Eager to Learn
We have been very impressed by the student body’s efforts to go the extra mile to learn God’s Word. Inside the classroom learning is expected, but the student families are doing more outside of the classroom. They are learning how to serve their local congregation. The local church only had one toilet for both men and women. One day, all of the men joined forces and finished a partial outhouse the church had started several months ago. Now the church can do the culturally correct thing and have separate toilets.
Not only are the husbands and wives learning, the children are too! This month, several of the older boys took advantage of a Bible and songbook program we have. They said all the books of the Bible, which earned them a free Bible, as well as Psalm 100 which earned them a free song book. To say the least, these older boys were setting a great example for all the younger children on campus. But wait. That is not the best news. Two of those same boys were baptized this month!
Chapel Attendance
Chapel is a devotional held on a morning break from the men’s program. Although not required, the women are consistently coming to learn more, be with their husbands, and add their voices to the song service. Although it has added the need for everything to be translated, it has been a true blessing. They bring many smiles as well as encouragement to their husbands for the few minutes they are together in the mornings. In addition, it gives all the students an opportunity to practice translating in a safe environment. When one makes a mistake or is searching for the right word, his classmates will gently assist him with a word and a smile. Although a challenge for some, this valuable life lesson is one more way we are equipping men for the Lord’s work.
Classes and Campaigns
This month the men enjoyed their first research week. Then they participated in Acts 2, Personal Evangelism, and Matthew taught by three different teachers. Next month they will have Homiletics 1 followed by their first campaign. The women continued in their studies of James and Christ’s Culture. These two classes will finish at the same time as the men’s classes so they will be able to participate with their husbands in the campaign.
The first campaign will focus on evangelism in the 5 villages around the school. Following the campaign, all the students will travel home for two weeks. This will be especially important as they will need to arrange for contract work in their fields as well as maintain relationships with their home congregation.
We solicit your prayers and support as we continue in this training exercise.
Dale Kastner