September Report
End of May 2022
We give glory to God for the end of the month. May His Name be blessed forever, Amen!
Vacation and Resumption date for quarter four.
According to the academic calendar for the year 2022, the third term was scheduled to end on the 9th of September. Students departed to their various destinations on this date after a week of Campaign for souls. The school was scheduled to reopen on 2nd October 2022.
New Campaign Team for Accra
The Accra school has organized a new campaign team with the aim of helping the weekend schools in the Eastern, Southern, Central, and other places of Ghana in church planting and follow-up evangelism. As part of the administrative goal, each weekend school is to plant one church a year with our students being the preachers for such congregations.
School Building
The school building project is in good progress as laborers and masons are doing their best with what has been given them. This progress is hoped to continue in the next months and hence till the end of the year.
Safe Arrival and Departure of Bro Stephen Ashcraft.
Ashcraft’s travel to the country was safe as always, thanks to God. His trips to various parts of the country were safe as well. He departed from the country after honoring his schedules, and we have learned that this departure trip was also without any mishap. We give glory to God very much for this! We are grateful for God’s healing mercies upon our beloved brother Steven Ashcraft when he was taken ill in Ghana.
Some Baptisms of the Month
We are grateful to the Lord as souls accepted the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Four (4) souls were baptized during the visit of our brother E.O. Larbi at Okushebade Golden City. Our Brother and student, Yaw Boadu preaches for this congregation. We say glory be to God.
We are most thankful to God for a successful month and term. We also express our gratitude to the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute USA for their support both physically and spiritually. To all staff members too, we glorify God because of your effort and dedication to duty. May He continually bless you.
We are sad to report the death of two (2) of our members (a student – Bro. Adams of Nsawam Weekend School and Bro. Asare, a graduate in April 2019 – of Nsawam school). Brother Jacob Asare was buried on the 7th of October, 2022, and Brother Adams will be buried same time later on the 19th of November 2022.
These are updates for the month. We request you to keep praying with us.