It is a great blessing to be given the privilege to give account or report on events or activities that one has taken which concerns others. We are grateful once again to briefly report on the things that happened in Bear Valley Tamale in the month of April, 2024. April has been a good month just like all the past months, though students were on break.
Painting work and writing the school name on the front view of the gate was successfully completed. Funds were released in the month of March; work started, and got completed in the month of April. Some two trips of gravel were also purchased to fill some portion of the front to make it level. More filling work needs to be done to add some bit of beauty to the entrance of the school. We need to consider as and when we are able, a continued painting of the eternal part of the fence wall. We will also need to do a lot of filling work, both outside and inside to put our compound and environment in a more presentable way.
As the rains have started, we intend to purchase good flowers to beautify and demarcate the school garden from the compound. It is our desire to do our best to make the environment of the school attractive and of a certain good standard. We wish to thank our Coordinators, Kojo and Steven and Mama Karen as well for encouraging and inspiring us to raise the standard of our environment. God bless you.
Brother Kojo in particular was in Tamale in the month of April purposely to address the issue of our environment and the need for us to keep it clean and healthy.
1 Timothy “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” To fulfill this command, hard work and wise investment and good decision making is necessary. Some of the resident staff are raising pigs and fowls by the fence wall, distance from the school compound to support the upkeep of our families and our Christian responsibilities. It is a great blessing serving the Lord through Bear Valley. Brother Kojo supported some of us with a very good brahma breed of fowls, which will help better our lives. We thank the Lord for his life.
We purchased a new battery, a diesel pump router, and a starter for the school bus in the month of April. It was very important to replace them because we were to embark on a journey to Ivory Coast for an evangelistic campaign with the bus.
For the same reason and other evangelistic activities that were ongoing, we had to also purchase a new amplifier for smooth evangelistic work. Our amplifier got spoiled, we got it fixed, and it broke down again and we were advised by the repairer to get a bit higher one. He said, our speakers were stronger than the amplifier. We were in an evangelistic campaign in Tamale town, this called for the need for us to quickly arrange for a new amplifier to help the situation. Since the purchase of the new amplifier, our sound system performs much better than before.
Evangelism: The Kpalsi South congregation together with the Tamale evangelistic team jointly embarked on an evangelistic campaign in the Kpalsi community in an effort to reach out to our neighborhood. Both public preaching and door to door studies were done, and it was very promising. The public preaching was done right in front of the church auditorium. Two souls were added to the Church at the end of the program.
Benevolence: As part of the church’s activities and duty, and as a strategy in preaching Christ to the lost, the church embarked on a benevolent journey to a needy organization. We visited social welfare, to support some disabled babies. We also identified a blind man who had learned a trade but needed some little capital to start, and supported him. We are following up on him with the hope of converting him. It is our hope that all the activities we are engaging in will aid us to preach Christ to the lost.
Brother Jacob and his wife visit: Brother Jacob Yeboah and his newly weeded wife visited the Kpalsi South congregation in the month of April to show appreciation to the church for our participation in their wedding ceremony. His wife and he were so happy to be with us.
We harvested a great deal of onions from our school garden. The onions cultivated in the dry season didn’t disappoint us at all. We bless God for blessing our work. We wish to use some to complement the feeding, while some will be sold to offload part of the bills of the irrigating materials. Onions have no price this year, it is our hope all these efforts would be profitable for the school in the very near future.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you,
Bear Valley Tamale