Dear friends,
I would like to present my report for September and October. During these two months, there have been several changes at the Bible Institute, as well as important news from Ukraine, which I want to share with you.
News from Ukraine
First of all, we are witnessing a significant number of baptisms in Ukrainian churches. This is largely due to the large influx of humanitarian aid, which has encouraged many people to express their gratitude by studying the Bible, learning about Jesus Christ, and accepting baptism. While this is undoubtedly a positive development, it is crucial that these new believers are not only baptized but also guided in their spiritual growth, so that they can truly become a part of the Church and remain connected to it.
Bible Institute Updates
Currently, we have three students enrolled at the Bible Institute. In September, we had four students, but one brother, Viktor, found the pace of study challenging. The workload, which includes assignments, memorization of Scripture, and sermon planning, was too much for him, and unfortunately, he decided to discontinue his studies.
In late September, I taught a course titled The Intertestamental Period. For the first time, Oleg Fofanov also taught a new course for him called Christian Ethics. Additionally, Dmitriy Galyuk is currently teaching a course on Leadership. At the end of October, the students will have a week of Evangelism practice followed by a week of break, during which they will assist the congregations where they are currently serving.
Student Progress
We have positive news regarding one of our students, Brother Vadim. He and his family have moved to Poltava, where he will assist the local church. In the future, he may preach and serve there. Please continue to pray for him as he still has seven months of study remaining, during which he will be balancing his education and ministry in Poltava.
Master’s Program
In October, our graduates participated in a master’s program, which included 4 students. We are thankful to God for this opportunity, as the program allows our graduates to deepen their knowledge further. They recently completed a course on Old Testament Theology, which was taught by Harry Hill. The course was both insightful and enriching.
Prayer Requests for Ukraine
The war in Ukraine continues, and the country faces daily shelling and the loss of small portions of land, particularly in the Donetsk region. The outcome remains uncertain, and we ask for your continued prayers, especially for the churches and ministers serving in Ukraine.
Personal Update
Our family remains in Germany, and we are attending the Leipzig Church. Last Sunday, I traveled to Warsaw, Poland, where I preached and met with one of our instructors, Vladimir Paziy. We had a productive discussion, and I look forward to continued collaboration.
Thank you for your support and prayers. We appreciate your continued involvement in the work of the Bible Institute and in the mission field.
Director BVBIU Sopelnyk Denys