BV team member now FHU Missionary in Residence

Grace and Peace to you friends.

I hope this report finds you doing well. Things have been VERY busy since my last report, so I'm looking forward to catching you up. In fact, I might should call this one a "Not Quite So Short Report", haha! I've just recently returned from spending much of the summer in Tanzania, so let me begin by sharing with you some highlights of that trip.

The major agenda of this trip is what we call the "Good Will Tour". We try to visit the home congregations of each of our students during their two years of training at ACSOP. This helps us to maintain good relationships with those congregations and better understand the circumstances from which our students are coming. It also is a chance to recruit more students as well as identify ways that the mission can be a resource to help these congregations. This trip also provided an opportunity to check on congregations that have received help in the past to see how they are progressing. As a liaison between many of these congregations and their supporters, it is vital that I get around to make personal visits with them.

It is exciting to see how the church is spreading and thriving in all corners of the country! World Video Bible School was generous enough to donate a projector and three hard drives loaded down with biblical materials.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching was very privileged to have the opportunity to host Dr. Jim Gardner of Freed-Hardeman University. Dr. Gardner gave us a preview of his upcoming book, sharing some of the material in a seminar on the foundations of the Christian faith. The seminar was well attended and well reviewed by the Tanzanians who were present. He also stayed over to share more material with the Kisongo congregation during their regular Sunday services.

Speaking of Freed-Hardeman University, they are giving us an exciting opportunity this school year. FHU has invited me to spend time on campus this school year promoting missions among the student body. This will allow me the chance to encourage young people to consider entering the mission field in East Africa or elsewhere. This also grants me time to help train these mission-minded students with lessons that I have learned in service to the Lord's kingdom. The best part is that I'll still be free on weekends to visit with churches in America about what's happening in Tanzania. Reach out to me if you would like to schedule a visit. I would love to make that happen!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on August 6, 2022 .