It cannot be over emphasized how grateful we are to you all continually for your partnership with us in this great soul saving work given to all of us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20). Many thanks and appreciation for all your Prayers and supports that is keeping us going here in Liberia.
I am always happy to announce the wonderful work that is being done by the students and staffs when it comes to Campaigns evangelism. Their zeal for gospel campaigns continued to sent out the good news and make the Lord's church known in the community and beyond. In the month of July and August, the middle of the rainy season where our roads in Liberia are very terrible and movements becomes difficulty, we still carried out two very successful campaigns supported by brother Steven Aschaft in the Beatuo and Ganaglay areas in Nimba county, were we had through the special grace of God the total of twenty nine (29) person accepting the gospel of Christ through water baptism. This campaign also resulted in the restoring of a falling congregation, brought back backsliding members and planted the gospel seed in the hearts of many people who never knew the truth in Beatuo Town.
We are happy to announced to you that another new congregation was started in Ganaglay Town through the help of an old member of the church who badly wanted the church in his home town. We spent four days on house to house evangelism and public preaching there and 19 persons responded to the gospel called in Ganaglay beginning and new congregation there. We had a great worship in both towns with an amazing attendence from the community. We are sincerely thankful to Brother Steven and to everyone who continue to supports our campaigns efforts with every dollar you continued to sacrifice. May our God bless you with refund.
We are never giving up on our weekend campaigns in Ganta and other villages where we have new congregations established. Our students continued to engaged the communities in every weekends in house to house evangelism and preaching for practical, since it has been made a requirement from the school to enable our students practice personal evangelism and working with local congregations for their future as trained gospel preachers. Meanwhile, to be able to accomplish these weekly task in the face of very serious rain falls and terrible road conditions in our country, provisions are made to sent out the students to their practical preaching points on Saturday morning so that there won't be any problem getting there on Sunday. We came up with this decision because they might have breakdown in the mud if leaving on Sunday morning to their assigned areas and this has been working very well for the passed two months, because when they get there on Saturday, they can used the evening hours to visit members and and people who are back from their farms encouraging them for church service the following day.
In these two months (July and August), their works in those different locations has tremendously help the work in Liberia especially in Nimba County. Sixteen (16) baptism was recorded from nine (9) congregations visited by our students and many falling brethren restored. This effort is not only making the church known or have great impart on prospects they come across, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry. Please keep them in your daily prayers as the make these all important weekly trips on our very bad roads.
For the year 2021 we have planed to carried out ten additional campaigns with our four regular campaigns that is supported by the Bear Valley Bible institute, making them foueteen (14) campaigns in all. We (the students and staffs) have agreed to cut down our quarterly break from two weeks to one week so that we can use the one week for campaigns. This will help us do about fourteen campaigns a year. And not just that, it will help our students with all the practical experiences they will need in the future work for the Lord. But this can not be accomplished without your prayers financial help. Please help us rescue the perishing in this part of the word. If you cannot go, you can support us to go. It cost $500 to $600 to effect one successful gospel campaign. Anyone willing to help can kindly contact brother Steven Ashcraft on his Email- (samtnhome@yahoo.com). He is the regional coordinator for the Bear Valley Schools in West Africa. Thank you so much in advance for being part of this soul saving mission. May God richly bless you.
On August 23, 2021, we experienced a very unfortunate situation at the school whiles classed was on going. One of the students room caught fire while we were in class and cause a lot of damage to the school and the students in that room belongings. The four beds, mattresses, flood mat in that room and lots of the students personal things got destroyed in the fire. If it was not by the special grace of God who took one of the student outside to use the bathroom and saw the smoke from the dormitory and shorted fire, then by this time, we would be in serious problem with the Landlord. The good thing is that the fire did not touch the zinc.
Meanwhile, we called on the electricity people and the came and found out that it was a short circuit caused by an extension coil left plug in the socket. We thank God this did not happen in the night.
PROFILE OF A STUDENT: Student Thomas B. Jimmy
I am very happy to introduced to you now, Brother Thomas B. Jimmy, once a denominational preacher who became a member of the Lord's church through the Radio preaching Program. Thomas followed the teaching on the radio for about two years and accepted the teachings of the one true church and started telling his denomination ( Spiritual Life Soul Stirring Ministry) about what he has heard and the need for them to change to the truth. Brother Jimmy was able to convinced most of his leaders to finally accept the truth and decided to turn the church to the church of Christ. Before the church got changed to the Lord's church, we were invited to teach their denomination for three days and by God's grace, 43 of them believed and got baptized into Christ including brother Thomas Jimmy who was the preacher, resulting in the change from Spiritual Life Soul Stirring Ministry to the Church of Christ!
Brother Thomas, so passionate to know and learn more about the Lord Church decided to leave his secular profession as a classroom teacher and and other benefits to attend the Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia. During the interview after the school's entrance examination, he said having suddenly come to Christ with his denominational congregation, they will be expecting more from him in terms of teaching the truth that he has made them come to. Therefore, to be able to do so, he wants to attend the Bible school(BVBI-L) so as to be prepared to teach and preach the truth of the one true church.
Brother Jimmy is married and he and his wife has four children. He was born and raised in unification town, lower Margibi county Liberia. The wife alone has to now take care of the children whiles he come to school. Your prayers, encouragement and support is seriously needed to keep this brother's family up to enable him focus on his Biblical education.
We thank you so much for your continued supports for the work here in Liberia. We won't have gotten to where are if you have not partner with us in this great work of our Lord. Thank you so much very much. God bless you.
Your brother and co-worker in the Lord
Robert P. Dahn, Jr.