In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we extend our greetings. These are the activities that took place at Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ash town during the third quarter of 2022.
Classroom activities
This quarter, there were three courses offered. Christian Evidences was covered by Emmanuel Larbi, Homiletics 1 by Kwabena Gyan-Mante, and Old Testament Part 2 (History) by Emmanuel Aggrey. For the aforementioned classes, there were fourteen (14) participants.
Recruiting new students
The Director and other students visited eight (8) churches in Kasoa throughout this quarter in an effort to recruit new students.
Provision of resources
The Coordinator, Mr. Kojo Acquah Beenyi, has sent us twenty desks and commentaries on the book of Romans. We are appreciative to Bear Valley for providing us with these resources, which will enable us to carry out this program.
Director’s visit to Agape Top Church of Christ
On September 18, 2022, the Director, brother Emmanuel Larbi, went to the Agape Top congregation in Ablekuma, Greater Accra, Ghana, to hear Bro. Daniel Kweku Amoh preach a sermon. Agape Top Church of Christ has an average attendance of 65 members. After the service, his strengths and faults were examined with him in order to enhance his presentation abilities. Brother Larbi also asked the leadership about Brother Daniel and how he was helping the church. In the end, the leadership provided an encouraging report.
Practical training
Students have been placed in congregations in Kasoa as part of the Bear Valley requirements so they can undertake their practical training in teaching and preaching. In October 2022, this exercise will commence and end in December 2022, after which it will be evaluated and the students will receive new assignments.
Student profile
Daniel Kweku Amoh is the student profile for this quarter. He is currently 26 years old and was baptized in the year 2012. He has a first-degree Bachelor of Science in Mineral Engineering and teaches chemistry at one of Accra’s secondary schools. He teaches and preaches on Sundays and at sessions during the week. He added the following remarks regarding Bear Valley: “Since relocating to Bear Valley, I have become more adept at comprehending difficult Bible verses. My deepest gratitude goes out to Bear Valley for giving me this opportunity.”
Door-to-door Evangelism
Students embarked on door-to-door evangelism in the neighborhood of Ash Town, Kasoa on September 24th, 2022. Ten students participated in the activity.
We appreciate Bear Valley’s assistance during this quarter. May God replenish them with whatever they have lost. Amen.