Dear Coordinator,
It is with great joy in our hearts that we take this opportunity to provide you with some information on the activities of our training center. We hope this little report finds you in good health. Above all, receive our sincere greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Here is some information on the activities of the center for the month of May, including one week in April.
Recently our students were actively involved in evangelism and as a result 18 baptized, 16 restored, 02 new assemblies planted. During the holidays, there were 5 more baptisms, which gives a total of 23 baptized. We glorify the name of the Lord!
Quarter break was from April 28 to May 29, 2023
The vacation went very well. Our students have sown the gospel a lot in their respective families. We believe they will reap the rewards of their labors during the next vacation. The students returned to the center a week early. The reason is, to take the course on "The Holy Spirit of God." This course was missed in the first term, because of the change of program, and the trip the director took to Cameroon for the graduation of outgoing evangelists.
The Second Quarter: from May 29 to July 27, 2023
Our second quarter officially started this Monday, May 29, 2023. We have on the program for this quarter: Overview of the Old Testament (Josué-Esther), Overview of the Bible (the life of Jesus 3 and 4), Homiletics 1, Hermeneutics 1, and the Church of the New Testament. We ask prayer for the success of this trimester.
This is some information about the past quarter, as well as prayer points for the current quarter. May the Lord, whom we all serve, bless you in all things!
In Christ,
Your servant Datoudji