Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni – Malawi
May, 2023 Report
Holiday is here again as we end up the first semester with good news! It has been a very productive semester with good news and visiting teachers than ever before. We always say it is holiday time but in reality it is not as the students work tirelessly in their home congregations. The students will be out of school for one month 2 weeks and will be doing lots of door to door preaching and teaching.Some of our former graduates are reporting good news too from the good work they are doing. This month we were also blessed by the visiting short course teachers from the USA. The former graduates have reported 21 baptisms and 67 restored. Out of the 21 baptized, 4 of them are those they are studying with us through world bible school. We have 301 students registered and some who have already finished the 7 series of courses have received an ESV Bible. To God be the glory!
This semester has come to an end and students have gone for holiday after spending 4 months of classes work. The semester ended with the course on Romans taught by Daniel from the USA. Daniel was accompanied by one of the deacons from where Brother Daniel is preaching. Both of the two are good Brothers with the great zeal to help Malawi grow in the knowledge of the word. We hope they will come again to help us teach.
Some of our former graduates have reported good news to us and we are also glad to share with all who read our monthly reports. Brother Shadreck from Pharombe reported that 5 souls were added last 2 weeks as a result of his preaching door to door; Brother Takesure reported 9 souls saved and 67 more restored; brother Saliwa reported 4 souls being added to the church and also Brother Mateyo reported 3 souls baptized. We are very thankful to hear that our graduates are doing what has been planted in them. This is always encouraging news to every teacher locally and internationally. We are also praying daily for the WBS students who are registered through BVBI- Ekwendeni. We have witnessed many souls being baptized out of 301 total registered. Only this month 4 have been baptized. Praise God!
We are so thankful for the BVBI-International for the strong bond with the Hillcrest church in Missouri, this has brought a change in the school here in Malawi. We pray that the fellowship will continue for the betterment of the school progress here in Malawi. We pray for your families to prosper as this work still needs your help and support. Working as a team will easily destroy Satan’s kingdom. Matthew 28:18-20!
Yours brothers in Christ,
Ephron and Clergynton