Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute Weekend School,Ondo State January to March,2023.
Dear Brethren,
Calvary greetings to you, beloved brethren! We are eternally grateful for your support and platform given to us to operate as a School in Ondo State. We are equally thankful to all our sponsors for their support particularly Bear Valley Church and their eldership. Thank you! We thank God for your continuous prayers for a peaceful and credible elections in our country, Nigeria! As we are concerned, we have faired very well! We are grateful for your prayers in all things.
Evangelism Report: As our usual habit as a School, our evangelistic work at the moments is yielding precious fruits for God and the Church! All the instructors have agreed to organize evangelism on monthly basis! We have started the Church at Alade in Idanre local government as a result of our evangelistic work with the help of the Church at no 13, Leo Street,Akure! We will also organize three days open air and Mass evangelism starting from 31st to 2nd, April, 2023! Brother Makinde will be coming as invited speaker of the program! All the students will be there to participate actively in the work of saving souls into God's kingdom,the Church.
All the instructors goes out with 8 students, making 11 for evangelism on a monthly basis!
Also, in Ondo City study center, a brother donated a building for the Church at Oka, we have planned to establish the Church there! All our evangelistic efforts is toward that area! Our monthly evangelistic work is yielding several prospects in the area of Oka,Ondo City! We continuously request for your prayers always. We want to be fruitful for our God in winning souls for Him. All the instructors and the students were there doing the work of evangelism.
In addition, l have been preaching the gospel on Radio in Ondo City, l am on Radio for three years now! The Radio program streams it's program online! I have also started Television preaching program at Ondo City with StarTimes satellite (Kaftan Tv Channel 132). Every Sunday around 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm! Our God is blessing His Work for Him, Amen.
Classroom Activities: ln Ondo study center in January, 2023, Brother Oke Damilola taught "New Testament Church -1" while in Akure study center, Brother Victor Fasonu taught "Leadership" in January,2023.
February, 2023, Brother Philemon Ohaebuka taught "1 & 2 Peter and Jude" at Ondo center while in Akure center, Brother Akilapa Timileyin taught "Pastoral Epistles".
March,2023, Brother Akilapa Timileyin taught "Pastoral Epistles" in Ondo study center while Brother Philemon Ohaebuka taught "1 & 2 Peter and Jude" in Akure study center. As a School, we are through with First Semester Year Two. 20 courses have been successfully completed to the glory of God, Amen. We thank God! we are making progress.
Brother Ebenezer Samuyiwa is one of the students of the School. He is well educated. He is around 66 years Old! He spent most of his youthful life in London! He is very attentive in the Classroom activities. He is the one that donated a building for the Church at Oka in Ondo City that l was reporting that the Church will start soonest in that area. Please, help to pray for him and his family.
Financial Report: We want to use this opportunity to thank Bear Valley Bible Institute,Denver, Colorado for their unfailing support! We will continue to appreciate your love and concern for the gospel in Ondo State! We have received support for our work from January to March, 2023! Thank you,all.
Miscellaneous: for now, we are grateful for the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver, Colorado. They have provided for the School at Ondo City! All expenditures are judiciously spent!
We are grateful for your kindness and generosity toward improving, sharpening our skills toward building versatile body of preachers! We will not relent! We will keep the banner flying to God's glory and His praise, Amen.
Fasonu Victor, Coordinator,
Bear Valley Bible Institute,
Ondo State.