With profound gratitude to God Almighty, brethren, it gladdens my heart to write unto you this report of the last quarter of the year 2023. The Taraba School is two years old. Glory be to God.
Mr. Elkanah Itom Madaki taught the students Church History in the month of October, in the month of November, Mr. Chindo Sambo taught Bible Geography, while Mr. Bala Egbwakoteh taught the book of 1ST and 2nd Thessalonians in December. The students were so excited to learn of Bible Geography especially with the current happenings in Gaza and the Middle-East. For the first time they were also exposed to the falling from the early church doctrine, reformation and the restoration. The episode of the early brethren in Thessalonica was another great lesson. It was all together an impressive quarter.
Our usual door to door evangelism was limited to Jalingo Metropolis due to insecurity. 182 bible studies were conducted under the period reviewed and only one baptism was recorded. In Lissam, the three day evangelism ended with two baptisms and one restoration, while the Gullung indoor lectureship ended up with selection of leaders to be ordained. Taraba Edification took place in Sarkin Dawa congregation where one of our students (Jerry Agbu) is the ‘student preacher’. Three souls were united with Christ through baptism and two restorations recorded.
The school is in need of public address system because most of the time the public address system we do rent is not delivered at the expected time or develops faults while using it. The school also is in need of a projector that will be used in classrooms and also during open air (public) preaching.
There are many interested candidates that wish to be enrolled into the school from other parts of Taraba and neighboring states as well the school lacks facilities to accommodate them, this has posed a problem for their admission. Our instructors are willing to sacrifice and teach all weekdays if such students will be provided with accommodation.
Our radio program is facing financial challenges even though we have set up a gospel team with representatives from three congregations in Jalingo metropolis. We hope and pray that God will open more doors.