End of April, 2021 Report, Accra
We are grateful to the Lord for the end of last quarter and beginning a new quarter in April. The Lord has done much for us through His love, caring, and protecting us against misfortune. We all bless His name and unto the Father.
Having begun this quarter, we have scheduled all curriculums with its instructors. This quarter, we are studying six (6) courses, four (4) being regular classes, and two (2) short courses. These are the courses with its instructors: Book of Romans- Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah; Christian Leadership and Minor Prophet – E.O. Larbi; 1 & 2 Peter – Kwabena Gyan-Mante and Inter-Testamental Period and Epistles of James – Kojo Acquah. The English and ICT Studies are George and Samuel.
Class Activities
Brother Amoo-Gyimah has started with his teaching on the Book of Romans and follows by E.O. Larbi and other subsequent instructors. Currently, we have Eleven (11) students studying the courses above. We also have three (3) students from the Nsawam Extension School joining in with the full-time in the study, in total; they are fourteen (14) men for a class.
Bachelors Class Activities
Since we are running bachelors program in the school, recently, six (6) of the new students met on Friday to study Elementary Greek in order to acquire basic knowledge to further their Greek 1 & 2 classes. Sammy taught this class.
A Visit to Bunso Plant Research Department by Students
As part of the school’s activities, two staff members (Kojo and Sammy) and the students visited the Bunso Plant Research Department to see the kinds of plant, they research into. Much was taught to the students by the assistant and some were bought to be planted on our school land.
BVBI, Directors General Meeting
Recently, on Saturday, 17th April, Brother Steven, and Kojo organized a meeting with all directors of Bear Valley Schools in Ghana, both full-time and extension schools. Directors present were E.O. Larbi for Accra (full-time) school; Sammy – Nsawam Extension School; Joshua (full-time & extension) Takoradi School; Kojo – Kasoa Extension School; Gyan-Mante – Koforidua Extension School; Rexford Agyare Mintah (represented Daniel Kyere Mensah, director) – Sunyani Extension School; and Alex Akosa Karikari (represented Gyan Kesse, director) – Kumasi Extension School.
The meeting was about regular reporting on what happens in the school and financial statement (monthly and quarterly), with descriptive photos; on timely response to emails; signing of Doctrinal Position Statement; Students Campaign and Practical Activities and Introduction to the New Curriculum and many other important discussions.
Having done with this meeting, we were assured of progress.
Our students have been effective on personal evangelism in the school, churches, and invitation by other brethren. Recently, they were invited by other brethren on evangelism, where two (2) souls were baptized to the Lord. Also, in their various congregations, they organize personal evangelism and two (2) souls were baptized. We wish that more souls be converted to the glory of God.
Student’s Profile
We had loved to present one of our recent past students on this profile, by name, Samuel Okyere. This brother is 27 years old but single. He had traveled all the way from the Volta Region of Ghana, about 148.7 km to Accra to pursue knowledge from the Bible, for the benefit to edify the church. Samuel’s parents are Emmanuel Okyere and Victoria Aflanyo. They are not Christians yet; he is trying his best to help them understand the gospel.
Samuel is very humble, faithful in the Lord, and a very hardworking man. He never absented himself from classes and all activities in the evangelistic missions. He was one of the students who graduated in 2020. Having completed the school, he had been useful to the Lord at his area, where he is the evangelist in three (3) congregations. These localities are Okagyakrom – 50 members, Jasikan – 70 members, and Bowiri Anyinase – 30 members. It’s very interesting how he schedules his time to preach for these churches.
We are grateful to have such effective student working for the Lord.
The administration is planning to visit him and these congregations.
Glory be to God for His protection in all activities throughout the month, may the Lord bless you all. Pray with us.