I salute all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is the report of the activities for May 2023
After 31 days of varied activities, we here at the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute are grateful to Almighty God for all that transpired despite the challenges and would like to share with all our supporters the following events of the period.
I - Teaching
During this month of May, which marks the end of the first year of the present batch of 13 students, 4 subjects were taught as follow :
1- Hermeneutics 2 and 2 Corinthians by Antoine Fassa Tolno
1- The Prison Epistles by Niouma 2 KAMANO
2- The Gospel of Luke by Francis Lawaley.
Results of the evaluations were satisfactory.
Il- Evangelism
The joy for this activity is immense because our efforts were fruitful yielding a total of 30 people who obeyed the saving gospel. Of these, 26 of them are the first fruits in the village of Gbolonin where an assembly of the Lord's church was planted.
This great success was the result of a 2 days evangelistic campaign following the rapid training of church leaders organized last April. A "rapid training" of church leaders is a program designed (by Steve and the school staff/evangelists) to prepared men to be able to lead congregations planted following the training.
III- Construction
It is important to point out that the construction of worship halls is having a positive impact on the Lord's church in Guinea as a whole and particularly in the Gueckedou area which has the largest number of congregations in the country. May God be glorified for this and we are grateful to you, the Bear Valley Bible Institute International supporters and to all who are in partnarship for our success.
That's why our people are continuing the work, despite the difficulties and natural constraints (rain) that congregations encounter in building the walls even before receiving financial assistance. You will see attached below the Dento house with the roof, the walls of the Kendessoua and Kissidougou buildings.
IV- Sad news
This part of the report is divided into two sections
1- Desolation in Yende Bawa:
We are sad to inform you that there is was a great desolation in the village of Yende Bawa where we planted a congregation on February 22, 2023. Following a violent wind that occurred on 17/5/2023, about 40 houses collapsed 35 of which were for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Besides the buildings, huge other material damage was also recorded, with 12 persons injured but not life-threatening. We are truely thankful to God for His grace.
2- Deaths
We regret to inform you of the death of our brother in Christ, Tamba Nestor kamano on May 28, 2023 as a result of a brief illness. He was a graduate of the first Bear Valley class in Gueckedou (2018-2019) and was now the preacher at the Ouende Kenema congregation. We have lost a brother and a vacuum is created!
V- Suggestions and recommendations / Appeal:
With this report we ask all our brothers and sisters of good will and for the love of God, for your spiritual (prayers), moral, material and financial assistance for the consolation of our brethren at Yende Bawa and for the family of the deceased, Tamba Nestor kamano.
To God be the glory for his grace that sustains us. To the Bear Valley International, and in particular to our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft, our gratitude and thanks for your unconditional support of God's work in Gueckedou, Guinea. Lastly, to all our brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere, sincere thanks for your every contribution to the growth of the church in Guinea.
May God bless us all.