Activity Operations Report for Sept. 2024 at the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute
Our God deserves all praise having sustained our lives and that of yours to be able to reach this point of writing and sharing the report of activities which took place here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute in Guinea.
This report is for the month of September during which period several important and or interesting events occurred. These include classroom and outdoor activities of exams, lectures, great results of various evangelistic activities despite the heavy rains, restorations and various trainings of church leaders. No doubt, you will find these interesting as we unfold details preceeded by an introduction of each sub-heading.
First Term Exams:
Please be reminded that we stated in our last report that the students were going on a nearly 3 weeks break due to the heavy rains. This they did and upon their return on Monday, Sept. 2nd, they were allowed a 2 days of memory refresh period and were engaged in an entire week of exams resulting to a satisfactory work.
After the one week of Exams the students were taken into lectures by brother Balla Kamano on "the Scheme of Redemption and "Prison Epistles" almost to the close of the month. These were followed by another series of courses which soon entered October beginning with the New Testament Church by the Director. Students' participation was highly interesting.
Evangelistic Activities:
The were at least 3 different evangelistic activities each of which resulted to the conversion of souls. These were:
a. Door to door preaching - by some of our former graduates and individual staff and students. We had in total 18 baptisms as a result of this activity in various localities, towns and villages such as Conakry and the villages of Bandikoulo and Botema.
Many of these conversions - 8 were the effort of some of our current students in 2 of their congregations. Also, the efforts of our former graduates now stationed in some congregations are to commended.
b. Radio broadcast - Another method of evangelism engaged in during September was the radio program. We broadcasted doctrinal and soul saving lessons which attracted our audience so that at least 2 persons amongst the callers obeyed the gospel. Some of these listeners and some members of the church are appealing to our donors to increase the air time from 30 minutes to at least an hour for a week.
Indeed, we ourselves feel the need for additional time and we appeal to any volunteers to support this program.
c. Evangelistic Teams Activity - Those of you who have followed with us know by this time that through the help and encouragement of brother Steven Ashcraft, Coordinator of the extended Bear Valley lnstitute in West Africa that there are evangelistic teams set up in the country.
To you, the Bear Valley International Administration and other donors we wish to say that we are glad to partner with you in response to our Master's call, the Lord of the harvest to spread the gospel. Even though the wet season continues, especially again in September with very heavy rains that has caused floods leading to road blocks, yet our devoted men of the Gueckedou team by the grace of God have crossed great floods to reach the gospel to those who were truly hungry for it. In the village of Sanghaa 21 persons obeyed the gospel on the 15th of the month under review. Then on the 23rd of the same month another 16 persons were baptized in another village, Douadou.
Some times the ground is difficult and hearts are unreceptive. That is what resulted when one of our teams, the Tekoulo team conducted an evangelistic campaign in the sous-prefecture head quarter of Tekoulo town. There were no immediate conversions, but the brethren will keep trying.
Restoration of churches
The same Tekoulo and then the Gueckedou teams were on the other hand able to restore 1 congregation at Thymolo and strengthen another on the Kissidougou high way at Yende respectively.
Church Leaders Training:
With the increase of congregations as a result of the various evangelistic activities the need also arise for additional man power to lead those churches. Hence, through brother Steven we were able to train 11 men some already leading congregations while others are prepared to take over or lead congregations soon to be planted. This one week training involved the teaching of basic doctrinal and worship courses such as the NT church, NT worship, Bible study and Sunday preaching lessons with an encouragement to go help spread the gospel. On the afternoon of the last day we also invited sister Mary Musa to conclude our training by showing the men through practical examples how to prepare or bake the Lord's Supper bread for Sunday worship. It was such an interestingly involving activity as most of the men carried portions of the bread to their congregations.
We have crossed a difficult period as regarding the season. The month of September was such a troubling rainy season whose floods caused urgent students break period, road blocks and damages. Nevertheless, the Almighty was by our side so that we accomplished not only our classroom schedule, but beyond expectation also achieved most of our outdoor activities with a high number of conversions - 55 souls. In addition we are especially thankful for the church leaders training which was climaxed by how to prepare the Lord's Supper bread.
Our appreciation to all of you for your prayers and support in whatever way.
Until then, we remain trainers of evangelists and preachers of the gospel.