Lima school finishes course on apologetics

Peace and love of God be with you all,

It is a pleasure to share with you some notes to keep you updated on the progress of the institute here in Peru.

After some consideration we made the decision to return to our old location, I mean the meeting place of the Church of Christ in America. Now that things are returning to normal after the pandemic, we believe that returning to this location will influence the increase in students in the face-to-face mode. We will continue to present the courses in the virtual modality for students who are outside of Lima, but the priority will always be the face-to-face modality.

We have concluded the “Apology” course with Abraham Alata in the month of September, I want to share some thoughts about the course from two students.

“About the Apologetics course, it was good to take it, I have learned a lot because we learned how to approach a person who does not even believe in God, and those who know about God but who are going in the wrong direction and present a good defense using the word of God and understanding the history about the concepts of faith and reason was very interesting to see that perspective of the events that some philosophers presented their declarations and caused conflicts in society in ancient times, thank you very much, brother Juan, God bless you” (Mariela Ramirez ).

“The apology course, personally super interesting, I have learned a lot about apologetics, I know that this will help me a lot to develop better as a Christian and I hope to be of help where I congregate. For me it was something that I did not know. We also had a good teacher like Abraham , who had a lot of patience. I say it for myself, thank you brother for presenting these much-needed lessons for every Christian” (Ethel Lapa).

On Saturday, October 8, we began the "Oratory" course with Andrés Núñez. For this course we have 7 students enrolled. In addition, we delivered two certificates of participation to two of our students who have completed their training program. José Medina is a member of the Church of Christ in Comas (north of Lima) and Alejandro Berrío is a member of the Church of Christ in Villa Alejandro (in the south of Lima). Each certificate was delivered in the congregation of which they are members.

We appreciate all the efforts that are made so that the extensions continue to give instruction to their respective students, including us here in Peru.

Posted on October 19, 2022 .