighty continue to bless you abundantly, in Jesus name.
The class activities progressed smoothly and as planned during the quarter, not minding the political instability experienced in Nigeria in resent time. The quarter started with the book of Hebrews taught by Mfon Etim in the month of June 2021.The class activities continued in the month of August, with Growing a local church which was taught by Samuel Oladokun. This was followed by Minor Prophets, which was also taught by Okoro Chinyere.
The door of the school is always open for new enrolment. During the third quarter of the year, 2021, the school at Agege admitted three new students in the persons of John Elijah, Gabriel Innocent and Victor Samuel David.
During the quarter, the Agege Weekend School organized campaign/evangelism outing within the Agege environment. The campaign was a combination of both open air and door-to –door methods. As a result, two souls (one is now a student- Gabriel Innocent) were added to the Lord’s Church.
May we present at this point our dear brother in the Lord, Nwoyi Azubuike. Brother Azubuike hails from Ebonyi State, Nigeria. He is single. He is currently worshipping with the Church of Christ, Ojodu. He recently completed the programme for diploma, and is currently studying for the advanced diploma here at the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Agege Weekend School, Lagos.
We sincerely appreciate the efforts of Steven Ashcraft, Keith Kasarjian, the management of Bear Valley Bible Institute, the supporting congregations, members of staff of the school, and any other individual or group who contribute in sustaining this noble and divine work. We thank the Almighty God through whom all blessings flow. May He continue to endow you with more recourses and knowledge. On our part, we promise to continuously put concerted efforts in making sure that the good work is sustained, by the grace of God.
Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo; Bearvalley Bible Institude, Agege, Lagos, Nigeria