Dear beloved brethren in Christ greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and all your efforts for the smooth function of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Extension Center at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-state in India. We are happy to share with you a brief report for October.
Visitors: As we have reported to you in the last report, Mr. Steve Snider was able to stay with us from October 1-7, 2022. We praise God for the success of the classes and his safe travel back to home .
On October 11th some brothers and sisters from the US were able to visit our Bible School. From Graymere Church of Christ Mr. John R.Vaughan, Mr. Jonathan Winchester, Mr. Matthew Bowling, Mr. Jon Compton. Mr. Michael Miller and from Foothill Church of Christ (elders) Mr. Larry Nokes and Mr. Dennis Widner from Berry’s Church of Christ –Mrs. Jackie Hill and from Woodson Chapel Church of Christ Mrs. Linda Smith . These brothers and sisters visited our school as they were on the way traveling to various places to meet other preachers who work at different towns and villages. We are happy to share with you that each one of them spoke for a few minutes and encouraged all the students and teaching staff and non-teaching staff. Mr. John R. Vaughan said that preaching the gospel is a most joyful job on this planet.
Class Room Work: In the month of October we completed Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job and from the New Testament first John, Second John and Third John .
Baptisms: In the month of October 13 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.
Student Ministry :- Our extension centre is located in the city where seven universities are available. There are hundreds of students who are taking their secular education in these universities. Our staff and students have begun a student ministry, where we visit the campuses to meet the students, given them tracts, and discuss the Bible with them.
We praise God for this great opportunity to work with BVBI.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ.
Vijay , behalf of BVBI –Tirupati ‘s extension centre in India.