In order to maintain a good collaboration, there must of necessity be a good communication. That is why we at the Bear Valley extension lnstitute in Gueckedou report to the International school the results of our activities at the end of each month. Now for the month of November 2022, you will see below the activities carried out by the Gueckedou, Guinea school.
Teaching / Classroom
In 1 Corinthians 11 :1 Paul tells us to « be imitators of me as I am of Christ » and later in Acts 19 :9 we learn that Paul taught daily in the school of a man named Tyrannus. In this same spirit, the Bear Valley Extension School in Gueckedou teaches students daily for edification. During the 30 days of November we had the following 4 lessons taught :
1- Old Testament 2 – History By Saa Robert Kamano
2- Life of Christ 1 – Matthieu by Antoine Fassa Tolno
3- Godhead, french by Niouma 2 Kamano
4- The New Testament Church 1 (One True Church) by Antoine Fassa Tolno
In order to multiply disciples, the Lord has commanded us to go all over the world preaching the good news and baptizing those who will believe for their eternal salvation. In obedience to this commission we have adopted several methods in the process including mass evangelism, door-to-door and public evangelism. Thus, it is our pleasure to inform you that the results of these different methods mentioned above yielded a satisfactory result because 20 persons accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and were born again in the waters of baptism.
Of this total;
2 souls are from the village congregations of Kendessoua,
4 from N’Dendessou and
12 other people from the village of Kole Kama which formed the nucleus of a new congregation in that area.
It is important to note the contribution of 3 plus 1 graduate of the second and first batches of the Gueckedou Bear Valley school namely : Abel Lelano, Elie Dembadouno, Alexis Dembadouno and brother Justin Malaya Simbiano respectively. This dynamism shows that the Bear Valley Gueckedou Extension School and her graduates are working as a team to rescue lost souls to the Lord.
We wish to inform you that the local congregations established here as a result of our evangelism are now on their feet gathering materials to build worship shelters. Among these we can mention the villages of Fouedou, Fassaba, Dakadou, Koindou and Ledoumboulo.
Through this report, we wish to reiterate our commitment with Healing Hands International to resume her agricultural activities with the Gueckedou Bear Valley lnstitute starting with the training of personnel. This is important for the development of the school and the church.
Personal Profile
We would like to introduce you to a brother in Christ, Eloi Tolno, a graduate of the 2nd class of the Bear Valley School in Gueckedou, Guinea. He was a leader in the Protestant Church before his conversion to the Lord’s Church. Today, we are please to testify of his faithfulness, his love and his motivation to serve the Lord. Brother Eloi played a great role in the planting of the Church in his and the neighboring villages of Fassaba and Dakadou respectively. He is a prospect in whom we see a lot of potentials for the growth of the Church of Christ in his community.
Other information
We will like to inform you that evangelistic teams are being formed in Guinea for the growth of the church of Christ. These teams, though independent of the Bear Valley school nevertheless have the same goal, the saving of lost souls and it’s through the Bear Valley West Africa Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft that the supports are being obtained. Hence, there are times when we not only exchange ideas with the men of these teams, but also collaborate. It is for these and other reasons that we are giving you a briefing and to let you know that funds were provided to purchase 3 motorbikes plus an additional amount to complete for a fourth one to facilitate the movements of the evangelic teams in Gueckedou and Conakry. We are grateful to those generous men who desire to boost the work of God in Guinea. The beneficiaries with joy commit themselves to use these machines in good faith for the work of God.
Thanks / Appreciations
As in all things, God must be the first to give thanks to for his mercy in making us live to serve him. Then, we thank the Bear Valley International for their spiritual, moral, financial and material support through our valiant coordinator Steven Ashcraft. We also thank Ken, Barry and all the other people who are working for the flourishing of the Lord’s Church in Guinea.
We humbly ask that you continue to also support us spiritually – in prayers for the flourishing of the Lord’s Church in Guinea.