It is a great joy and blessing being productive and rendering services to mankind and to God our maker. This was how we felt in the month of June, 2022 being a month that brought a lot of promising futures for us in Bear Valley Tamale in our line of work as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. We praise His wonderful name now and forever.
Students were back in full school in the month of June, 2022 and we were active with our academic work as we tried to finish strong. This batch of students have nearly finished their two years Diploma course successfully. We give the Lord glory for their lives and for what God has so far done with them. These are the courses that were taught in the month of June; Christian Ethics (Daniel Adjei Mensah), Research Work and Writing with basic grammar work (James B. Legend), 1, 2 and 3 John and Jude (Daniel Adjei Mensah) and the Book of Romans (James B. Legend). These courses were successfully taught to the glory of God.
As we did last year with the help of Brother Steven Ashcraft to help the school in Tamale find ways to complement the feeding expenses of our students now and in the future, we have reinvested the funds of what we made from last year’s farming produce into cultivating another farm, hoping for a much better return. Last year, we made a farm of five acres of maize and five acres of soybeans with a sum of five thousand Ghana cedis. The maize couldn’t produce well due to where we farmed it and the raining pattern at that area. However, the soybeans were able to complement the maize to help us make some profit. After sales of all the produce, we had a total sum of seven thousand five hundred cedis. This year, we have expanded the farm a bit. We have made nine acres of soybeans and two and half acres for maize respectively. We are hoping and praying the Lord adds His blessings for it to bring some good rewards.
We have harvested the groundnut successfully and the land is being prepared to sow some maize, beans, and also use part of it for our irrigation project. We thank Brother Keith, Kojo and Steven for working with other people to help us gradually deal with some of the major challenges we have in Bear Valley Tamale.
The Kpalsi South Congregation continues to stand firm in worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ with sound doctrine as well as working hard to continually grow numerically, spiritually and physically.
Thanks be to God, Brother Steven Ashcraft, our Brother, friend and father in the faith was with us in the month of June to strengthen us. He taught us on our Wednesday teaching service, which was on the 22nd of June, 2022. He gave us a wonderful and a very persuasive, inspiring lesson on our mission as Christ followers. He spoke extensively on Discipleship and the need for us as a church to make efforts and to go out and disciple others by studying with them in order to get them converted into the church. We bless the Lord for His life and all the sacrifices he is making for Africa and the world.
The visit of Brother Steven to Bear Valley Tamale brought a lot of encouragement and some ideas that look very promising to revive the strength of the churches and the school in Northern Ghana on our strategies in evangelizing our communities and the unsaved in Northern Ghana. We had some great discussions and ideas that we can work with in making our preachers across Northern Ghana who are into evangelistic work be more productive. And that is to assist them to form evangelism teams to evangelize their communities by strengthening existing congregations and also establishing new ones when possible. And the second work of these evangelism teams is also to teach these congregations to be fully involved in planting new congregations or evangelistic work continually. We believe this will also be an avenue for us to make some good recruitment of students for the school.
Furthermore, the visit of Brother Steven also saw him give us some guidance on how we can keep better records and also some more effective ways of running things in the school to help us as individuals and as a team. We very much appreciate him for his efforts and concern for us and the school in Northern Ghana. God bless you sir.
We have by the grace of God in the tail end of June after the visit of Steven been able to start the process of organizing the evangelistic teams proposed by him. We were able to meet with some preachers in the Zabzugu, Tatale and Sanguli area to share the idea of the evangelistic team to them. They quickly embraced the idea. We are therefore hoping the Lord guides them in all that they will be doing towards this topic.
All thanks to God who made the heavens and the earth for all His mercies and blessings upon us. Amen!
Thank you,
Bear Valley Tamale.