Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone
(An Extension of the)
Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA
Full Time and the Extended Program
We want to begin this write up by giving praise to God who has granted us another opportunity to have scaled through the rainy month of August 2024. We are glad to meet you again in proxy. Though we stay far away from one another, yet we are closer in spirit. The month of August was a fruitful one for us in that our academic activities continued without any hindrance; the school as well conducted an evangelistic campaign and successfully planted a new congregation; our alumni and the evangelistic teams continued to be very busy on the field, even under the rains. May you continue to read patiently as we share more details! And we shall do this under the following subheadings:
It was in our July report that we informed you that our students (full time and extended) had returned from break and were ready to continue their programs. As usual, they were very committed to their studies and all our spiritual activities. The third quarter for the full time students which started in July continued and was expected to end by the end of September 2024. On the other hand, the extended students continued with few courses remaining to complete 2 years so that it would remain 2 more years.
In line with the mode of operation of the school, aside from daily lectures, routine evangelism campaigns are conducted twice in a quarter with the aim of either strengthening, restoring or planting a new congregation. It was in light of this fact that the school conducted the evangelism campaign in Daru Town to establish a new congregation. Daru is 50 miles away from Kenema where the school is. Just like many other towns in Sierra Leone, Daru is a very big town with a very large Muslim dominated population. The school administration met and discussed the possibility of saving those many people in Daru that are in need of Christ. A conclusion was reached and the campaign was embarked upon. Prior to the campaign, there was no Church of Christ in the town. Before the campaign, several visits were made since we did not know anybody from there. However, the Gospel must be preached everywhere. Fortunately, we established a friendly relationship with one denominational pastor, Blackie and his daughter, Isata Blackie who would later become our host for the campaign.
Eventually, on August 20 to 25, a campaign was launched at Daru. During our six days stay there, so many good things happened, ranging from the conversion of souls, extending to the engagement of some denominational pastors that was arranged by our friend, Blackie, and the institution of the first scriptural worship in the New London community in Daru. At the end of the campaign, seven (7) souls became obedient to the faith. Our friends, Isata and her father Blackie and some denominational members till date worship with us but they are not yet baptized. There is more potential for more conversions as we continue to follow them up. The school has added Daru mission into her activities; the students and staff alike will be building those new Christians up until they can stand on their own.
As you know, our activities are not only limited in the classroom. So before August ended, Three (3) souls became saved.
Our graduates are also very busy on the field in carrying out the great commission. In fact some of them are making a lot of impact in their local congregations and on the mission field. All of them combined, they converted seven (7) souls and restored five (5) brethren in August.
You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. Therefore, their efforts resulted toFifteen (15) conversions and four (4) restorations. Apart from those being saved, the teams kept on strengthening and nurturing the various congregations that they are in touch with. They are moving back and forth to the local congregations being established in order to nurture and build them up in the most holy faith. They have a lot of evangelistic activities that they have planned for the future. Please keep those brethren in your prayers so that they could continue the good work that they are doing for the Lord.
Brother Amara is one of our very committed students who come from Buedu, Kailahun District of Eastern Sierra Leone. He is a Kissi by tribe. He was born in 2003 to non-Christian parents (Mr. Tamba Teekay and Mrs. Sia Teekay). Brother Amara was one the earliest converts at the Buedu Village congregation when the school launched a campaign there in 2021. After that campaign, a congregation was established (though there was a congregation there before but it died off for lack of a committed preacher) where Brother Amara now worships. Because of the burning desire to serve the Lord and to build others up, one of our graduates, Nsimdoh Ngegbah, after his graduation in October 2021, decided to relocate to Buedu. Through his efforts and God’s help, Brother Amara was mentored and desired to enroll at the training school in Kenema. At the school, he is outstanding academically, evangelistically and morally. We are glad to have a student like Amara. We seek to have more Amaras. There is no doubt that Amara will do a lot for the Lord. Please keep him in your prayers as a young man to continue to be focused on the Lord and His work. Brother Amara’s picture will be attached to this report.
We are hoping that the Lord will grant us another opportunity to be alive to read the September report again. Till then, may the Lord keep us and be with us all!
Thank you.
Your brother,
Peter Sahr Makundu,
Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute