May God's peace and mercy be with us all, and let us give glory to God for his blessings during this period ending in April. Everyone is doing well. The only exception was student Ezéchiel, who spent three days in the hospital in March with a stomachache.
Many activities have been carried out, especially evangelism, which is a primordial activity in the evangelist's work.
Classes proceed as usual with research that teachers now give students to do without difficulty utilizing the Bear Valley Digital Library.
During this period, the following classes were taught at the school:
1. RTAO — Akovi Esperance
2. I and II Corinthians — Akovi Esperance
3. Gospel according to John — Attah Komi Ekpe
4. Galatians to 2 Thessalonians — Attah Komi Ekpe
5. Hebrews — Cephas
6. Doctrine of Denomination — Cephas
After a two-week break, classes resumed on May 06, 2024
1. Homiletics II — ATTAH
2. The Little Prophets — ATTAH
3. Evidences Chrétiennes — CEPHAS
4. Preaching work — CEPHAS
5. Local church planting and development — ESPERANCE
6. Hermeneutics — ESPERANCE
7. Church history — BEDJELSI Fidèle
Guest Teacher
During this term, Evangelist Fidèle Bedjelsi in Kara will come to teach the course Church History to the students.
Training for teachers and students
SENGHOR Avougna, a teacher at the Lycée, was asked to help with training on how to use the research programs he teaches in schools. This was done via WhatsApp video.
First, as is their custom, the students go to the ZOMAYI district every Friday in February from 8:00 to 15:00 to do door-to-door evangelism for a new assembly that has just been planted. With no one evangelist to lead it, the students and evangelists work to help the assembly grow and edify.
A three-day evangelization took place in the Tsévié area in March (DALAVE's village) and in some other areas where seminars and general worship were held.
Much work was carried out during April in Kpalime and Côte d'Ivoire. From April 15 to 21, a team of 6 joined the brothers in Ghana for a week of evangelism: Three days in BONDOUKOU and three days in TANDA. In each of these towns, two (2) people were baptized.
In the work plan for southern Togo, two new assemblies will be set up: one in Glekope and another in Danyi-Ndigbe. Through teamwork, two people were baptized in Gleykope, and a new assembly was baptized at the beginning of May. For May, two three-day evangelizations are planned in Lavie-Apedome and Temedja. Teams are hard at work in these localities to get good results from the evangelization campaigns.
Note: an unprepared campaign will not produce lasting results. Those who convert often abandon the church, so we must prepare the ground several weeks before the evangelistic campaign.
The results of the South Togo evangelism teams
Each evangelistic team in southern Togo had several baptisms during the period. Over sixty souls were baptized into Christ by the evangelistic teams shown below:
1. Kpalime: 10
2. Kpele: 9
3. Agou : 6
4. Fiokpo: 1
5. Lome: 12
6. Tsevie and Dalavé: 5
7. Atakpame: 3
8. Temedja: 7
9. Blita: 8
10. Notse: 4
In the north, evangelistic teams were formed in Kuka and Dapaong. In Dapaong, team training for good cooperation did not take place due to the unavailability of evangelists on that day. Another opportunity for this training is planned for a later date.
Focusing on training women who lead children in local assemblies, sister Karen Ashcraft came with educational material that the women benefited from free of charge.
After three consecutive days of hard work by our Karen in Kpalime at the end of February, the women from twenty-eight congregations completed their training with great joy. They are now ready to take charge of the children in our different congregations and train other women to continue the mission in Togo. Karen then went north to Kara and held her second seminar in Togo with ten additional congregations.
Saturday courses for denominational leaders
It's a challenge for the Church of Christ to reach more people in the denominations with the Gospel. Separate from the Bear Valley school, we continue to hold Saturday evangelistic classes for denominational leaders. We presently have programs in fifteen locations with around 200 students. A seminar was held in Kpalime for students of the denominational program for two days in March.
Having fully understood the Gospel of Christ and his Church, some of the students began by giving their names for further training at the Institute Biblique Bear Togo.