Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report For August 2024
Greetings from the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. Once again to you, our donors and well wishers here is the report of events that transpired here during another rainy month, August.
With careful analyses of the season, the students were sent on a 3 weeks break as stated in our July report. Hence much was not done in the classroom. However, a lot was achieved on the field of personal, congregational and evangelistic team work. Here are the details under the below sub-headings:
The poetic books of Psalms to Song of Songs were scheduled for July but the lessons extended in the month of August and thereafter the students went on break for 3 weeks until September. This was because of the continuous disturbance of the rains and other family obligations which the students needed to respond. Course evaluations were also postponed to be done in September.
Individual & Congregational Evangelistic Efforts:
Our alumni efforts are yielding fruits on the mission field as souls are being converted by individuals and congregations.
Graduates of the Bear Valley Bible Institute found in the city of Conakry, the town of Gueckedou and in the villages of Koundou L-Bengou and Fassaba all together converted 12 souls to Christ. As may be expected, these conversions took place not only at different localities, but at moments that vary and by different individuals and congregational evangelists and other field workers.
Efforts of Evangelistic teams:
There were 2 churches simulteneously planted by the following Evangelistic teams:
The Tekoulo and Gueckedou teams planted 2 churches when on the 18th of August 4 and 10 persons respectively accepted Christ in the villages of Gbarndonin and Yarakorodou. Then on the following Sunday, the 25th of August an additional 7 souls were baptized still at Yarakorodou making a total of 17 baptisms by the Gueckedou team.

All together, the evangelistic activities in the month of August resulted to the conversion of 33 souls.
Health Obstacles:
While it is such a difficult thing to get men to accept the call to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel", even the few volunteers are faced with various challenges and health obstacles. One of our heard working and able men of the Conakry evangelistic team and instructor at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute, bro. Francis Lavaley had been struggling while still preaching with an illness that needed a surgery costing more than a thousand dollars.
Through God's wonderful grace the funds were provided by a faithful, merciful and God loving brother so that the operation was planned weeks in August and successfully carried on in early September.
We are so grateful to God for his grace as the brother's health improves.
Please remember bro Francis in your prayers and for God to reward those benevolent hands.
God is to be glorified for his grace in enabling us to achieve thus far.
We realise also that our success is not without your prayers and support for which we thank and appreciate you all.
Now, we wish to inform you that in less than 2 months, precisely in the the month of November God willing, the 16th will be a graduation of the third batch of students from the Gueckedou school.
We will need your every spiritual and financial support please.
Thanks and much appreciations.