Report April 2021
Introduction-Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His Vineyard.
The school will go on a recess in a week’s time. This will accord the students to go back to their respective homes after completing the third quarter of their first year. They have already finished studying a total of 16 courses.
Students’ highlights –Mathews Mwale (23 years of age) and Gersom Chomba (20 years of age) came to us from Luapula and Northern Provinces of Zambia. They traveled 796 kilometers (495 miles) to come and study here at BVBI-Zambia. While in School they have proved to be very committed to the studies and are always in forefront with the evangelism program which has been spearheaded by Brother Cephas Mwamba. Together with the rest of the students they do weekly outreach programs in evangelism. We believe that evangelism is our greatest mission. We are very glad to report that through evangelism we have witnessed the spiritual births of seven (7) souls in the month of April and four restorations, these efforts are truly turning our students into soul wining instruments many have become Christians. Mathews and Gershom are both single students. As teachers, we have noted with great satisfaction their growth both mentally, physically and spiritually. We have also Boyd Kalaba who is also a skilled mathematics teacher, he first started teaching gospel to pupils at Luanshya girls’ secondary school and now he is helping those struggling in Mathematics and science. May God use his skill to bring many to Christ.
On the other development we have recorded sixteen (16) restorations and nine baptisms through our former students in Ndola district. And as we reported last month Clive Kabika and the central Church of Christ in Kabwe is currently conducting a radio program in Kabwe central province and doing very fine. May our God continue to be praised through all the work being done by our Alumni.
On a sad note- During the night of 23rd April, 2021, thieves broke in and stole the booster pump and press control 1.1kw. This paralyzed our water system for almost a week now and we have only managed to replace press control 1.1kw. During this sad note something constructive came up, we had to engage a local instructor from a trade institute in construction who taught our students and they had to rebuild the broken wall as part of their practicing in bricklaying. Most of our current students did well in this survival skill training.
Visiting Teachers-It was great to see Keith visit again Zambia. Because of his tight schedule, we managed to meet with him in Lusaka and the leadership of central Church of Christ. It was really encouraging and refreshing to see this exceptional breed of a preacher!
It is a known fact that the Covid -19 has affected all the Bear Valley Bible schools in one way or the other. Many had to make several adjustments to keep on the work moving forward. Since Zambia is no longer under any lockdown, we anticipate having Brother Donnie Estep in the first week of June 2021. He is expected to teach the Book of Galatians as a short course. We will also be blessed to have him grace the long awaited graduation ceremony during the same period.
Conclusion- On behalf of BVBI-Zambia and Zambia as a whole, we like to express our profound gratitude to Woodland Oaks church and indeed everyone who supports in any way the school here in Zambia. May God richly bless all of you!
Cephas and Fred